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In 2022-2023 specimens of A. fallax are recorded for the first time in approximately 17 years in Szczecin Lagoon. We collected 11 specimens of juveniles, 9 premature and mature females, and 9 premature and mature males (20.3-40.7 cm of total length, aged from 1+ to 4+). The 2+ aged fish was slightly dominated (34.5% of the whole sample). Females in the Szczecin Lagoon were ready to spawn in the age of 3+ and 4+ years, while males partly in 2+, and in the age of 3+ and 4+. Fulton’s condition factor of this fish was 0.93±0.14 and Clark’s 0.78±0.14. Analysis of correlations between the total length and individual weight of fish revealed that the growth of A. fallax was allometric (b < 3.0). The range of gonadosomatic index (GSI) was 0.12-26.59%, while the mean of the absolute and relative fecundity was 58,756 eggs per female and 139,650 eggs per kilogram of body weight. The obtained results indicate the occurrence of an anadromous population of Alosa fallax in the studied water areas. However, there is still a need to obtain detailed information on the population status and the biology of A. fallax in these areas in order to designate special conservation areas (SACs) for their protection, especially taking into account spawning habitats.
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Bibliogr. 50 poz., mapa, rys., tab.
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- Institute of Technology and Life Sciences – National Research Institute, 3 Hrabska Ave, Falenty, 05-090 Raszyn, Poland
- West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin, Department of Hydrobiology, Ichthyology and Biotechnology of Reproduction, 4 Kazimierza Królewicza St, 71-550 Szczecin, Poland
- West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin, Department of Hydrobiology, Ichthyology and Biotechnology of Reproduction, 4 Kazimierza Królewicza St, 71-550 Szczecin, Poland
- West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin, Department of Hydrobiology, Ichthyology and Biotechnology of Reproduction, 4 Kazimierza Królewicza St, 71-550 Szczecin, Poland
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