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Trends of using artificial intelligence in measuring innovation potential

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The field of academic research on corporate sustainability management has gained significant sophistication since the economic growth has been associated with innovation. In this paper, we are to show our research project that aims to build an artificial intelligence-based neurofuzzy inference system to be able to approximate company’s innovation performance, thus the sustainability innovation potential. For this we used an empirical sample of Hungarian processing industry’s large companies and built an adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system.
  • Budapest Business School, Zalaegerszeg Faculty of Business Administration, Hungary, Budapest
  • Budapest Business School, Faculty of Finance and Accountancy, Department of Management, Hungary
  • Budapest Business School, Zalaegerszeg Faculty of Business Administration, Gasparich st. 18/a, 8900, Zalaegerszeg, Hungary
  • Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Romania
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