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Thalamotomy is a neurosurgical procedure used in the treatment of advanced Parkinson’s disease (PD). The aim of our research is to evaluate the early impact of a lesion in the ventrointermedial nucleus (VIM) of the thalamus on cognitive and motor function in people with PD. Sixty patients who qualified for right- or leftsided VIM thalamotomy were involved in the study. The cognitive and motor functions of each patient were assessed both prior to and following the surgical procedure. Twenty-nine PD patients without ablative treatment were qualified for the comparison group, and 57 neurologically healthy individuals were assigned to the control group. The following tests were carried out: Mini Mental State Examination, Benton Visual Retention Test, Stroop Color and Word Test, Trail Making Test A&B, and Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test. Statistically significant differences were found in reaction time, visual-spatial working memory, auditory-verbal memory, and overall level of cognitive function when comparing the results of tests carried out before and after thalamotomy and when comparing patients who had undergone surgery with untreated or healthy individuals. In patients with right-sided and left-sided thalamotomy differences were also found in the mean number of perseverative errors and recalled words.
The main purpose of this research was to determine the influence of a therapeutic dose of an opioid drug (methadone) on selected auditory functions in patients addicted to opioids (recognition ICD-10; F11) and undergoing substitution therapy. Various hearing tests were used in this research – pure tone audiometry, impedance audiometry, otoacoustic emission measurement, and a speech in noise test – in two sessions, before and after methadone intake. It was found that methadone causes an improvement in speech intelligibility when speech is presented in speech-like noise, and slightly decreases hearing thresholds [dB HL]. Methadone consumption has no significant impact on distortion product otoacoustic emissions levels (DPOAE). In summary, a prescribed methadone dose does not worsen the hearing of opioid-dependent subjects.
The article explains the principles and goals in creating a computer-based system for the measurement of psychomotor functioning, its functionality, and user interface. To illustrate the capabilities of the system, the results of analysis of the selected psychomotor tests performed in different groups of patients are presented. The usefulness of the presented tool in the quantitative study of psychomotor functioning is assessed.
Content available remote Analysis of tremor in motor learning task
Hand-eye coordination is required in many skilled tasks. Individual differences affect the performance of people at work and leisure, for example, during assembly jobs or sports. The aim of this study was to determine whether motor learning can change the physiological action of hand tremor. Tremor is a repetitive and stereotyped movement, with regular frequency and amplitude, but there are different types of tremors with pattern variation. The results were calculated by participants’ time-on and time-off the target, the average distance from the center of the target, and the frequency of oscillatory movement of a cursor (tremor). The results of this study indicate a statistically significant (p<0.05) influence of effect of task repetition on improvement of motor control and reduction of a high-amplitude tremor and an increase of a low-amplitude tremor. The assessed individuals achieved more than 50% better outcomes of a hand-eye coordination task in the final trials when compared with the initial trials. The dynamics of motor learning tend to rise, with a steady level of a 1-h interval between trials.
Content available remote Human singing as a form of bio-communication
Most probably music, similarly to human speech, represents a biological adaptation [1], and singing is a mode of communication older than speech, present already in ancestors of Homo sapiens [2]. In various species of apes vocal expression has been demonstrated to be linked with expression of emotions [3], which indicates that singing is a carrier of emotional information which in evolution has appeared before formation of Homo sapiens. Hierarchical pattern of processing sound information in human cognitive system [4] allows to assume that singing may induce in the recipient both basic emotions and more complex reactions, linked to altered mood or induction of emotions. Processing of specific musical stimuli evokes specific emotional reactions [5]. Contemporary knowledge on processing of music in the nervous system and evolutionary perspective permit to distinguish such traits of musical course which code data on the type and intensity of emotions. According to the authors, qualitative coding of principal emotions in musical course involves mainly segmental level using physical traits of the sound, such as intensity and timbre of sound while quantitative coding at the suprasegmental level involves mainly changes in tempo and intensity of sounds. In emotional communication conducted through a musical course the shared by the broadcaster and recipient set of culture-specific data on traits of music necessary for its correct processing in specific structures of nervous system, linked to cognitive processes, also plays a significant role. In the study a hierarchical model of singing structure was suggested, which attempts to explain the way in which expression is coded and emotions are perceived in interpersonal communication.
Content available remote The influence of coffee on an eyeball movement
This paper presents a research of in fluences of coffee on dynamic parameters of eyeballs movements. In this study we made use of a head-mounted saccadometer which measures parameters related to eyeball movement (duration, latency, amplitude, peak velocity). 19 people, selected by age, took part in the study. Coffee-consuming group subjects were chosen at random for the experimental group and proper subjects were assigned to the control group without taking coffee. The results of the study were divided into two groups: the first related to saccade dynamics and the second related to reaction time (latency) and accuracy. The statistical significance has not been found in the saccadic duration, amplitude and peak velocity. A significant difference in latency was observed in the Coffee-consuming group, though an increase in the number of mistakes (errors of saccade accuracy) was not observed. In reverse, in the Coffee-consuming group was observed a decrease in the errors of saccade accuracy.
Content available remote Direction-dependent saccadic waveform asymmetry
This paper presents response direction-dependent saccadic velocity waveform asymmetry and direction-dependent difference between means of saccadic parameters of eyeball movement such as duration, latency, amplitude, peak velocity. The research was a preparatory study which aimed to determine repetitive patterns in saccadic velocity waveform (SW). The study also aimed to distinguish different types of SW and eyeball movement direction-dependent waveform asymmetry (SWA).
W artykule przedstawiono zależną od kierunku ruchu oczu asymetrię w profilu prędkości sakad i zależną od kierunku ruchu oczu różnicę pomiędzy średnimi wybranych parametrów skokowych ruchów gałek ocznych tj.: czasem trwania, latencją , amplitudą , prędkością szczytową . Badanie ma charakter wstępnego studium, którego celem jest opisanie powtarzających się wzorców profilu prędkości sakad. Celem badania jest również wyodrębnienie różnych przebiegów profili prędkości sakad oraz ich asymetrii, która związana jest z kierunkiem ruchu oczu.
Motor functioning is linked with cortico-subcortical circuits and can be the biological marker of some disorders. Motor and tension disorders of specific muscles can be monitored during drawing test completion. The advantage of computer aided tests is that they allow to perform mathematical and statistical analysis. By analyzing primary movements parameters and spectrograms of hand tremor during a drawing test, the researcher obtains a diagnostic data set. A digitalized drawing test consists of a pattern (designed by Edward Jacek Gorzelańczyk) on a piece of paper with special figures. Each shape is of diagnostic value for certain motor abilities (precise movement, muscle tone, kinetics of whole hand/arm). A PC digital tablet with an electro-magnetic ballpen allows to register digital data during the test. The application Med Tablet, co-designed by the author of this article, is used to store and analyze the obtained data. Alcohol or other psychoactive substance addiction gives specific tremors that can be observed in a momentary velocity profile. The profile can also contribute to Parkinson’s disease or intention tremor distinction. What is more, motor disorders can be diagnosed in the preclinic phase of the disease. This digitalized drawing test was also used to evaluate the level of thalamotomy or pallidotomy. A tremor affecting any area of the body is transmitted to hand during the drawing task. Digitalized drawing test can become a subclinical motor symptoms diagnostic tool in PD, addiction and motor dysfunctions in other diseases.
Przedstawiono internetowy system Ordalia, który wspomaga organizację konferencji medycznych. System umożliwia obsługę wielu konferencji jednocześnie. Użytkownicy systemu to: organizatorzy, autorzy artykułów naukowych i recenzenci. Rolę głównego recenzenta pełni system. Zaprezentowano funkcje oferowane dla różnego typu użytkowników w postaci formularzy ekranowych. Przedstawiono krótki przegląd użytych metod i narzędzi programowania oraz możliwości rozwoju systemu.
The paper presents the Ordalia internet-based system which helps to organize medical conferences. The system offers the possibility to run many conferences at the same time. The users of the system are: organizers, authors of scientific papers, and reviewers. The role of the general supervisor is played by the system administrator. In the paper, the functionality, offered to different types of users is briefly presented by describing appropriate screen forms. The short review of used methods and programming tools is also included in the final section of the paper. The summary stresses the benefits of the Ordalia system and the possibilities of its future development.
Zaproponowano model komórki piramidowej hipokampa umożliwiający przeprowadzenie obliczeń w środowisku rozproszonym. W modelu uwzględniono: aktywność elektryczną pojedynczych synaps i receptorów glutamatergicznych oraz aktywność jądra komórkowego i transport receptorów. Podstawą modelu jest koncepcja alternatywnego składania genów. Symulator umożliwia na przykład modelowanie potencjałów czynnościowych, efektu przerwy, zjawiska długotrwałego wzmocnienia synaptycznego.
The model of pyramidal cell is proposed. With this model it is possible to make calculations in diffuse environment. This model considers electrical activity of the individual synapses and glutamate receptors, and cell nucleus activity as well as the transport of receptors. The basis of this model is the alternative splicing of genes. The simulator allows for example modeling action potentials, spacing effect, and long term synaptic potentiation.
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