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Po wejściu Polski do struktur Unii Europejskiej i przystosowaniu prawa polskiego do unijnego problem zagospodarowania komunalnych osadów ściekowych stał się jednym z podstawowych problemów oczyszczalni ścieków. Do tej pory końcowym etapem przeróbki osadów ściekowych na oczyszczalniach było ich mechaniczne odwadnianie i najczęściej dalsze ich składowanie. Obecnie problem powstających osadów powinien być rozwiązany do końca, poprzez pełne zagospodarowanie bądź do uzyskania zbywalnego produktu. Zgodnie z Aktualizacją Krajowego Programu Oczyszczania Ścieków Komunalnych (AKPOŚK 2009) w Polsce są realizowane poważne inwestycje z zakresu zagospodarowania komunalnych osadów ściekowych, przeważnie dla średnich i dużych oczyszczalni. Część inwestycji została już zrealizowana, część jest w trakcie realizacji. Polska posiada już pierwsze doświadczenia w tym zakresie, które powinny być wskazówkami dla następnych Inwestorów.
Konwersja osadów ściekowych w energię użyteczną powinna być poprzedzona poznaniem właściwości fi zykochemicznych potencjalnego materiału palnego. Parametry energetyczne paliwa zależą od kluczowych wskaźników jak: zawartość wody, substancji lotnych i mineralnych, ciepło spalania oraz wartość opałowa. W pracy podjęto próbę ich oceny podczas badań osadów ściekowych pochodzących z komunalnych oczyszczalni ścieków. Oznaczono również udział frakcji biodegradowalnej. Uzyskane wyniki pozwalają wnioskować, że komunalne osady ściekowe mogą charakteryzować się odpowiednimi walorami energetycznymi.
Converting sludge into useful energy should be preceded by knowledge of physicochemical properties of potential combustible material. Energy consumption parameters depend on a few key indicators, including: water, volatile matter and minerals content, combustion heat and calorific value. An attempt to assess the selected physicochemical parameters in testing sewage sludge taken from municipal sewage treatment plants was made in the study. A biodegradable fraction was also determined. The obtained results allow one to conclude that municipal sewage sludge can be characterized by appropriate energetic benefits.
The field and laboratory experiment was carried on the brown incomplete soil of the complex of rye good. The obtained results in the yield experiment show that the composts with the participation of municipal sewage sludge increased essentially the yield of the seeds of spring rape in comparison with the control variant. Doubling of the doses of mineral nitric - potassium fertilization against the background of the composts did not have a significant influence on increasing the yield of the seeds of spring rape in comparison with the single doses. The composts with the participation of municipal sewage sludge in the field and laboratory experiment caused a significant increase of the content of the available forms of phosphorus in the soil. As time went by the distribution of the composts in the soil, the content of the available forms of phosphorus increased.
The paper presents the findings from research on physical chemical parameters as well as on microbiological-parasitological municipal sewage sludge from one mediumsized and three small municipal sewage treatment plants from the area of Kraków district. The research was conducted in the years 2007-2012 and aimed at estimating the possibility of agricultural use of the studied sludge. The analyzed sludge turned out to be rich in fertilizing elements, i.e. organic substance, nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium and magnesium. Contents of heavy metals in the analyzed sludge were distinctly lower than the permissible contents in sludge used in agriculture. However, due to frequent occurrence of bacteria from Salmonella group in the studied sludge, its agricultural use may be limited. Relatively high variability in the determined parameters makes it necessary to monitor continuously the sludge coming from particular lots and sewage treatment plants.
W publikacji omówiono możliwości przyrodniczego wykorzystania komunalnych osadów ściekowych jako kompozytu stanowiącego pełnowartościowy zamiennik gleby. Scharakteryzowano uwarunkowania formalnoprawne gospodarowania osadami ściekowymi w celach rekultywacji gruntów. Na przykładzie kopalni kruszywa naturalnego Mękarzowice przedstawiono oa'worzenie warstwy urodzajnej przy użyciu komunalnych osadów ściekowych.
The use of sewage sludge for reconstruction of surface soil is presented in the paper. Legal and formal conditions for the use of the sewage sludge in soil reclamation are described. Reconstruction of surface soil by means of sewage sludge at Mękarzowice Sand Mine (Poland) was shown.
Taking into consideration the acid pH soil, high content of potassium in relation to nitrogen and phosphorus and the insignificant quantity of heavy metals in the potato pulp and the slight alkaline pH soil as well, high amount of nitrogen and phosphorus in relation to potassium in the municipal sewage sludge, the experiment was carried out in order to define the effect of composts from these waste on uptaking macroelements by the grain and the straw of the Wanad variety spring triticale.The vegetative - pot experiment was carried out on the brown incomplete soil of the slight acid pH (pHKCl 6,1), of the granulometric composition of slight loam (V complex), an average content of available forms of phosphorus and potassium and a high content of magnesium.The obtained results show that the grain and the straw of spring trticale took distinctly more macroelements under the influence the fertilization of the composts with the municipal sewage sludge (30%) and the potato pulp (30%) in comparison with the composts with the 60% participation of the potato pulp. The supplementary mineral fertilization which was used against in comparison to composts, increased uptaking the macroelements by the tested plant. The double dose of composts and mineral fertilizers visibly increased nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, cooper, magnesium and sulphur absorbance by the grain and the straw of spring trticale in comparison with the series with a single dose of composts and a supplementary mineral fertilization.
In the study the physicochemical properties of selected municipal sewage sludge were compared using the reports on waste generation from the years 2007–2012 in the Mazovia voivodship. The selection was done on the basis of different methods of sludge processing and the number of equivalent inhabitants (NEJ) supported by sewage. Physical and chemical properties of municipal sewage sludge were significantly dependent on the method of purification and treatment methods. These sludges were characterized by a high content of organic matter and macronutrients. The amount of heavy metals (Pb, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Hg and Zn) were within acceptable standards for municipal sewage sludge used in agriculture. Municipal sewage sludge treated by biological method with higher nutrients removal did not create bacteriological danger and were used in agriculture, generally to the cultivation of all agricultural products. Sewage sludge sanitized with lime and subjected to anaerobic digestion did not meet bacteriological standards, which eliminated their use in agriculture.
W roku 2008 wytworzono w Polsce 567,3 tyś. ton s.m. komunalnych osadów ściekowych 11]. Co więcej, szacuje się, iż ilość ta w roku 2018 wyniesie aż 706,6 tyś. ton s.m., zaś w roku 2020 już niemal milion ton s.m. [2]. Polskie oczyszczalnie ścieków obsługują w Polsce 63% społeczeństwa. Wskaźnik ten w krajach Europy Zachodniej wynosi 78% [3]. Dodatkowo, w Polsce wskaźnik produkcji osadów ściekowych w odniesieniu do 1 mieszkańca jest wyższy niż średnia dla krajów z tzw. "nowej" Unii (12UE) (tabela 1) [4], Analizując dane przedstawione w tabeli widać, iż wartość ta zmierza ku wartości średniej dla krajów tzw. "starej" Unii (15UE). Pozwala to na tej podstawie wnioskować, iż w miarę wzrostu poziomu życia społeczeństwa ilość produkowanych osadów ściekowych w kraju wzrasta.
The objective of our study was to assess the residual effect of sewage sludge on the growth and yield of Prairie cordgrass and the content of crude ash, macroelements and heavy metals in the plant biomass. Field trials conducted in the years 2011 to 2013 focused on the assessment of the impact of municipal sewage sludge applied from 2008 to 2010on the growth and yield of Prairie cordgrass. The experiments followed the split-plot design with two variables: the rate of sewage sludge (DM-dry matter) at 0, 1.4, 2.8 and 4.2 t ha-1, corresponding to nitrogen fertilization with: 0, 50, 100, 150 kg ha-1, and the harvest time - fall and winter. The total dose of sewage sludge applied in 2008−2010 was 0, 4.2, 8.4 and 12.6 t DM ha-1, which corresponded to the total dose of nitrogen fertilization: 0, 150, 300 and 450 kg ha-1, respectively. The municipal sewage sludge at a rate of 8.4 t DM ha-1, compared to the Control, significantly increased the number of leaves per plant, the leaf and culm matter, the number of shoots per 1 m2, the dry matter yield, crude ash deposition and uptake of macroelements and heavy metals.
The total and soluble content of microelements in the soil was described in the laboratory experiment. The soil was incubated with three doses of composts with a participation of municipal sewage sludge and potato pulp. The obtained results of the experiment pointed that all the composts increased an average total content and the forms soluble in 1 M HCl of microelements in the soil in comparison with the control. In the majority of the variants, the composts made with the 70% participation of municipal sewage sludge and 30% addition of straw or sawdust caused an increase of the content of the analyzed elements in the soil than the composts with the 70% participation of potato pulp and 30% addition of straw or sawdust. The differences are connected with a higher content of microelements, which were put in the soil, with the composts with the 70% participation of municipal sewage sludge and 30% addition of straw or sawdust. There are no differences in the formation of the content of microelements in the soil, which were depended on the type of the structural - formative component during the production of composts. The quantity of the composts' dose had an influence on the formation of the participation of the soluble form of microelements in the total content in the soil. The participation of the soluble form of cadmium, cooper, manganese and nickel in the total content in the soil increased along with increasing the dose of composts. The content of the total forms in the soil incubated with the composts included in the standard for the light soils.
The experiment was based on two factors: 4-levels of fertilization with ash from biomass - 0; I - 4.28; II - 8.57; III - 12.85 tha-1 and 2-levels of fertilization with sewage sludge: 0; 1–30.3 tha-1. The experimental plant was Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.), Gigant cultivar. The contents of nitrogen tended to increase in response to fertilization with sewage sludge and to decrease with a growing dosage of fertilization with biomass ash. The use of municipal sewage sludge as a fertilizer did not produce visible changes in the contents of six macronutrients (carbon, phosphorus, potassium, sulfir, calcium and magnesium) in overground part of Jerusalem artichoke. The use of ash at the dose of 12.8 tha-1 resulted in an increase in potassium contents in the plants, to the level of 5.63 g Kkg-1 during the first year of trials and the trend was continued in the second year. Biomass chemical stability in 2-year experiment was noted except the content of nitrogen, cadmium and lead which were increasing while the level of sewage sludge increased. The content of zinc, copper, lead and cadmium in overground part of Jerusalem artichoke did not exceed the threshold values defined for wood pellets and briquettes by the standards set forth by DIN 51731 1996–10.
In the paper, the results of studies on changes in the concentration of selected polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the reject water coming from aerobic stabilization of sewage sludge process were given. The sewage sludge samples originating from a treatment of municipal wastewater treatment plant and an industrial coking wastewater treatment plant were investigated. A technological study was conducted using a municipal sewage sludge (control sample) and a mixture of municipal and industrial sewage sludge simultaneously. Aerobic stabilization of sewage sludge process was carried out for 21 days. The concentration of PAHs was determined at the beginning of the experiment (day 0) and in seven-day intervals: after 7, 14 and 21 days. The initial concentration of PAHs in the reject water coming from the municipal sewage sludge was over 44 g/dm3. Industrial sewage sludge was heavily loaded with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. In a reject water of the mixture of municipal and industrial sludge, the initial content of PAHs reached over 5200 g/dm3. During aerobic stabilization of sewage sludge, a decrease in PAHs concentration in reject water was observed. After 21 days of the experiment, the decrease of the sum of analyzed PAHs was in the range of 62–98%.
Municipal sewage sludge contains many valuable nutrients which can be used in the cultivation of energy crops. Application of large doses of sewage sludge can be a cause of environmental pollution, especially with nutrients. The multiflora rose and the Virginia fanpetals are plants with high nutritional requirements. The use of municipal sewage sludge in the cultivation of energy crops will allow recycling the nutrients from this organic waste. The aim of the study was to evaluate the use of macroelements from municipal sewage sludge by the multiflora rose var. "Jatar" (Rosa multiflora Thunb. ex Murray) and the Virginia fanpetals (Sida hermaphrodita Rusby). Four levels of sewage sludge fertilization were applied in the 6-year field experiment: 0, 10, 20, 40, 60 Mg DM sludge ∙ ha-1. Sewage sludge was applied once before planting energy crops. Due to the low potassium content in sewage sludge, a single supplementary fertilization with 100 kg K ∙ ha-1 in the form of 40% potassium salt (KCl) was applied on each plot. The study involved the evaluation of the yield, uptake and use by energy plants of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, and Na from sewage sludge. It was found that the increasing doses of sewage sludge significantly raised the multiflora rose and the Virginia fanpetals biomass yields. The yield of the Virginia fanpetals was one and a half times higher than that of the multiflora rose. The increasing doses of sewage sludge significantly raised the contents and uptake of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, and Na by these plants. The highest uptake of macronutrients by the multiflora rose and the Virginia fanpetals crops was determined for 60 Mg DM ∙ ha-1 fertilization dose. The results show that the Virginia fanpetals used N, P, K, Ca, Mg, and Na from the sewage sludge to a greater extent than the multiflora rose. The analyses indicate that due to the greater yields, bioaccumulation and uptake of macronutrients, Virginia fanpetals is more effective in the ‘purification’ of the substrate from excess nutrients that may pose a threat to the environment.
The paper the results obtained during hard coal ash reclamation. This model was created by covering the ash surface with the layers consisting of ash, organic by-products and mineral fertilizers. The aim of the studies, undertaken 15 years after the experiment set up, was the assessment of the efficacy of ash waste reclamation on the basis of the overall and solubility analyses of the metal content, including heavy metals, soluble in 1 M HCl. In 2003, on the premises of Dolna Odra Power Station in Nowe Czarnowo (53,20°N; 14,48°E) near Gryfino (53,25°N; 14,48°E) in Poland, a hard coal ash reclamation experiment was conducted. A 40 cm thick surface layer (fertile), termed upperlay, composed of the mixture of various materials was applied to ash substrate. One part was fertilized with mineral fertilizers NPK-60–70–70, the other was left unfertilized. After 15 years, in the autumn of 2018, the samples of upperlays (0–40 cm) and underlays (40–60 cm) were collected from plots overgrown with grass. Fifteen years after the experiment, none of the underlays or upperlays showed an excess of threshold values, as specified in the current Regulation of the Minister of the Environment of 2016. The particularly favourable effect was identified with respect to the application of fermented municipal sewage sludge and GWDA compost which were factors resulting in a decrease of the upperlay content of cadmium, zinc, copper and lead in the form available for plants. The characteristics of upperlays with respect to metal content indicate the conditions favourable to plant cultivation on the reclaimed area. The recorded results on the change of the overall and bioavailable content of metals in upperlays and underlays justify the continuation of the undertaken reclamation experiment.
Powstające w procesie oczyszczania ścieków komunalnych osady pod względem ilościowym stanowią niewielki procent wszystkich odpadów wytwarzanych w gospodarce komunalnej - ich ilość stanowi tylko kilka procent masy powstających odpadów komunalnych. Jednak zagrożenia, jakie ze sobą niosą, nie pozwalają na ich pominięcie przy projektowaniu procesu oczyszczania ścieków. Jednocześnie, wraz ze wzrostem wymagań dotyczących jakości ścieków odprowadzanych do środowiska zwiększa się ilość osadów powstających w procesach oczyszczania ścieków. W ostatnich latach udział termicznego przekształcania komunalnych osadów ściekowych gwałtownie wzrósł - wybudowano 10 nowoczesnych spalarni osadów i rozważana jest budowa kolejnych. Ze względu na bardzo wysokie uwodnienie osady przed spalaniem muszą być odpowiednio wysuszone. Energochłonność procesu suszenia zależy w największym stopniu od uwodnienia osadów oraz od rozwiązań technicznych suszarni. W pracy omówiono funkcjonowanie węzła suszenia w nowoczesnej, oddanej do użytku w 2011 roku instalacji termicznego przekształcania osadów ściekowych pochodzących z grupowej oczyszczalni ścieków w Łodzi. Przedstawiono analizę wpływu niektórych parametrów prowadzenia procesu suszenia na wskaźnik zużycia pary niezbędnej do wysuszenia osadu.
Sludge emerging in the process of wastewater treatment represents in quantitative terms a small percentage of the total waste generated in the municipal economy - its quantity is only a few percent of the weight of municipal waste generated. But the threats it brings do not allow to skip them by the design process of the wastewater treatment plant. Simultaneously, with the increase of the requirements for the quality of wastewater discharged into the environment there increases the amount of sludge produced in wastewater treatment plants. In recent years, the share of thermal treatment of municipal sewage sludge increased sharply - 10 modern sewage sludge plants were built and it is considered to build further. Due to the very high hydration, settlement must be properly dried before combustion. Energy consumption of the drying process depends greatly on the hydration of sludge and drying technologies. The paper discusses the operation of the drying in a modern and completed in 2011 installation of thermal treatment of sewage sludge from Group Wastewater Treatment Plant in Lodz. The analysis of the effects of certain process parameters on the drying rate of steam consumption required to dry the sludge. It was found that the rate of steam consumption per unit of vaporized water depends on raw sludge hydration, solid matter contain after drying, amount of dried sludge and amount of vaporized water. In any case, the bigger was the analyzed parameter, the lower was the rate of steam consumption.
Rozwój wysoko efektywnych metod oczyszczania ścieków w naszym kraju rozpoczął się z chwilą wejścia w życie Rozporządzenia Ministra Ochrony Środowiska Zasobów Naturalnych i Leśnictwa z 5 listopada 1991 r., które zobowiązywało do usuwania, obok związków węgla, również azotu i fosforu. Kolejnym istotnym elementem stało się uściślenie w przepisach wykonawczych do Prawa Wodnego norm dotyczących jakości ścieków oczyszczonych i sklasyfikowanie wielkości oczyszczalni według równoważnej liczby mieszkańców (RLM), odpowiadającej wielkości ładunku BZT5 w ściekach surowych. Usuwanie związków biogennych ze ścieków wymagało wprowadzenia zmian w konwencjonalnych oczyszczalniach ścieków i zastosowania bardziej efektywnych technologii.
Komunalne osady ściekowe stanowią uboczny „produkt" każdej technologii oczyszczania ścieków. Pod względem ilościowym stanowią ok. 2% strumienia oczyszczanych ścieków i zawierają ponad połowę całego ładunku zanieczyszczeń w dopływających do oczyszczalni ściekach surowych. Wobec tego osady ściekowe stanowią istotny problem w gospodarce ściekowej w każdej oczyszczalni
Zagospodarowanie osadów ściekowych wytworzonych w oczyszczalni ścieków komunalnych z uwagi na wymogi wynikające ustawy o odpadach jest problematyczne. Po pierwsze, przedsiębiorstwo, jako wytwórca odpadów, może przekazać osad podmiotowi legitymującemu się odpowiednim zezwoleniem administracyjnoprawnym, tj. co do zasady decyzją na przetwarzanie tej frakcji odpadów. Po drugie, z założenia, pozbycie się osadu generuje po stronie przedsiębiorstwa koszty, gdyż podmiot prowadzący odzysk nie wykorzystuje komercyjnie odebranego osadu do prowadzenia dalszej działalności wytwórczej, a ponosi jedynie wydatki z nim związane. Nawet jednak, gdy prowadzący odzysk wykorzystywał osad do osiągnięcia korzyści ekonomicznych, jak np. rolnik stosujący osad na swoim polu, to ze względu na posiadany przez osad status odpadu, nie jest on skłonny płacić za niego jak za inne produkty służące mu do prowadzenia działalności zarobkowej, przykładowo, rzeczony rolnik kupuje przecież nawóz.
The research was aimed at determining the interaction of municipal sewage sludge with the environment in the aspect of its potential for land applications in agriculture, land reclamation and land adaptation to different uses. Sequential extraction of heavy metals according to Brümmer’s method was used in the study. A detailed interpretation of the data allowed to state that the highest content of copper was found in one of the most mobile bindings (fraction I). For other heavy metals only trace amounts were found in the bindings considered as the most mobile (fraction I-III) which proved less risk posed to the environment. The highest percentage share of heavy metals in the investigated sludge was determined in fractions IV to VII (i.e. in bindings rather unavailable to the ecosystem). It should be highlighted that three out of the seven determined metals were bound in the highest amounts with the organic matter (fraction IV): i.e. Zn 49.97%, Pb 66.58% , Mn 41.91%.; three with silicates (fraction VII): i.e.: Cu 40.60%, Ni 88.58%, Cr 34.33%; and only cadmium was found to be bound (30.29%) with crystalline iron oxides (fraction VI).
Komunalne osady ściekowe, to pochodzący z oczyszczalni ścieków osad z komór fermentacyjnych oraz innych instalacji służących do oczyszczania ścieków komunalnych oraz innych ścieków o składzie zbliżonym do składu ścieków komunalnych. Zgodnie z kata logiem odpadów, klasyfikuje się je do grupy 19 - odpady z instalacji i urządzeń służących zagospodarowaniu odpadów, z oczyszczalni ścieków oraz z uzdatniania wody pitnej i wody do celów przemysłowych. Tym samym, osady ściekowe podlegają legislacji odpadowej.
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