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Content available Safety Performance Factor
Workplace safety performance is computed using frequency rate (FR) and severity rate (SR). Only work time lost due to occupational incidents that need to be reported is counted. FR and SR are the 2 most important safety performance indicators that are applied universally; however, calculations differ from country to country. All injuries and time lost should be considered while calculating safety performance. The extent of severity does not matter as every incident is counted. So, a new factor has to be defined; it should be based on the hours or days lost due to each occupational incident, irrespective of its severity. The new safety performance factor is defined as the average human-hour unit lost due to occupational accidents/incidents, including fatalities, first-aid incidents, bruises and cuts. The formula is simple and easy to apply.
Content available Wypadki nurkowe ze skutkiem śmiertelnym w Polsce
In this article general characteristic of fatal diving accidents in Poland that occurred between 1999-2007 was described. It was compared with fatal accidents worldwide and the risk of occurring fatal diving accidents was presented.
W artykule przedstawiono ogólną charakterystykę śmiertelnych wypadków nurkowych w Polsce, które wydarzyły się w latach 1999-2007. Dokonano porównania z liczbami śmiertelnych wypadków nurkowych które miały miejsce na świecie oraz przedstawiono ryzyko wystąpienia śmiertelnych wypadków nurkowych podczas nurkowania.
In this paper attempt is presented to analyze real possibilities of safe evacuation of the casualties of marine accidents with the use of the Free-Fall Lifeboats (FFL). Major impediments are discussed and proposals of the relevant amendments to the current regulations are outlined. The influence is analyzed of the dynamic behaviour of the FFLs on the casualties placed on a stretcher and differently located within the lifeboat. On the basis of the evacuation scenario some practical conclusiond have been worked out leading to recommendations for safe evacuation of the casualties of marine accidents.
Introduction: This study focuses on accidents in artisanal mining, to support policies improving miners' employability. Materials and Methods: Based on a questionnaire administered in November 2009 to a sample of 180 miners from the artisanal mining of LUPOTO, in the Province of Katanga, we explored significant trends between the accidents and their consequences and behavioral or sociological variables. Results: During the 12 months preceding the study, 392 accidents occurred, affecting 72.2% of miners. Tools handling represents 51.5%, of the accidents' causes, followed by handling heavy loads (32.9%). Factors such as age, seniority or apprenticeship did not generate significant differences. Contusions were the most common injuries (50.2%), followed by wounds (44.4%). These injuries were located in upper limbs (50.5%) and in lower limbs (29.3%). 80.5% of miners were cared for by their colleagues and 50% of them could not work for more than 3 days. Physical sequelae were reported by 19% of the injured miners. Discussion: Many surveys related to accidents in the area of artisanal mining report such high frequency. The unsuitability of tools to jobs to be done is usually raised as one of the major causes of accidents. The lack of differentiation of the tasks carried out in relation to age is another factor explaining the lack of protective effect of seniority as it minimizes the contribution of experience in the worker's safety. The apprenticeship reported is inadequate; it is rather a learning by doing than anything else. That is why it lacks protective effect. Low income combined with precariousness of artisanal mining are likely to explain the low level of work stoppages. Conclusion: Tools improvement associated with adequate training seem to be the basis of accident prevention. Availability of suitable medical care should improve artisanal miners' recovery after accidents.
The following paper presents an analysis of the number of accidents, injuries and deaths over the last years. Accident trends have been identified in Poland with reference to different seasons. It includes an analysis of statistical data on both the number of vehicles, type of accidents occurring on roads and their causes. The evaluation of the road accidents’ effects has been carried out.
Artykuł zawiera krótki opis modelu kierowcy wykorzystywanego w badaniach sytuacji przedwypadkowych. Wyznaczono czasy reakcji kierowców dla skrętu kół i hamowania. Wykazano, że czas reakcji kierowców zależy od czasu ryzyka. Przedstawione zostały wyniki identyfikacji innych parametrów modelu matematycznego kierowcy. W pracy przedstawiono wyniki symulacji numerycznych.
This paper contains the short description model of a driver used into research of pre-crashes situation. In work times of driver reaction for turn off wheels and braking one marked. One showed, that time of reaction of drivers depends on the risk time. Results identifications other parameters mathematical model of a driver one introduced. Results of computer simulation in work one represented.
Content available The traffic alert and collision avoidance system
A collision between aircraft is one of the most sudden and catastrophic transportation accidents imaginable. These tragic events are rarely survivable – hundreds of people may die as the two aircraft are destroyed. Some airborne systems have been developed and are currently in use to prevent mid-air collisions. This article focuses on the widely fielded, crucial technology called the Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS). TCAS has had extraordinary success in reducing the risk of mid-air collisions. Now mandated on all large transport aircraft, TCAS has been in operation for more than two decades and has prevented several catastrophic accidents. TCAS is a unique decision support system in the sense that it has been widely deployed (on more than 25,000 aircraft worldwide) and is continuously exposed to a high-tempo, complex air traffic system. TCAS is the product of carefully balancing and integrating sensor characteristics, tracker and aircraft dynamics, maneuver coordination, operational constraints, and human factors in time-critical situations. Missed or late threat detections can lead to collisions, and false alarms may cause pilots to lose trust in the system and ignore alerts, underscoring the need for a robust system design.
Ze względu na wagę zagadnienia badania wypadków i zdarzeń w transporcie, w Białej Księdze Komisji "Europejska polityka transportowa do 2010: czas na decyzje" [1] zwrócono uwagę na potrzebę podjęcia działań związanych z właściwym prowadzeniem badań wypadków w transporcie oraz potrzebę niezbędnego w tym zakresie ustawodawstwa dla wszystkich gałęzi transportu. W kon.sekwencji 11 czerwca 2003 r Komisja Europejska zade.cydowała o utworzeniu Doradczej Grupy Ekspertów ds, strategii zapobiegania wypadkom w sektorze transpor.tu [2]. Grupa ta została zobligowana do prowadzenia analiz w zakresie strategii badań bezpieczeństwa. W tts 7-8/2008 przedstawiono prace nad systemami badań wy.padków w poszczególnych gałęziach transportu.
The findings of NIK’s audit of the functioning of the section speed measurement on roads are alarming. Mistakes have been made at almost every stage of the system de-velopment, starting with is very concept, through location of measuring devices, to in-effective imposing of penalties. The main reason for these irregularities lies with faulty regulations, such as those related to identifying and charging offenders and insufficient staffing of the General Inspectorate of Road Transport (GITD) that operates the system.
This paper presents reconstruction of the oil spill that occurred as result of an m/t “Baltic Carrier” accident. This reconstruction was carried out with use PISCES II simulator. The result of several simulations could be the step to usability and validation of PISCESS II simulator and as a guideline for setting up this kind of simulations.
The maritime system operates non-stop, by the workers who operate, sleep, eat and live 24/7 in noisy, dynamic and stressful environment. Irregular and extended shifts are not unusual for the workers aboard. The final result of the extended shifts is fatigue, represented by the symptoms such as drowsiness, irritability, reduced alertness, lack of concentration and memory, depression and headaches. Lack of sleep or rest can impair the cognitive skills, slows down the reaction times and makes it difficult to concentrate. Proving fatigue as the cause of the maritime accident can be a challenging task. So, the method of investigation the fatigue in the terms of maritime transport has to be used. This paper provides a recommendation for the process of investigation and assessing of the causal factors, such as human factor, especially the fatigue. The preventive measures how to avoid the fatigue aboard the vessel are also given.
Content available Chest injuries based on Medical Rescue Team data
Injuries are the leading cause of death before the age of 40 years, and the third most common incidence of death worldwide after cardiovascular diseases and cancer. The aim of the study was to determine the number and type of chest injuries, based on EMS (Emergency Medical Service) documentation in the district of Otwock, with particular emphasis on patient age and gender at the time of injury. Material and methods. Analysis considered data obtained from medical rescue teams of Otwock County in 2009 concerning chest injuries. Results. The study group comprised 166 cases of chest injuries. Chest injuries were more often diagnosed in male patients. Most accidents occurred in the afternoon (between 1 and 6pm), and in the summer and winter seasons. Motor vehicle accidents and falls from heights were the most common cause of chest injuries, while the largest number of cases involved superficial chest injuries. Conclusions. Chest injuries accounted for 12% of all medical rescue team interventions, due to injuries, most often connected with superficial contusions of the chest wall. Rib fractures are usually caused by blunt chest injuries, most often relating to the V-VIII ribs. Fractures of the I-III ribs are rare and are evidence of a significant injury. Due to the flexibility of the thoracic wall, fractures in children are less common, as compared to the adult population. Most chest injuries occur in the afternoon during increased patient activity.
The purpose fulness as well as necessity of cars safety determination has been exhibited. Moreover, the principles of the flnite element method (FEM) have been explained as well as its usefulness as a crash testing simulation tool. The programs which have been established in order to explore possibilities of virtual testing have been described. The paper contains the designs of the large vehicles passive safety devices. The problems concerning simulations of large vehicles — cars accidents have been emphasized. Moreover, the conversion of the experimental testing in to the virtual testing has been pointed out along with its advantages and disadvantages. Furthermore, the paper describes the proposition of the safety improvement in case large vehicle -  car accidents investigated with aid of virtual crash testing. The last mentioned system is especially important in terms of truck tractor with a trailer where slipping is very dangerous due to the fact that it can cause breaking the connection and in conseguence roll over. Another, new solution which improves passive safety could be the "active bumper ". The passive safety devices are necessary to reduce danger as well as provide passengers with maximum possible comfort what but a way also improves safety.
Ensuring security in a harbor requires research into its infrastructure using spatial environmental data. This paper presents a methodology that defines the design of a graph for modeling the interactions between surface currents and moving objects. Combining this graph with port charts that integrate electronic navigation charts with coastal orthophotographs allows us to perform a multidimensional analysis. In addition, the complete information about navigation and harbor infrastructure allows us to predict the effects of currents on objects that are moving in the dock. The capabilities of this application were tested in the Gdynia harbor and the defined graph is based on sea currents generated by the numerical hydrodynamic model M3D.
As the major industries, mining has high potential risk of accidents. Historically minerals have supported humane development and civilization but at the same time this industry has been accompanied by accidents, often with disastrous consequences. Number of mine accidents worldwide, as well as in the Stan Terg mine is disturbing, even more disturbing is the fact of the repetition of the causes of mining accidents. This investigation aims to analyze the causes of accidents, tending to provide the accidents prevision through risk assessment. For this purposes various data and documents, related to accidents in the Stan Terg mine have been analyzed, as well as international documents and statistics related on mining safety and accidents. Whereas, the time period of 2007–2011 is analyzed as a key study, 306 accidents have been analyzed for this purpose. Accident causes, date and time, accident location, working shift, worker’s age and type of injury have been analyzed for each selected accident. Thus, for this period of time are caused 292 minor injuries, 14 serious injuries and 1 fatality accident, 60–70% of accidents are caused in the production process, 25–35 in the maintenance process, whereas about 2–5% during of monitoring or other types of works.
Content available remote Chest Injuries Based on Medical Rescue Team Data
Injuries are the leading cause of death before the age of 40 years, and the third most common incidence of death worldwide after cardiovascular diseases and cancer.The aim of the study was to determine the number and type of chest injuries, based on EMS (Emergency Medical Service) documentation in the district of Otwock, with particular emphasis on patient age and gender at the time of injury.Material and methods. Analysis considered data obtained from medical rescue teams of Otwock County in 2009 concerning chest injuries.Results. The study group comprised 166 cases of chest injuries. Chest injuries were more often diagnosed in male patients. Most accidents occurred in the afternoon (between 1 and 6pm), and in the summer and winter seasons. Motor vehicle accidents and falls from heights were the most common cause of chest injuries, while the largest number of cases involved superficial chest injuries.Conclusions. Chest injuries accounted for 12% of all medical rescue team interventions, due to injuries, most often connected with superficial contusions of the chest wall. Rib fractures are usually caused by blunt chest injuries, most often relating to the V-VIII ribs. Fractures of the I-III ribs are rare and are evidence of a significant injury. Due to the flexibility of the thoracic wall, fractures in children are less common, as compared to the adult population. Most chest injuries occur in the afternoon during increased patient activity.
The general model of oil spill movement forecasting based on a probabilistic approach is proposed. A semi-Markov model of the process of changing hydro-meteorological conditions is constructed. The method of oil spill domain determination for various hydro-meteorological conditions is recommended. Moreover, Monte Carlo simulation procedure for predicting the oil spill domain movement is proposed. The procedure is practically applied for Gdynia and Karlskrona ports' water areas.
Safe traffic is a key factor for both social players and the sustainable development of the economy. The various interest groups involved in traffic each have their own role in making our roads safe. The large number of traffic accidents and their grave consequences represent a real problem all over the world (see, for instance, the incredibly crowded metropolises of Southeast Asia or the megacities of Latin-American). A successful innovative activity in this field performed on a worldwide scale contributes to solving a critical social and economic issue. Due to the more easily available European statistical data, the paper is going to present the causes of accidents and examine possible solutions. A 2001 objective of the European Union requires a 50 per cent reduction in the number of fatal road accidents by 2010. Although a number of effective measures have been implemented in the field of traffic safety, the number ofroad accidents is still unacceptably high in the EU: a total of 1.3 million accidents per year result in close to 40,000 deaths and 1.7 million injuries. There is a large body of statistical data available (bothfrom Hungary andfrom Europe) and several comprehensive researches discuss the types of accidents. Available analyses are going to made on what kind of active or passive vehicle safety systems could have helped avoid the accidents. These analyses have and still define the main directions for legislation and technical developments.
The author denotes that educational activities, carried out on the basis of the Act of the system of education, is subject to a supervision of a curator. Responsibility of a body running a school for a damage done because of unlawful actions of educational staff during a time of performing their duties is not related with a fault. Educational activity, not including running a school, an educational post, a complex or other form of pre-school education, can be conducted in accordance with rules stipulated in the act on freedom of establishment, as an economic activity. In such cases provisions from the Act on System of Education do not find application. Business entities conducting classes with children are not absolved from responsibility for children during such events. Such responsibility is formed on basic rules, interpreted from civil law and a contract between the entity and a child’s parents. A responsibility described in provisions of penal law is also possible in case of certain circumstances justifying it.
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