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Evaluating the implementation of rural hromads development strategies in Ukraine

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Purpose: This study addresses the lack of standardized evaluation procedures for rural hromada development strategies in Ukraine. The conceptual foundations of the effectiveness of local partnerships for improving efficient rural development have been explored. The study is particularly relevant in contemporary circumstances marked by a high degree of uncertainty due to the influence of military actions by the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine. Another significant factor contributing to the relevance of the research in the field of rural development is the demand for adopting European experience on the path of Ukraine's integration with the European community. Design/methodology/approach: This study addresses the lack of standardized evaluation procedures for rural hromada development strategies in Ukraine. By employing a structured methodology involving critical analysis, comparative assessment, and statistical techniques, the research examines key indicators within the three hromadas of Lviv Oblast. Notably, the study offers a proposal to evaluate strategy implementation and goal achievement, utilizing readily available national and regional indicators, including those outlined in the examined strategies. Findings: The findings underscore that the formulated proposal enables progress measurement towards goal attainment, even in the absence of explicit targets set by hromadas in Ukraine. Originality/value: A methodology for monitoring the implementation of development strategies for hromadas in Ukraine has been developed. It is based on a dynamic rating that assesses the current state and strategic decisions regarding rural development.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 27 poz.
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