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Wykorzystanie opisu taksacyjnego do oceny występowania czeremchy amerykańskiej Prunus serotina Ehrh.

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Use of Tree Stand Description to Assess the Prevalence of American Black Cherry Prunus serotina Ehrh.
Języki publikacji
American black cherry Prunus serotina Ehrh., as in most of Europe, is an invasive species in Poland. Generative and vegetative dynamic propagation makes restoration of native tree species difficult and sometimes even impossible. In dominated communities it can effectively displace the herbaceous species. Hence, there are attempts to combat it, both for economic and protective reasons. The planned project aims (“The prevalence of American black cherry Prunus serotina Ehrh. in the Polish forests – the factors favoring and inhibiting the spread of the species, the models of tree stands susceptible and resistant to its expansion”) at identification of characteristics residing in habitat conditions and species stands composition and their storey’s structure conducive or inhibiting the expansion of P. serotina in Polish forests. The proposed studies will use first of all the information contained in the management plans of state forest holdings, and especially in the protection plans of Nature 2000 areas. On the basis of the full database, available with the consent of the General Directorate of State Forests, a statement regarding the occurrence is black cherry in the forest compartment and subcompartment will be developed. Next, the research methodology assumes the use of the characteristics of black cherry occurrence in a different forest plant storeys; stands and site factors identification that conducive and delay the spread of black cherry in the stands; develop models of tree stands susceptible and resistant to black cherry invasion; the necessary field research will be conducted according to the Polish physiographic division – two forest divisions from every natural-forest region – and they will concern: verification of the plant descriptions degree suitability of the degree of plant descriptions for determining the black cherry quality characteristics in the undergrowth; determination of the environmental occurrence conditions of P. serotina and P. padus L. in the case of their absence of a distinction in the stand descriptions. Realization of this project will allow to acquire new knowledge on the exact range of black cherry in Poland, the isolation of specific habitat and tree stand characteristics conducive or inhibiting its development, and thus facilitate the modeling of the stands potentially vulnerable and resistant to expansion. It is assumed that the project will provide detailed and comprehensive data on the black cherry occurrence on Polish territory, along with the diagnosis of the type of factors that contributed to its invasion. This knowledge will allow for remedial action to restrict and eliminate that species from forest ecosystems, which should be particularly important in developing conservation plans and especially in protection plans in the Nature 2000 areas in which conservation of natural habitats in good condition is our European responsibility. Simultaneously the project will gather rich research material, which may be the basis for future monographic study on this species. This study tested the hypothesis about the possibility of using information on the underbrush, contained in the stand descriptions forest management plans of Polish forest holdings, in studies of American black cherry. Verification was made by comparing the records in the database of tree stand description of 2004 with the results of the inventory of underbrush and black cherry in 256 forest sub-compartments Kowalewo Forest District – Szubin State Forest Division carried out in 2009. Established research hypothesis was confirmed in the environmental conditions conducive to the presence of this species. Therefore, in developing such models stand vulnerable to the expansion of black cherry, laborious and expensive tests can be replaced with an inventory analysis conducted on the basis of electronic databases of stands description.
Opis fizyczny
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