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Process – form relationship in the Stołowe Mountains tableland (Central Europe) – an example of strong lithostructural control on geomorphic systems of medium-altitude mountains

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The Stołowe Mountains are a stepped tableland within the Sudetes range, which otherwise represents valley-and-ridge fluvio-denudational relief. Reasons for the distinctiveness of the Stołowe Mountains are lithostructural and related to the presence of a nearly flat-lying clastic sedimentary sequence, with massive sandstone beds separated by fine-grained rock complex. Consequently, the geomorphic system of the area is distinctive too. Lacking long-term measurements of process rates, this paper attempts to provide qualitative characteristics of this system. Under contemporary conditions slope-channel connectivity is very limited and coupling between the two subsystems is episodic at most. Due to low gradient surface processes on extensive plateaus are of very low efficacy, whereas escarpments tend to disintegrate in situ rather than are subject to frequent rock slope failures. Subsurface processes of sand grain detachment, joint-guided transport and removal away from the rock massif play an important part. Rock control in the broad sense is so pervasive that it is nearly impossible to identify with confidence inherited landforms, whether from the Pleistocene or late Neogene.
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Bibliogr. 73 poz., rys., fot.
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