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The exact delineation of tumour boundaries is of utmost importance in the planning of cancer therapy, either surgery or pre- or post-operative radiation treatment. In the case of breast cancer one of the most advanced modalities is magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Although MRI scans provide wealth of information about the structure of a tumour and the surrounding tissues, the data obtained represent the patient in a prone position, with breast, in a coil while surgery is performed in a supine position, on lying breast. There is no doubt that a patient's breast in both positions has a different shape and that this influences the intra-breast relations. Our present preliminary study introduces a simple breast model developed from prone images. The model should be built rapidly and by a simple procedure, based only on essential structures, and the goal is to prove its usefulness in treatment planning.
Content available Tomografia komputerowa w neuroradiologii
Obserwując historię tomografii komputerowej, można bez wahania stwierdzić, że to neuroradiologia była stymulatorem powstania i rozwoju TK. Zarówno pierwszy prototyp tomografii, jak i pierwsze komercyjnie dostępne skanery byty przeznaczone do badań głowy. Dopiero w okresie późniejszym rozszerzono zakres możliwości aplikacyjnych tomografów na badania całego ciała.
Synthesis of quantitative parametric images in DSC-MRI is presented. Critical review of major limitations of the DSC-MRI method is discussed. It includes investigation of measurement procedures/conditions as well as parametric image synthesis methodology. Simulations, as well as phantom studies were used to verify theoretical limitations of the DSC-MRI. Especially, estimation of the contrast (Gd-DTPA) concentration by EPI measurements, the role of a phantom and its pipes orientation, influence of a bolus dispersion, bolus arrival time, and other signal parameters on an image quality. As a conclusion testing software package is proposed.
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