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The primary objective of this research can be divided into two separate aspects. The first one was to verify whether own software can be treated as a viable source of data for the Computer Aided Design (CAD) modelling and Computational Fluid Dynamics CFD analysis. The second aspect was to analyze the influence of the Ventricle Assist Device (VAD) outflow cannula positioning on the blood flow distribution in the brain-supplying arteries. Patient-specific model was reconstructed basing on the DICOM image sets obtained with the angiographic Computed Tomography. The reconstruction process was performed in the custom-created software, whereas the outflow cannulas were added in the SolidWorks software. Volumetric meshes were generated in the Ansys Mesher module. The transient boundary conditions enabled simulating several full cardiac cycles. Performed investigations focused mainly on volume flow rate, shear stress and velocity distribution. It was proven that custom-created software enhances the processes of the anatomical objects reconstruction. Developed geometrical files are compatible with CAD and CFD software - they can be easily manipulated and modified. Concerning the numerical simulations, several cases with varied positioning of the VAD outflow cannula were analyzed. Obtained results revealed that the location of the VAD outflow cannula has a slight impact on the blood flow distribution among the brain supplying arteries.
Content available remote Modified virtual blade method for propeller modelling
The emergence of large, propeller-based aircraft has revived interest in propeller design and optimization with the use of numerical methods. The flow complexity and computational time necessary to solve complicated flow patterns trailing behind rotating blades, created a need for faster than fully resolved 3D CFD, yet comparably accurate methods for validating multiple design points in shorter time. Improved Virtual Blade Method (VBM) for 2-bladed propeller, including method implementation, analysis and validation against 3D numerical and experimental data is presented. The study introduces adjustments to the original method, accounting for differences between VBM and fully resolved numerical models. These modifications prove to increase the model accuracy for the propeller under consideration and could potentially be applied for different blade configurations as well. The modified Virtual Blade Method allows one to compute the propeller performance with comparable accuracy to 3D CFD computation using only 10% of time needed for one computational point.
Content available remote Leasing – nowoczesny sposób finansowania
Leasing staje się coraz popularniejszą formą finansowania biznesowych inwestycji. Tylko w minionym roku ich wartość wyniosła 58,1 mld zł. Po tę formę finansowania sięgają najczęściej branże: budowlana, transportowa i produkcyjna.
Content available remote Leasing - a modern way of financing
The popularity of leasing as a method of funding business investment projects is on the increase. In the past year alone, the value of projects financed in this way was PLN 58.1 billion. This form of financing is most frequently used by enterprises operating in the construction, transport and production sectors.
In medical terms, fenestration stands for an anomaly within the circulatory system in which the blood vessel lumen is divided into two separate channels that rejoin in the distal part of this vessel. The primary objective of this research was to analyze the impact of the left vertebral artery (LVA) and basilar artery (BA) fenestrations on the blood flow characteristics in their regions and downstream, in the cerebral circulation. The geometrical data, obtained from the angio-Computed Tomography, were the basis for the generation of a 3D model in SolidWorks 2015. In order to observe the flow characteristics within the whole spatial domain, computational fluid dynamics was involved in performing simulations of the blood flow in the patient-specific arterial system (beginning with the aortic arch and finishing with the Circle of Willis). To examine the flow distribution changes resulting from altered fenestration geometries, additional models were built. The blood flow velocity, volume flow rate and shear stress distribution were analyzed within this study. It was proven that the length/size/ position of the fenestration altered the flow characteristics in different manners. The investigations showed that the patient-specific LVA, at the V3 section (extracranial part of the artery located between the spine and the skull), is not a reason of aneurysm formation. However, BA fenestration at the proximal segment might be a possible reason of future aneurysm formation. It was proven that the computational fluid dynamics tool could support medical diagnostic procedures and multivessel brain vascular disease treatment planning.
Zaprezentowano użyteczność metod numerycznej mechaniki płynów dla zwiększenia skuteczności sorpcji sorbera przepływowego. Przedstawione zjawisko zachodzi w układach przepływowych, dla których prędkości płynącego czynnika nie zapewniają odpowiedniego stopnia jego mieszania, a tym samym czynnik sorbowany ma utrudniony dostęp do powierzchni sorbującej. Prędkość przepływu jest zbyt mała, aby zachodził przepływ burzliwy, a zbyt duża, aby mogło zachodzić efektywne zjawisko dyfuzji.
The efficiency of Hg vapor sorption from the gas stream flowing through an absorber (flow rate 0.5–167 cm³/s) was detd. exptl. on an sulfonitrided steel sheet. The increase of gas velocity resulted in a decrease in sorption efficiency. Computer simulations of the sorption process were performed. The factors causing growth of gas flow turbulence (the distances between the absorber elements and their position relative to the flowing gas) had a significant influence on the process.
Content available remote Wybrane problemy sygnalizacji stosowanej na polskich kolejach
Artykuł związany jest z analizą regulacji prawnych i instrukcji wewnętrznych narodowego zarządcy infrastruktury kolejowej związanych z projektowaniem urządzeń i systemów srk. Analizie i ocenie poddano nietypowe przykładowe rozwiązania projektowe przebudowywanych linii i stacji kolejowych wzorując się na rozwiązaniach istniejących. Jako wynik przeprowadzonych analiz autorzy proponują konkretne rozwiązania przeznaczone do stosowania w wybranych aspektach projektowania sygnalizacji kolejowej. Rozwiązania te wymagają uszczegółowienia regulacji prawnych tak, by możliwa była ichjednoznaczna interpretacja.
The article is concerned with the analysis of law regulations and instructions of the national railway infrastructure manager related to the devices and railway traffic control systems designing. Authors analyzed and evaluated examples of unusual design solutions on the modernized railway lines and stations modeled on existing solutions. As a result of carried analysis of the national rules, authors proposed solutions intended for use in some aspects of the lines and stations designing. These solutions require modifications (detailing) of law regulations and railway infrastructure manager instructions to allow their unambiguous interpretation.
Content available Przepływ informacji w procesach transportowych
Przepływ informacji jest niezbędny do prawidłowego funkcjonowania przedsiębiorstwa, ponieważ bez odpowiednich danych nie jesteśmy w stanie podejmować kluczowych decyzji odnośnie funkcjonowania firmy. Właściwy przepływ informacji pomaga w sprostaniu oczekiwaniom klienta, natomiast błędne informacje mogą narazić przedsiębiorstwo na straty materialne i wizerunkowe. Wprowadzenie systemów informatycznych klasy ERP oraz systemu GS1 usprawni przepływy informacji wewnątrz przedsiębiorstwa jak i między kontrahentami
Flow of informations is crucial for enterprise . Due to right flow of informations enterprise is able to make A quick decision and realize profit. Enterprise can improve a flow of informations over to implementation the computer system ERP and system GS1.
The arterio-venous fistula is a widely accepted vascular access for haemodialysis - a treatment for the end-stage renal disease. However, a significant number of complications (stenoses, thromboses, aneurysms) of fistulas can occur, which are related to the geometry of the anastomosis and the local abnormal hemodynamics. Local flow conditions, in particular the wall shear stress (WSS), are thought to affect sensitive endothelial cells on the inner vessel wall, which leads to intimal hyperplasia. This study presents the results obtained from numerical simulations of the blood flow through three patient-specific end-to-end fistulas which were assessed to be more likely dysfunctional than the end-to side ones. Unsteady and comparative steady-state simulations of blood flow were performed in ANSYS CFX. The obtained results show behaviour of the blood, velocity fields, shear strain, vorticity range, blood viscosity changes, a WSS distribution on vessel walls and give information about the flow rate in the veins receiving blood from fistulas. Blood flow animations are attached to the online version of the paper. Numerical methods seem to be the only opportunity to provide complete information on the distribution and range of the WSS for complicated shapes of blood vessels used to fistula creation, however the WSS is strongly dependent on the local geometry and mesh quality. High values of the shear strain, associated with elevated values of shear stress, found in each model, could increase a risk of haemolysis. High shear environment with raised vorticity can result in activation of platelets and further platelet aggregation and thrombosis.
Treść referatu związana jest z analizą regulacji prawnych i instrukcji wewnętrznych największego polskiego zarządcy infrastruktury kolejowej. Związane są one z projektowaniem i eksploatacją systemów sterowania ruchem kolejowym. Analizie i ocenie poddano przykładowe rozwiązania projektowe, dotyczące rozwiązań w zakresie kolejowej sygnalizacji świetlnej na przebudowywanych liniach i stacjach kolejowych. Dokonano również analizy przepisów regulujących rodzaj wyświetlanych sygnałów w odniesieniu do poszczególnych sytuacji. Jako wynik przeprowadzonych analiz przepisów krajowych autorzy proponują ujednolicenie zapisów dotyczących sygnalizacji świetlnej. Wymagają one uszczegółowienia regulacji prawnych i instrukcji wewnętrznych zarządcy infrastruktury kolejowej.
Modern classical power generation systems, based on power plants in Poland, where coal (hard bituminous coal or lignite) is the primary energy source, operate under variable loading conditions. Thus, all machines working in the technological system of the power generation unit are required to be adapted to variable loading, and, consequently, to operate beyond the design point of their performance characteristics. High efficiency of the process requires the efficiency of individual devices to be high, beyond the design point, as well. For both air and exhaust gases fans, an effective control system is needed to attain a high level of efficiency. As a result of cooperation between two institutes from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Lodz University of Technology, and the Vibroson company, a new design of the radial fan with impeller movable blades, which allows for controlling the device operation within a wide range, has been developed. This new design and determination the performance characteristics for two geometrical variants of blades with computational fluid dynamics methods are presented. The obtained results have been compared to the results of the measurements of fan performance curves conducted on the test stand.
The Polish Geological Institute - National Research Institute (PGI-NRI) acts as the Polish Geological Survey (PGS) and is the main provider of geological maps in Poland. Since 1953 the Polish Geological Institute ’s activities have been focused on the construction of multi-sheet map editions covering the whole territory of the country. The most important map - first edition of the Detailed Geological Map of Poland in scale of1 : 50,000 (DGMP 1 : 50,000) - will be fully compiled in GIS technology in 2020. It is a basic map used for preparation of all other thematic maps and databases in the country, both in detailed and regional scale. Due to increased interest in geoturism in Poland, the PGS has started to elaborate geological-tourist maps, what is one of the basic forms of geoturism popularization.
Content available remote Development of a CFD model for propeller simulation
The article presents a development of numerical model for a single propeller simulation and comparison of obtained results with experimental data available from a test campaign in scale 1:1. Described simulation is a steady state computation taking advantage of Multiple Reference Frame model implemented in Ansys CFX. The paper includes an analysis of rotating domain thickness influence on numerical values of thrust and power. The results indicate that this type of simulation may be sensitive to the sizing of rotating domain especially when disc solidity is low, or when the number of blades is 2, a frequent situation in all electric flight vehicles. The analysis shows that performing simulations, using one domain sizing, for a number of flight scenarios requiring analysis of a few rotational speeds can produce unintuitive results. Therefore, it is suggested to calibrate the model, preferably by experimental results.
Emisja rtęci z procesów spalania węgla nie wynika ze stosowanych technologii, a jest efektem naturalnego składu węgli. Poziom rtęci w polskich węglach waha się w szerokim zakresie. Z badań krajowych wynika, że średnia zawartość rtęci w węglu kamiennym wynosi od 50 do 150 ppb, a w brunatnym - od 120 do 370 ppb [5].
Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate the blood flow in the end-to-side arteriovenous (a-v) fistula, taking into account its pulsating nature and the patient-specific geometry of blood vessels. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) methods were used for this analysis. Methods: DICOM images of the fistula, obtained from the angio-computed tomography, were a source of the data applied to develop a 3D geometrical model of the fistula. The model was meshed, then the ANSYS CFX v. 15.0 code was used to perform simulations of the flow in the vessels under analysis. Mesh independence tests were conducted. The non-Newtonian rheological model of blood and the Shear Stress Transport model of turbulence were employed. Blood vessel walls were assumed to be rigid. Results: Flow patterns, velocity fields, the volume flow rate, the wall shear stress (WSS) propagation on particular blood vessel walls were shown versus time. The maximal value of the blood velocity was identified in the anastomosis – the place where the artery is connected to the vein. The flow rate was calculated for all veins receiving blood. Conclusions: The blood flow in the geometrically complicated a-v fistula was simulated. The values and oscillations of the WSS are the largest in the anastomosis, much lower in the artery and the lowest in the cephalic vein. A strong influence of the mesh on the results concerning the maximal and area-averaged WSS was shown. The relation between simulations of the pulsating and stationary flow under time-averaged flow conditions was presented.
Przedstawiono wyniki badań laboratoryjnych procesu termiczno-katalitycznego rozkładu sulfidu bis(2-chloroetylu) (iperytu siarkowego) w warunkach dynamicznych i statycznych na impregnowanych solami metali (Cu, Ag, Au i Fe) włókninach węglowych w temp. 80°C.
Mustard gas was adsorbed on the Fe, Cu, Au and Ag saltsimpregnated activated C nonwovens under dynamic and static conditions at 80°C to study its catalytic decompn. in air stream. The Fe-contg. sorbent was the most active catalyst of the reaction.
Wprowadzenie roweru miejskiego będącego dopełnieniem systemu transportu publicznego w wielkich aglomeracjach, a głownie w najbardziej zatłoczonych centrach miast, wydaje się być bardzo dobrym rozwiązaniem, które może przyczynić się do redukcji zanieczyszczeń powietrza oraz zmniejszenia poziomu hałasu. Transport rowerowy w wielu sytuacjach może doskonale uzupełniać braki w transporcie publicznym, np. nocami, w święta oraz w dni, w których autobusy kursują w ograniczonym zakresie. W artykule przedstawiono funkcjonowanie wdrożonego pod koniec roku 2014 systemu roweru miejskiego w Lublinie. Przedstawiono podstawowe informacje dotyczące tego systemu, jego wady i zalety oraz istniejącą infrastrukturę oraz perspektywy rozwoju.
The introduction of urban bike which complements the public transport system in the big cities, and mainly in the most congested urban centers seems to be a very good option, which can help to reduce air pollution and noise. Cycling in many situations may well complement deficiencies in public transport, e.g.: at night, on holidays and days on which buses run to a limited extent. The article presents the functioning of the city bike system in Lublin implemented by the end of 2014. The basic information about the system, its strengths and weaknesses as well as the existing infrastructure and development perspectives were presented.
Ideą pracy nowoczesnego magazynu jest możliwie jak najszybsza realizacja zamówień klientów, która opiera się na drobiazgowym planowaniu dużej ilości złożonych procesów logistycznych. Coraz więcej przedsiębiorstw decyduje się wprowadzić informatyczny system zarządzania magazynem - WMS. Działanie takie umożliwia zoptymalizowanie procesów magazynowych składowania, kompletacji i wydawania co przekłada się na wzrost zysków zarządzającego magazynem przy jednoczesnej redukcji kosztów.
The idea of a modern warehouse operation is the fastest possible execution of customer orders, which is based on the meticulous planning of large amounts of complex logistics processes. More and more companies decide to introduce computerized warehouse management system – WMS. Doing so allows you to optimize warehouse processes of storage, picking and dispensing which translates into increased profits inventory management while reducing costs.
Przedstawiono zagrożenia wynikające z emisji rtęci z procesów technologicznych, szczególnie z instalacji energetycznych, w których spalany jest węgiel. Omówiono także założenia i zakres nowego projektu realizowanego przez Politechnikę Łódzką i PGE GiEK SA, którego celem jest opracowanie innowacyjnej technologii wychwytywania rtęci z gazów spalinowych bloków energetycznych zasilanych węglem brunatnym.
A system for sorption of Hg on solid developed Fe sulfides and nitrides-contg. surfaces was taken into consideration.
W pracy przedstawiono problematykę dotyczącą emisji rtęci z procesów spalania węgla w elektrowniach konwencjonalnych. Omówiono założenia i cele projektu: „Opracowanie i wdrożenie technologii redukcji emisji rtęci do atmosfery z procesów spalania węgla”, który realizowany jest we współpracy Politechniki Łódzkiej z PGE GiEK SA, Oddział Elektrownia Bełchatów (największą w Polsce i Europie elektrownią, opalaną węglem brunatnym).
The study presents issues related to mercury emission from combustion of coal in conventional power plants. It also discusses foundations and objectives of the project: “Development and implementation of technology for reduction of atmosphere mercury emission from coal combustion” that is carried out by Lodz University of Technology in cooperation with PGE GiEK SA, Belchatow Power Plant (the biggest in Poland and Europe lignite-fired power plant).
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