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Towards change – from classical to contemporary approaches and classification of innovation

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Purpose: The aim of this paper is to capture the changes taking place in terms of capturing innovations, as well as the types of innovations emerging from them, characteristic of two research streams: classical and contemporary. Design/methodology/approach: The methodology applied in the article refers to the methodological canon of management sciences, including, among others, conceptual-theoretical research methodology. On their basis, a critical analysis of foreign and Polish literature on the subject in the field of management science, partly marketing and economics, was carried out. At the same time, a descriptive method and a comparative method were used to interpret and analyze the collected material. Findings: Significant changes taking place in the definition and classification of innovations by selected representatives of the studied currents were recognized. Significant factors causing these changes were identified, as well as the new values that appear in them. On this basis, it was shown that the understanding of innovation is significantly expanded over the years, because of which it should be considered incomplete. This justifies the continuing need to analyze emerging approaches and types of innovation. Research limitations/implications: The analysis of the subject matter in the proposed methodological approach makes it possible to systematize the knowledge of innovation in terms of defining the category "innovation" and its typology. Thus, it increases the recognition of the changes that accompany them. The important role of the factor of time, environment, information technology, values, and new needs of the recipients of innovations in the studied process is recognized. Originality/value: Deepening and updating the knowledge of defining categories of innovation and their classification. Evaluation of progressive changes in the scope of the concepts studied.
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