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Purpose: Management in local governments always depends on the budget possibilities of these entities. Local governments are obliged to perform many public tasks, but they do not always have adequate financial resources. The basic aim of the paper is to examine the management of the operational and investment activity of LGUs in Poland. Design/methodology/approach: The main objective of the study is to systematize the basic concepts and analytical indicators used to quantify the level of operational and investment activity of local governments. The research period covered the years 2012-2017. The paper attempts to verify the main research hypothesis: “The management of operating activity and investments in LGUs in Poland depends on the financial resources generated by these entities at the current and property level.” The main research hypothesis is complemented by 4 detailed hypotheses. The analysis covered in particular 7 groups of indices. Findings: The conducted preliminary and vertical analysis of the budget economy made it possible to indicate the major trends and directions of changes in incomes, budget expenditures and the financial result of the budgets of LGUs at the operational and property level in 2012-2017. Incomes and budget expenditures escalated over the period studied, although in 2015-2016, incomes grew faster than expenditures and, consequently, the budgets of LGUs in Poland showed a budget surplus. Management of operational and investment activity of LGUs is determined, among others, by their financial possibilities and development potential. Unfortunately, after 2015, both the operational and total potential for the development decreased in the units studied. In 2016, the units implemented very moderate investment policies, even though their capability of self-financing was quite high. The revival of the investment activity occurred in 2017. Research limitations/implications: It is possible to continue the research in the following years. Practical implications: It is possible use of research by public sector entities. Social implications: Information on managing operational and investment activities of local government units in Poland. Originality/value: A synthetic approach to the management of operational and investment activities of LGUs in Poland in a selected period of time.
Opis fizyczny
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