Tytuł artykułu
Warianty tytułu
Regionally Labour Market and the Educational Offer of the Pomeranian Public Universities in the Context of the Europe 2020 Strategy
Języki publikacji
There are 9 public universities In Pomerania that provide educational services mainly at the local level - 97% of students come from the province of Pomerania. The best prospects in the labor market are graduates of medicine, dentistry and Scandinavian languages. With respect to the directions, which have the greatest number of places, mostly they are offered by 2 or 3 public universities. In most cases, the rates of unemployment of graduates of the most available studies is higher than average unemployment rate among graduates in general. Analyzing the mission of each university can be seen dissonance between what university declares as its mission and what constitutes an offer of education. It seems that the greater the difference, the bigger problems in the labor market graduates have.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 13 poz., tab., pełen tekst na CD
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