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The article presents an analysis of the features of selected correlators impacting the accuracy of determining the receiver’s range and position in VHF marine environment. The paper introduces the concept of various correlators – including the double delta correlator – and describes the proposed measurement scenarios that have been designed to demonstrate the effectiveness of those components. The entire work was performed as part of the R-Mode Baltic and R-Mode Baltic 2 projects, with our goals including analyzing the impact of multipath phenomena, changes in the sampling frequency or Signac type on the determination of the received signal delay at the receiver. The measured data were processed in a signal correlation application and in a TOA-based tool in order to determine the receiver’s position. This process made it possible to compare the selected correlating devices. The results presented in this article are to be used by IALA in developing a current version of the VHF data exchange system’s (VDES) specification.
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Bibliogr. 24 poz., rys., tab.
- National Institute of Telecommunications, Wireless Systems and Networks Department, Jaśkowa Dolina 15, 80-252 Gdańsk, Poland
- National Institute of Telecommunications, Wireless Systems and Networks Department, Jaśkowa Dolina 15, 80-252 Gdańsk, Poland
- National Institute of Telecommunications, Wireless Systems and Networks Department, Jaśkowa Dolina 15, 80-252 Gdańsk, Poland
- National Institute of Telecommunications, Wireless Systems and Networks Department, Jaśkowa Dolina 15, 80-252 Gdańsk, Poland
- National Institute of Telecommunications, Wireless Systems and Networks Department, Jaśkowa Dolina 15, 80-252 Gdańsk, Poland
- National Institute of Telecommunications, Wireless Systems and Networks Department, Jaśkowa Dolina 15, 80-252 Gdańsk, Poland
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Opracowanie rekordu ze środków MNiSW, umowa nr SONP/SP/546092/2022 w ramach programu "Społeczna odpowiedzialność nauki" - moduł: Popularyzacja nauki i promocja sportu (2024).
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