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Content available remote Prediction of optical properties of paints
The field of predictive rendering concerns itself with those methods of image synthesis which yield results that do not only look real, but are also radiometrically correct renditions of nature, i.e., which are accurate predictions of what a real scene would look like under given lighting conditions. A real coating consists of pigments, effect pigments, clear lacquer and glaze. A novel and unique combination of real parameters that are commonly measured in the industry and a theoretical reflectance model consisting of measurable parameters is required. Here, the authors design perception parameters and put them into well known surface reflection functions such as He and Torrance. The original contributions are the study of the sub-surface scattering of real paint and the prediction of its appearance in rendered images by the proposed model of light reflection beneath the paint surface.
The article dwells upon the marriage announcements in the Lviv periodicals during the interwar period. The author has analyzed men’s and women’s ads and has described the peculiarities of them. The author has defined the main character traits which the future wife or husband should have.
W artykule przedstawiono anonse matrymonialne obecne w czasopismach lwowskich w okresie międzywojennym. Autorka przeanalizowała męskie i damskie ogłoszenia, a także opisała ich specyfikę. Ponadto, na ich podstawie zidentyfikowała pożądane cechy, jakimi mieli charakteryzować się przyszła żona bądź też przyszły mąż.
Content available remote Co oznacza atrakcyjność fizyczna? Dyskusja o definicjach i ujęciach
Prezentowany artykuł porusza problematykę atrakcyjności fizycznej w ujęciu definicyjnym oraz w charakterze konstruktu teoretycznego, będącego podstawą do planowania badań empirycznych. Na podstawie przeglądu dotychczasowych definicji i analizy słownikowego znaczenia terminów składowych zaproponowano definicję atrakcyjności fizycznej jako jednego z rodzajów atrakcyjności człowieka. Zaprezentowane zostały kryteria różnicujące atrakcyjność fizyczną od bliskiej jej atrakcyjności seksualnej. Omówiono atrakcyjność fizyczną jako przedmiot operacjonalizacji w toku projektowania badań z zakresu oceny bądź samooceny cech wyglądu i ciała człowieka, wraz z podziałem na jej holistyczne (zespół charakterystyk, których oceny wiążą się ze sobą) oraz elementarne (jedna charakterystyka, której oceny oddziałują na ocenę ogólnej atrakcyjności fizycznej człowieka) ujęcie.
The article raises the issue of physical attractiveness both in terms of its definition and as a theoretical construct, which forms the basis for planning empirical research. Based on a review of existing definitions and a predictive analysis of the meaning of terms, a definition of physical attractiveness as one of the types of human attractiveness is proposed. The criteria differentiating physical attractiveness from the related concept of sexual attractiveness are presented. Physical attractiveness is discussed as an object of operationalization in the process of designing research on the assessment or self-assessment of the appearance and characteristics of the human body, including a distinction between its two approaches: holistic (a set of a characteristics whose evaluations are interrelated) and elementary (one characteristic whose evaluations impact the assessment of overall physical attractiveness).
Content available remote Czynniki kształtujące wygląd ogniowych powłok cynkowych
Zanurzeniowe powłoki cynkowe są bardzo dobrym zabezpieczeniem antykorozyjnym konstrukcji. Mogą mieć bardzo zróżnicowany wygląd pomimo tego, że zostały nałożone w tym samym procesie technologicznym. W artykule przedstawiono przyczyny tego zjawiska. Zaproponowano sposoby umożliwiające otrzymanie jednorodnych i estetycznych powłok.
Hot-dip galvanizing coatings constitute a very good anticorrosion protection of structures. They may have a very varied appearance despite the fact that they have been imposed in the same technology process. This article presents reasons of this phenomenon. It also describes methods that permit obtaining homogeneous and aesthetic coatings.
Content available remote Cynkowanie ogniowe - pancerz chroniący stal przed rdzą
Niniejsze opracowanie daje praktyczne, łatwe do realizacji wskazówki i informacje, które przyczyniają się do optymalnego wykorzystania zalet cynkowania ogniowego, uzyskania dobrej jakości cynkowania i uniknięcia wad. Udziela ono także odpowiedzi na wiele innych pytań.
This study gives you easy to follow instructions and information that help you to take an advantage of hot-dip galvanizing, allow you to acquire the best quality from it and tell how to avoid any faults during the process. Many more questions that appear during galvanizing are also answered.
We investigated the effects of the combinations of patternmaking methods and dress forms on the appearance of a garment. Six upper garments were made using three patternmaking methods used in France, Italy, and Japan, and two dress forms made in Japan and France. The patterns and the appearances of the garments were compared using geometrical measurements. Sensory evaluations of the differences in garment appearance and fit on each dress form were also carried out. In the patterns, the positions of bust and waist darts were different. The waist dart length, bust dart length, and positions of the bust top were different depending on the patternmaking method, even when the same dress form was used. This was a result of differences in the measurements used and the calculation methods employed for other dimensions. This was because the ideal body shape was different for each patternmaking method. Even for garments produced for the same dress form, the appearances of the shoulder, bust, and waist from the front, side, and back views were different depending on the patternmaking method. As a result of the sensory evaluation, it was also found that the bust and waist shapes of the garments were different depending on the combination of patternmaking method and dress form. Therefore, to obtain a garment with better appearance, it is necessary to understand the effects of the combinations of patternmaking methods and body shapes.
The main goal of this article is to elaborate how the foreigners who visited Poland during the 18th century described the appearance of Poles. A post-colonial analysis of their diaries and journey reports shows that although they seem to admire traditional Sarmatian attire, its similarity to oriental clothing carries pretty negative connotations. People raised in Western European culture perceive Poles in a very similar way as they perceive inhabitants of the Orient: as a wild, uncivilised nation. In addition, Polish women are described as voluptuous and libidinous. The resignation from the traditional Old Polish attire can be interpreted as a way to avoid these negative stereotypes. It can be also treated as a symptom of constituting a modern hybrid collective identity of Polish people, torn between native culture and Western culture, without a possibility of full identification with any of them.
In this work, the open end splicer parameters as the compressed air (pressure, P and durations of tearing, Dt), the fibres feeding during splicing operation (1S10 and EII), and the recalling yarn codes (RI, RII and RIII) were investigated. In order to evaluate the contribution of the splicing conditions on the open end splice physico-mechanical behavior, we used the experimental Tagauchi design method. This kind of experimental design allows us, using simplification method, to reduce the amount of the experiments. To evaluate the splice appearance, the subjective (the experts notes) method and the objective (referring to a developed Thickness index value) one are compared. In our experimental field of interest, the results show that the feeding fibres parameter level increase gives the lowest Thickness index value which means good splice appearance. However, the compressed air remains the most important parameter because it represents the influential one on both the strength and the longitudinal characteristics of the spliced open-end spun-yarns (length of splice and the expert judgments).
Realism as one of methods of the philosophical mastering of the world has the protracted history. He is related to the philosophical inheritance not only ancient but also previous it east culture, as concepts «realism» are «realities» «reality» is demonstrated orientation of researcher on the searches of present in existing. Problematic of realism predominates and in the study of art, where the degree of accordance of the world is probed artistic the world to actual; accordances of the world of images to the world in which and the man of letters and artist search confirmation the appearances. Socialistic realism of epoch modern, especially period of unrestrained in the expression violent reorganization of the world, gravitated to the genre of heroic fresco. Works of writers A. Malyshkin, A. Seraphimovich, A. Veselyi is very models. In the conditions of revolution already it was not to individuality, unique and unique, because enormous the masses of «slivers» and «screws» did history. And their independent action was even encouraged. Realities and socialistic society changed attained the stage of the «developed socialism». On flight this new society which flew to nowhere, distinctly in a domestic literary process «cut» through and voice of writers-postmodernists, well-disposed to individualism and to principle of noninterference in what be going on.
Contrary to received opinion, Marx’s analysis in Capital does not start from the commodity, it starts from wealth. This has enormous theoretical and political implications.
Wbrew obiegowej opinii, analizy Marksa zawarte w Kapitale nie rozpoczynają się od towaru, ale od bogactwa. Ma to bardzo daleko idące konsekwencje dla teorii i polityki.
Artykuł stanowi drugą część analizy przystanków związanych z liniami Tramwaju Plus. W poprzedniej części (2012/9) zajmowano się głównie funkcjonalnością i dostępnością przystanków, natomiast w niniejszej pracy skupiono się na wizerunku, jaki tworzy wyposażenie miejsc zatrzymań nowej oferty przewozowej Wrocławia. Wygląd poszcze-gólnych przystanków nie jest jednolity, a często nie jest nawet zbliżony do siebie. Największe różnice zauważalne są pomiędzy poszczególnymi typami przystanków. Te nowo wybudowane posiadają futurystyczne wiaty, duże tablice z nazwami przystanków i elektroniczne tablice informacji pasażerskiej, co upodabnia je do stacji metra. Istniejące wcześniej, a przebudowane przystanki, otrzymały zróżnicowaną stylistykę, w jednym przypadku podobną do miejsc zatrzymań z pierwszej grupy, w innych odmienną, przy czym nie stosowaną dotychczas w mieście, a w innych typową dla zwykłych linii tramwajowych. Całości mozaiki dopełniają przystanki w ogóle niezmieniane o dwojakiej stylistyce. Można było liczyć, że znaczące inwestycje związane z projektem Tramwaju Plus pozwolą na stworzenie nowego wizerunku miejskiego transportu zbiorowego. Temu celowi mogła służyć jednolita i unikalna stylistyka miejsc zatrzymań. Niestety liczne niekonsekwencje i nieprawidłowości, będące często efektem pozornych oszczędności, pozwalają dojść do wniosku, że pod względem krajobrazowym nie udało się nadać projektowi Tramwaju Plus cech jednolitego produktu rynkowego, który byłby w stanie poprawić wizerunek wrocławskiej komunikacji zbiorowej. Przystanki analizowanych linii nie stały się miejscami jednolitymi znaczeniowo, które można by zawsze bezpośrednio utożsamiać z nową ofertą transportu publicznego we Wrocławiu. W artykule poruszono również kwestie przystosowania infrastruktury do potrzeb osób niepełnosprawnych oraz nie zawsze trafnych nazw przystanków.
The article is a second part of a study concerning stops served by Tramway Plus in Wrocław. In the first part the main topic was the functionality and accessibility of the stops, while the present paper investigates the appearance (landscape) created by the infrastructure prepared for passengers. Unfortunately, the appearance of the stops is quite diversified. The biggest differences can be distinguished between Finally there are three types of stops which differ from one another. Newly built infrastructure is very futuristic, similar to the underground stations, with long platform roofs, big boards with stops names and eleetronic passenger information . Rebuilt stops are designed variously; some are modern, others more traditional or simply typically like regular tram lines. The third group - unmodernised stops - have twofold appearance. The project of the Tramway Plus could have created a new perception of the public transport in Wrocław. This could be gained by similar stylisties of all stops. Unfortunately, various inconsistencies as far as landscape is concern - that project of Tramway Plus has not became a homogenous market product contributing with improvement of the Wrocław's public transport image. In the article also the adjustments of the infrastructure for disabled people and the stops names are investigated.
The aim of the present study was to show and estimate three gardens adapted to visit by people with disabilities, especially by the blind and poor sight people. In this paper Arboretum and Institute of Physiography in Bolestraszyce, Botanical Garden - Center for Biological Diversity Conservation of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Powsin (Warsaw, Poland) and didactic path in Myślęcinek (Bydgoszcz, Poland) were describe. After the recognition of the present gardens and evaluate for example tablets, surface or plants, to state, that The Sensory Garden Bolestraszyce has the best conditions for people with disabilities. Didactic path in Myślęcinek needs some changes, to be more friendly for this group of people.
In this paper, the influences of electron radiation on the appearance of microwave-dried fibers were studied. Previously dried fibers with different properties are radiated by the electron beam of an electron microscope. Variable magnifications, processing time and voltage are applied. Using electron microscopy photographs, fibers inflations or deflations are measured precisely. It is observed that the electron energy can have significant effects on the fibers surface layer properties.
Background. Human self-esteem is being created along with development of self-consciousness and self-knowledge under the influence of anatomical, physiological, psychological and social factors. Psychological and social factors are opinions, criticism made by other people which one hears about oneself, also personal triumphs and failures and comparisons with role-models. Comparison concerns a lot of aspects of life including personal appearance. The aim of this paper was to learn how women’s image presented in TV commercials is seen by girls in late adolescence and to establish its effect on their self-esteem and their perception of others. Material and methods. A group of 256 school girls from Wrocław aged 16–18 years was analysed. The methods of diagnostic survey and survey techniques were used. Results. It was found that advertising has a major impact on the image of modern women’s and girls’ perception of themselves and other women. This was reflected in their decisions to change their appearance. Conclusions. The image of a woman created by advertisements affected the girls’ appreciation of their appearance, which, however, did not translate into their global self-esteem.
The article focuses on the role of foreign language teachers at the present stage of society development. The purpose of the article is to justify the need for the formation of their positive image as one of the key criteria for success in their professional activities. Based on the analysis of research material, the author defines the structural elements of the professional image of a foreign languages teacher: appearance, verbal and non-verbal ways of communication, culture, behavior, professional and pedagogical component, internal consistency of the profession, internal philosophy and value system, emotional and volitional components. Justifying the need to create a positive image of foreign languages teacher as a mediator between the two cultures, the author concludes that in the construction of the professional image of the teachers they should pay special attention to their appearance: accuracy, restraint, attractiveness, elegance, intelligence by combining fashion trends and non-verbal behavior: facial expression, pantomime, gestures, tone of voice, intonation. The teacher’s behavior plays a very important role in creating the image, one of the main components of which is ethics. Ethics justifies moral ideals, models of human relationships. But one of the most important requirements of moral teaching ethics is the love to children. Love is the basis for the formation of pedagogical optimism and faith in the success of teaching. In the process of teaching activity the development of personal and professional qualities of the teacher takes place, working style is determined, credibility is earned, the system of values and worldview are formed. All of these components are the basic characteristics that define a positive professional image of the teacher as the main criterion for achieving professional success. Thus, the author concludes that the image is a kind of tool that helps build relationships, enhance credibility, gain recognition and respect. Further study will be devoted to exploring the stages of forming the teacher’s professional image and on the basis of the material studied to identifying the main stages of forming the image of a foreign languages teacher.
Content available Pozorność w stosunkach pracy
Th e occurrence of apparent legal actions leads to threats against the principles of legal certainty and the security of legal transactions. Th e author distinguishes usual appearance, which implies that the parties engaged in a legal activity do not intend to have any legal eff ect, and qualifi ed appearance, which refers to cases of the apparent conclusion of an agreement by the parties in order to hide another agreement. Th e author has distinguished the eff ects of each type of appearance in the employment relationship. In the absence of legal regulations of the defects of the declaration of intent on labour law, the author answers the question about the scope and method of use of civil law to regulate the appearance in labour relations relating to Art. 300 of the Labour Code taking into account the specifi c nature of the employment relationship. She assesses the legal guarantees in labour relations of the implementation of the constitutional principle of the rule of law i.e. the creation of legal standards with regard to safety and the security situation of the parties of the labour relationship as well as the protection of the interests of third parties. Th e article is an analysis of appearance in labour relations, taking into account the rich jurisprudence of the Supreme Court and the literature on the subject.
Występowanie pozornych czynności prawnych prowadzi do zagrożenia zasad pewności prawa i bezpieczeństwa obrotu prawnego. Autorka wyróżnia pozorność zwykłą, która zakłada, iż strony dokonujące czynności prawnej nie zmierzają do wywołania jakichkolwiek skutków prawnych oraz pozorność kwalifi kowaną, obejmującą przypadki zawarcia przez strony pozornej umowy, w celu ukrycia innej, rzeczywiście przez nie zamierzonej czynności prawnej i charakteryzuje skutki każdego wyróżnionego typu pozorności dla stosunku pracy. Wobec braku uregulowania wad oświadczenia woli na gruncie prawa pracy, autorka odpowiada na pytanie o zakres i metodę zastosowania cywilnoprawnej regulacji pozorności do stosunków pracy z mocy art. 300 Kodeksu pracy z uwzględnieniem swoistego charakteru stosunku pracy. Ocenia gwarancje prawne realizacji w stosunkach pracy konstytucyjnej zasady państwa prawnego, tzn. tworzenia norm prawnych z uwzględnieniem bezpieczeństwa i pewności sytuacji stron stosunku pracy oraz ochrony interesów osób trzecich. Artykuł stanowi analizę pozorności w stosunkach pracy z uwzględnieniem bogatego orzecznictwa Sądu Najwyższego oraz literatury przedmiotu.
Problematyka podjęta w artykule dotyczy znaczenia wyglądu dla sukcesu podczas rekrutacji do pracy zawodowej. Tekst jest prezentacją wyników badań, zaprojektowanych na podstawie koncepcji kapitału seksualnego autorstwa Catherine Hakim. Zostały zrealizowane w 2015 r. przy użyciu strategii ilościowej z zastosowaniem metody sondażu i ankiety audytoryjnej na celowo dobranej próbie 108 młodych osób, rozpoczynających karierę zawodową. Poszukiwano odpowiedzi na pytania dotyczące wzorców atrakcyjności kobiety i mężczyzny oraz znaczenia kapitału seksualnego dla efektów rekrutacji. Odpowiedzi badanych analizowano z uwzględnieniem kategorii płci i doświadczeń na rynku pracy. Z badań wynika, że zarówno kobiety, jak i mężczyźni uważają, że kapitał seksualny ma znaczenie w procesie rekrutacji. Kobiety częściej niż mężczyźni wskazywały na wpływ wyglądu na efekty rekrutacji. Kobiety zatrudnione częściej niż niepracujące twierdziły, że atrakcyjny wygląd ma znaczenie dla uzyskania zatrudnienia.
Results were considered in context of erotic capital – a sociological concept by Catherine Hakim which is based upon aesthetics and visual, physical, social, and sexual attractiveness. Quantitative study was undertaken as the primary research method through the use of a self-designed questionnaire and was conducted in January 2015 with a sample size of 108 young people who start their professional career. The study were sought answers to the questions concerning patterns of beauty of woman and man and importance of erotic capital to the effects of recruitment. Results indicated that the majority of respondents believe erotic capital impacts the recruitment process and that attractive people are able to obtain work more easily. Results also suggested appearance is of great important for professional career especially in opinion of those women who are employed.
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