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The COVID-19 pandemic related events taking place in years 2019-2021 exposed numerous gripes afflicting healthcare systems, while at the same time accentuating issues which were previously well known and marginalized. Simultaneously, the same occurrences resulted in forced and rapid shifts of many sectors of the economy towards remote work. In the United States, an estimated number of remote working employees during the pandemic exceeded 50%, while before Covid-19 emerged, it had been below 15%, which testifies to the existence of technical and infrastructure resources, indispensable to the computerization of the economy (Brynjolfsson et al, 2020). However, this is not a universal capability, as there are entire branches of industry and services requiring direct involvement of employees, including i.a. the strategic sector (e.g. the energy sector), industry in the broad sense of the word, or public services (infrastructure maintenance, healthcare etc). In this group, the healthcare system is in a special position, since not only are the healthcare workers at risk of coming into contact with pathogens, due to no possibility of remote based work, but they also engage in efforts to combat the effects of the epidemic among the general public. Despite differences existing among workers, based on their role in the system (f.e. between a general practitioner and hospital employees), immunizing the healthcare system against perturbations in its functionality, is the key task in the context of society as a whole.
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Bibliogr. 19 poz., rys.
- Department of Biomedical Engineering, Silesian Institute of Technology, Roosevelta 40, 41-800, Zabrze
- Health Science Department of the Silesian Medical University, Poniatowskiego 15, 40-055, Katowice
- Department of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry of the Silesian University, Bankowa 14, 40-007, Katowice
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