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The conceptual model of essential expression of innovative activity adaptive planning mechanism at the mechanical engineering enterprises

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In this article we analyzed the recent state and the perspectives of the Ukrainian mechanical engineering complex, characterized main ways to improve the efficiency of this economy sector. Here are determined new quality characteristics of the mechanical engineering enterprise's operational environment. We proposed the classification of existing methods that explain the phenomenon of adaptation and opened their gist. We pointed out the main groups of factors which activate the adaptive planning mechanisms of the innovative activity at the mechanical engineering enterprises. We proposed the definition of "adaptive planning mechanisms of the innovative activity". Here are characterized the components of the adaptive planning mechanisms of the innovative activity at the mechanical engineering enterprises and their influence on its development. We also made prognosis on how enterprises can alternatively demonstrate their adaptive properties, characterized the main phases of mechanical engineering enterprise's development. In this paper we proposed conceptual model of essential expression of innovative activity adaptive planning mechanism at the mechanical engineering enterprises depending on factors which influence it.
  • Department of Personnel Management and Administrating, Lviv Polytechnic National University 79013, Lviv, Banderyst. 12
  • Department of Personnel Management and Administrating, Lviv Polytechnic National University 79013, Lviv, Banderyst. 12
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