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Przenośnik zgrzebłowy do prac ratowniczych typu PRJZR-400 przeznaczony jest do stosowania w wszystkich miejscach, gdzie istnieje konieczność szybkiego dotarcia do osób poszkodowanych lub przygotowania miejsca zdarzenia pod właściwą akcję ratunkową tj. w kopalniach, placach budowy, w miejscach kataklizmów takich jak trzęsienia ziemi. Lekka i modułowa budowa urządzenia pozwala na szybki transport poszczególnych jego elementów do miejsca docelowej zabudowy, a wprowadzona uniwersalność konstrukcji umożliwia dowolną jego konfigurację, zależnie od wymaganej długości (max. 40m), czy medium zasilania - napięcie elektryczne, sprężone powietrzne, emulsja wodna lub woda pod odpowiednim ciśnieniem. Urządzenie jest transportowane w specjalnych kontenerach, które dzięki swojej budowie można przewozić na platformach kołowych lub za pomocą transportu podwieszanego.
The scraper conveyor is designed to be used in all places where there is a need to quickly reach the injured or prepare the scene for a proper emergency rescue operation, i.e. in mines, construction sites, in places of natural disasters such as earthquakes. The light and modular structure of the conveyor allows for quick transport of its individual elements to the final location, and the introduced universal design of the structure enables adaptable configuration, depending on the required length (max. 40m), or the supply medium - electric voltage, compressed air, water emulsion or water under suitable pressure. The conveyor is transported in special containers, which, thanks to their construction, can be transported on wheeled platforms or by suspended transport.
Content available Risk management in JZR Development Programme
Purpose: The main purpose of undertaken research was the analysis of risk management, especially, the adequate identification of risk factors and planning actions reducing their adverse effects. Ongoing monitoring of these risks is crucial to achieve the effects of investment project implementation. Design/methodology/approach: The authors present the research results concerning risk management in JZR (Jastrzębskie Zakłady Remontowe) Development Programme. Risk is an immanent element in the activity of a production company. Therefore, it requires an adequate approach in order to achieve the maximization of economic effects. The JZR Development Programme is a good example of the complexity of processes that should be taken into account in risk management of an investment project. Findings: The specificity of machine building enterprises determines the scope and scale of the necessary activities for efficient and effective risk management. The main scientific problem focuses on the analysis and categorization of risk factors. As a result, the authors determine appropriate responses to identified risks in the JZR Development Programme. Originality/value: The development of risk response is crucial for the success of the analysed project. These actions allow to reduce the negative impact of risk factors on the project’s timeliness, project’s budget as well as economic and technical-technological effects. Another necessary process within risk management is constant monitoring of a project implementation in accordance with the adopted methodology, which enables current updating of emerging new threats to the project implementation and developing necessary actions to minimize the threats.
The publication presents the assumptions of the unification process of machines and equipment produced by Jastrzębskie Zakłady Remontowe Sp. z o. o. and operating at the coal mines of the JSW Capital Group. It outlines a solution adopted by JZR Sp. z o. o. addressing this issue. The authors identify the potential benefits of the process to the entire Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa Capital Group, but they also mention the risks that may arise during its implementation. The publication also presents the first results of the unification, observed on the basis of the unified equipment and machinery of the coal clearance system for transporting people, coal and materials, which has already been put into operation in underground mining excavations. It also includes a chapter devoted to the influence of the unification on the development of “technical thought,” i.e. on the innovativeness of the equipment for transporting people, coal and materials newly produced by Jastrzębskie Zakłady Remontowe Sp. z o. o. which are to be implemented in the near future. New, innovative solutions are presented, which were introduced both in the unified transport devices such as chain and belt conveyors and in devices cooperating with them, i.e. lump breakers, pushing devices and other accessory equipment for the conveyors.
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