Introduction. A systematic increase in the frequency of excessive body mass in young Poles is an argument supporting the need for identification persons with the increased risk. It is justified to test the level of comparability of the applied screening methods and criteria of diagnosing excessive body mass and body fat in the adolescent group. Aim. To assess the comparability of the results in terms of frequency of diagnosing of overweight and body fat excessive content depending on the method and assessment criteria in 18-year-olds. Material and methods. The study comprised 141 secondary school students (100 women and 41 men), with the age median of 17.8 ± 0.5 years. The measurements included height and body mass (to calculate the BMI) and assessment of the percentage of body fat content with two methods of bioelectric impedance in two bipolar versions: Tanita BC-570 and Omron BF-306. Results. Excessive body mass, as defined by the BMI, was found in 12.1% of students. The incidence of diagnosing excessive contents of body fat in the organism depended on the method of measurement and criteria of results interpretation; 20.6% with the Tanita and 28.3% with the Omron method. The measurements with Tanita BC-570 scales demonstrated stronger correlation with BMI value (p<0.001; r2=0.34) than measurements with the Omron BF-306 (p<0.001; r2=0.16). Conclusions. In young adults: 1. the diagnosis of excessive body mass by BMI and measurement with use of the bioelectric impedance methods with two bipolar versions (Tanita BC-570, Omron BF-306) provided inconsistent results. 2. The proportion of young people with excessive body fat was greater than indicated by the BMI norms. 3. The measurement with Tanita BC-570 scales demonstrated stronger correlation with BMI values than by the ones with the Omron. 4. Critical approach to the applied methods is indispensable in screening studies of nutrition level among adolescents.
Introduction The objective of the study was to assess health behaviours in a group of cardiac patients after implantation of cardioverter-defibrillator and to assess the correlation between health behaviours and selected sociodemographic and clinical variables. Health behaviours are an essential element of daily activities in every human’s life; if they are positive, they may improve health. A growing significance of health behaviours such as proper eating habits, preventive measures, health practices and a positive mental attitude can be observed in cardiac patients. Material and methods The study was carried out in a group of 176 patients with implanted cardioverter-defibrillator. The average age of respondents was 62.36 (SD=15.41). The study group consisted mainly of men (78.41%). The study was carried out with the application of a self-designed questionnaire and Health Behaviour Inventory according to Juczyński.ResultsThe vast majority of respondents (71.02%) were characterized by a high level of health behaviours. The highest intensity of health behaviours was observed in the case of health practices (average score 4.09; SD=0.63). The lowest score was obtained in the sphere of proper eating habits (average score 3.62; SD=0.77). Variables: age, gender, marital status, education, professional activity, living with family, support or ischaemic heart disease had a significant impact on particular categories of health behaviours Conclusions The vast majority of respondents reported a high level of health behaviours. The aspect which was scored the highest by patients was health practices, contrary to proper eating habits. There was a significant correlation between health behaviours and selected variables.
Introduction The occurrence of chronic diseases, like heart failure (HF) or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD),significantly influences both seniors’ nutritional status and the quality of their life. Aim of the study Determination of the relationship between a nutritional status and a life quality among patients with HF and/or patients with COPD aged over 65. Material and methods The study group consisted of 120 hospitalized people aged over 65, suffering from NS and/or COPD. Tools used in the study: own construction questionnaire, MNA scale and SF-36v2®Health Survey. Results 55.8% of patients were in danger of malnutrition, 10.0% were undernourished. An average value of the quality of life index was62.54±13.15pt, physical dimension – 72±13.67 pt and mental – 44.58±18.87 pt. Quality of life index and its physical and mental dimensions dependedon nutritional status assessed by MNA scale (p<0.001). Conclusions 1) The nutritional status of the majority of respondents was unsatisfactory. 2) The quality of life in the study group was not high. 3) The general level of lifequality, as well as its physical and mental dimensions, were significantly different depending on the nutritional status of the subjects.
Introduction Taking care of a close relative who is coming to the end of their life may lead to negative consequences for their caregivers including the symptoms of multidimensional burden. Aim of the study The aim of the study was the assessment of the burden in a group of informal caregivers. Material and methods The study was conducted in a group of 30 informal caregivers whose close relatives were taken into hospice care. A Polish version of Caregiver Burden Scale was applied in the study. Results The highest level of burden was observed on the General strain (Mean=2.71) and Disappointment (Mean=2.48) subscales, whereas the lowest level on the Emotional involvement subscale (Mean=1.78). A statistically significant correlation was found between the total score (p=0.009), the level of burden on the Isolation(p=0.012) and Environment (p=0.026) subscales and the period of time during which care was provided. Conclusions Although in the examined group of caregivers a moderate level of burden was observed on all the subscales except the Emotional involvement one, an analysis of particular cases showed a high level of burden on various subscales in some respondents.
Aim Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy provides a means of feeding patients when natural oral intake is impossible. Appropriate PEG care not only prevents complications but also improves patients’ comfort and their quality of life. Aim An analysis of the correlation between nurses’ knowledge about care provided to PEG patients and their sense of self-efficacy. Material and methods The study was conducted in a group of 85 nurses participating in various forms of postgraduate courses dedicated to nurses from Małopolska region. It was carried out with the application of Generalized Self- -Efficacy Scale (GSES) and a specially designed questionnaire consisting of two parts, first of which was focused on basic sociodemographic data, whereas the other one included questions checking the level of knowledge about taking care of patients with PEG. Results The average score obtained by the respondents in the test checking their knowledge was 17.9 (SD=6.80), and the high or average level of knowledge about taking care of PEG patients was observed in the case of 32.94% of respondents (n=28). No statistically significant correlation was found between nurses’ knowledge and their sense of self-efficacy (p>0.05). Conclusions 1. The level of nurses’ knowledge about taking care of patients with PEG is unsatisfactory. 2. The type of nurses’ professional education and their workplace had a significant impact on their level of knowledge about taking care of patients with PEG. 3. It is necessary to constantly improve the qualifications of the nursing staff in the care of patients with PEG.
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