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Physicochemical characterization of synclinal spring water of Taoura, region of Souk Ahras – North East Algeria

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The springs of the Taoura region flow from a syncline shaped structure. All resources in the region were mobilized as a result of increased demand. However, the development of anthropic activities and population growth in the area pose risk for groundwater. Analytical results obtained from a series of samplings in November 2017–April 2018, express the quality of water suitable for the irrigation of agricultural land. The highest values are recorded in April 2018 at 20.5 to 21.6°C and pH of 8.0 to 8.2. The study recorded high electrical conductivity from 1390 to 1495 μS∙cm–1 and TDS from 1270 to 1500 mg∙dm–3 in November 2017, which shows important mineralization that characterizes spring water. Physical parameters were measured in situ using a HORIBA multi-parameter probe. Chemical analyses were carried out using NFT 90-005 titration, and nitrogen parameters by DIN 38405-D92 spectrophotometry. Maximum levels of nitrates and phosphates were recorded at 228 and 18.4 mg∙dm–3 respectively. The principal component analysis (PCA) showed a good correlation of the November 2017 period with mineralization parameters. Moreover, there is a strong correlation between the wet period and pollution factors. The two methods of analysis has allowed to distinguish three groups of geochemical water types: a bicarbonate calcium group typical for waters having transited in carbonate horizons. A second chloride calcium group shows basic exchange between water and clay levels, and the third chloride bicarbonate calcium group reveals an enrichment in calcium and chloride, which reflects water circulation with an exchange of the carbonated and evaporitic sedimentary rock matrix.
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