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Directions of transport systems telematics development in Poland
Języki publikacji
[...]Postęp naukowo-techniczny oraz rozwój informatyki i telekomunikacji spowodował wzrost zainteresowania telematyką w różnych gałęziach gospodarki, w tym w transporcie. Telematyka transportu obejmuje swoim zakresem systemy, które pozwalają wpływać na zachowania uczestników ruchu oraz na działanie systemów technicznych montowanych w środkach transportu lub na trasie przebiegu ruchu. W krajach Unii Europejskiej badania naukowe i wdrożenia ich wyników w transporcie są traktowane jako priorytetowy kierunek polityki proinnowacyjnej. W Polsce natomiast problematyka ta nie jest wciąż dostatecznie dostrzegana.[...]
Scientifi c – technological progress and development of informatics has caused growth of interest in different branches of economies, especially in transport. Transport Telematics includes systems, which allow to affect behavior of traffi c participants and operation of technical system assembled in means of transport or on route of movement. First projects related with Transport Telematics began appearing in the world in seventies last century, however in mid-year nineties has been introduced offi cially the term Intelligent Transport Systems on fi rst congress ITS. In highly developed countries transport innovations are treated as priority direction of research, however these problems are still not suffi ciently noticed in Poland. But fi tting of transport infrastructure potential for economic and social requirements requires application range of different operation, including not only traditional structure of new road, but enforcement into existing infrastructure the new property through realization of Transport Systems Telematics concept. Concept of future polish transport system includes desirable developments for its economy, differs fi rst of all, from present state the arrays of accustomed technological, information and organizational solutions.Scientifi c – technological progress and development of informatics has caused growth of interest in different branches of economies, especially in transport. Transport Telematics includes systems, which allow to affect behavior of traffi c participants and operation of technical system assembled in means of transport or on route of movement. First projects related with Transport Telematics began appearing in the world in seventies last century, however in mid-year nineties has been introduced offi cially the term Intelligent Transport Systems on fi rst congress ITS. In highly developed countries transport innovations are treated as priority direction of research, however these problems are still not suffi ciently noticed in Poland. But fi tting of transport infrastructure potential for economic and social requirements requires application range of different operation, including not only traditional structure of new road, but enforcement into existing infrastructure the new property through realization of Transport Systems Telematics concept. Concept of future polish transport system includes desirable developments for its economy, differs fi rst of all, from present state the arrays of accustomed technological, information and organizational solutions.
Opis fizyczny
Biliogr. 4 poz.
- Politechnika Śląska
- 1. Burnewicz J., Ekspertyza dla Ministerstwa Rozwoju Regionalnego, listopad 2007.
- 2. Plan działań na rzecz społeczeństwa informacyjnego w Polsce, Ministerstwo Infrastruktury, Warszawa 2002.
- 3. Strategia informatyzacji Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej, Komitet Badań Naukowych, Warszawa 2003.
- 4. Strategia rozwoju społeczeństwa informacyjnego w Polsce, Ministerstwo Spraw Wewnętrznych i Administracji, Warszawa 2008.
Typ dokumentu
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