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tom 56
nr 2
Stosując E-test i dwie techniki krążkowe - DDST i DD wykrywano ESBLs wśród 148 klinicznych szczepów E. coli i 78 szczepów K pneumoniae. Wykazano 100% zgodność wyników uzyskanych przy zastosowaniu w/w metod do wykrywania ESBLs wśród szczepów K pneumoniae. W wykrywaniu ESBLs wśród szczepów E. coli stwierdzono 100% zgodność wyników w E-teście i teście DD, natomiast 75% w metodzie DDST. Dokonano również analizy lekowrażliwości badanych szczepów bakteryjnych.
The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of E-test and two disc methods applied for the detection of extended spectrum ß-lactamases. All strains were tested by E-test, by double-disc synergy test (DDST) according to Jarlier (cefotaxim, ceftazidim, aztreonam and clavulanic acid) and also by disc test according to Appleton (Cefpodoxime and Cefpodoxime with clavulanic acid, CPD and CD01 disc). We tested 148 clinical strains of E. coli and 78 strains of K. Pneumoniae. In case of K. pneumoniae, the activity of the ESBLs was detected among 30 strains — both in E-test, Jarlier test and Appleton test. Among E. coli, four strains were found ESBL-positive in the test according to Jarlier but only three strain of these when E-test and Appleton test was used. The results of investigations performed suggest, that E-test and disc methods according both Jarlier and Appleton have the same effectiveness in detection ESBLs among K. pneumoniae strains. However, in case of E. coli, interpretation of results may present a problem.
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