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Blended Wing Body concept offers several advantages compared to traditional aircraft tube and wing concept. The advantages mainly come from the distributed aerodynamic and structural loads, which leads to better aerodynamic performance as well as lighter structural weight. Most of the existing studies were focused on big transport aircraft carrying 400 to 800 passenger. In this study, a conceptual design of a business jet aircraft applying blended wing body concept is carried out. The market forecast for this category of aircraft can reach up to 24000 aircraft in the next 20 years. The possibility of having larger cross section is one of the competitive advantages, notably in a long-range flight. The requirement stated was to fly a trans-atlantic flight and carrying up to 18 passengers. It has to have a low floor height permitting easy passenger access. The design process consists of initial weight estimation, initial sizing, and preliminary aerodynamics, weight and balance and performance analysis. Some design consideration specially related with Blended Wing Body concept will be discussed, i.e. take-off and landing aerodynamics, structural concept, stability and control. The final design resulted in twin-engine aircraft, a Maximum Take-off Weight of 44 ton, cabin floor area of 6.9 x 10 m, winglet and split rudder for directional stability and control, and elevons for longitudinal and lateral control.
Micro Coaxial Helicopter with compact size and vertical takeoff ability offers a good Micro Aerial Vehicle (MAV) configuration to handle indoor mission such as search, rescue and surveillance. An autonomous MAV helicopter equipped with micro vision devices could provide more information of the scene, in which the human present is risky. Toward an autonomous flight, mathematical model of the helicopter should be obtained before controller design takes place. This paper will discuss the mathematical modelling, simulation and identification of a micro coaxial helicopter. The mathematical model of the micro coaxial helicopter will be presented, in which total forces and moment are expressed as a Taylor series expansion as function of the state and control variables. The mathematical model will be used to simulate the helicopter responses due to control input. The simulation was used to obtain better understanding of the characteristics of the helicopter before flight test program are performed. Flight test program dedicated to identify the parameter of the micro coaxial helicopter have been carried out. The micro coaxial helicopter was instrumented with sensory system to measure some input and output variables. The use of Kalman filter to estimate the state and total least squares to estimate the aerodynamic parameter of micro coaxial helicopter based on the flight test data will be presented. Some identification results and model validation will be given in this paper.
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