The overriding and far-reaching aim of our work has been to achieve a good understanding of the processes of light interaction with phytoplankton in the sea and to develop an innovative physical model of photosynthesis in the marine environment,suita ble for the remote sensing of marine primary production. Unlike previous models,the present one takes greater account of the complexity of the physiological processes in phytoplankton. We have focused in particular on photophysiological processes,whic h are governed directly or indirectly by light energy,or in which light, besides the nutrient content in and the temperature of seawater,is one of the principal limiting factors. To achieve this aim we have carried out comprehensive statistical analyses of the natural variability of the main photophysiological properties of phytoplankton and their links with the principal abiotic factors in the sea. These analyses have made use of extensive empirical data gathered in a wide diversity of seas and oceans by Polish and Russian teams as well as by joint Polish-Russian expeditions. Data sets available on the Internet have also been applied. As a result,a set of more or less complex,semi-empir ical models of light-stimulated processes occurring in marine phytoplankton cells has been developed. The trophic type of sea, photo-acclimation and the production of photoprotecting carotenoids,c hromatic acclimation and the production of various forms of chlorophyll-antennas and photosynthetic carotenoids,cell adaptation by the package effect, light absorption, photosynthesis, photoinhibition,the fluorescence effect,a nd the activation of PS2 centres are all considered in the models. These take into account not only the influence of light,but also, indirectly,tha t of the vertical mixing of water; in the case of photosynthesis,the quantum yield has been also formulated as being dependent on the nutrient concentrations and the temperature of seawater. The bio-optical spectral models of irradiance transmittance in case 1 oceanic waters and case 2 Baltic waters,dev eloped earlier,a lso are described in this paper. The development of the models presented here is not yet complete and they all need continual improvement. Nevertheless,w e have used them on a preliminary basis for calculating various photosynthetic characteristics at different depths in the sea,su ch as the concentration of chlorophyll and other pigments, and primary production. The practical algorithm we have constructed allows the vertical distribution of these characteristics to be determined from three input data: chlorophyll a concentration,irradiance, and temperature at the sea surface. Since all three data can be measured remotely,ou r algorithm can be applied as the ‘marine part’ of the remote sensing algorithms used for detecting marine photosynthesis.