In the literature concerned with political science and national security, there are less or more synonymous terms defining theoretical basis of the state security. They have been discussed in the article. The author begins with the more general basis and ends by introducing issues connected with the subject area of the national security. The basic problems involved have been also discussed. There have been characterized, among other things, terms like: the typology of security, the structure of the national security, the protection agents of the external and internal national security. The main threats to the national security have been also presented.
Security Studies include almost every aspect of human activities and various environments where humanity functions. Research that is held in this field results in theoretical conclusions, as well as catalogs of utilitarian good practices and optimal solutions. The descriptions of scientific inquires includes and uses terms that have their origins in various fields of social science, which forces the user to be able to properly use the specialist language. When looking at the literature in this field, one can see that there are many instances of wrong usage of specialist terminology, words borrowed from foreign languages and creation of new terms that are not necessarily useful when trying to understand security, systematization of views, or creating paradigms. The aim of this paper is to sensitize researchers from the field of security studies to take care to use the proper terminology apparatus that helps to develop this particular field of social studies.
The article contains the base of theory of security based on of humanistic sociology. The main elements are: the definitions of basic concepts (security, danger, crisis), the determinants of personal security, strategies of creating security in the dimension personal, social and organizational. The proposed definition of security appears to considerably regroup and arrange knowledge in the field of security, stimulate in a new way the understanding of the notion of security, provides foundation for quantitative and qualitative research and in some measure allows for mathematisation of this field of knowledge.
Problems related to social security can be seen as a particular type of security in various aspects. In the literature of political science, economics, sociology or security studies there are different concepts of characterizing this category. The issue of social security is a complex and ambiguous, because this phenomenon is dynamic and depends on many factors. This work is an attempt to answer the question of what are the theoretical basis of social security on the basis of the security studies and whether it can enter the other, closely related to national security category concept, eg. social security of the nation. The reference point for discussion is the system of national security. Authors proposed a definition of societal security of the nation and pointed out the main elements characterizing this concept as an opposition to the social security, understood in terms of welfare state. The other rationale for the choice of topic is also a need to shape the way to solve scientific problems of modern science on the basis of security studies, including those related to operationalization of concepts and gaps in knowledge, which should focus on the search for representatives of this new scientific subdiscipline.
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A review study based on the content of the works of J. Velek, Kapitoly z teorie spravedlivé války (Chapters in the Theory of Just War) and B. Sutor, Od spravedlivé války ke spravedlivému míru? Etapy a šance procesu dějinného poučení (From Just War to Just Peace? Stages and Opportunities in the Process of Historical Teaching). The article focuses on the growing moral contradictoriness of wars in the global age which demands one deal with the classical politico-philosophical problem in the contemporary setting as well. A contradiction is pointed out which calls for the emergence of a social theory of new wars and of a new understanding of safety as well as of loose, metaphorical to the point of suggestive, employments of the concept of war. Further discussions on this theme are also linked with the changes in the forms of war, their agents as well as their causes and consequences, especially their worsening impact on social life and development. In the conditions of an emerging multi-polar order of international relations, the question of awareness of non-Western viewpoints in this area also comes to the fore. The critical spirit of both works under review contributes to the discussion of changes in the justice of war at the beginning of the twenty-first century in the context of the creation and functioning of global society.
The article argues that the current security model was shaped in a long period. It is shown that the system was shaped by the solutions applied after the II WW, what embraces global and regional solutions. Until the end of the Cold War the applied solutions were assigned to two opposite Blocs: Western and Eastern. After 1989, which is considered to be the symbolic turning point and end of the Cold War, part of the states from the former Eastern Bloc, after introducing market and democratic reforms have joined NATO and the EU. This also included three states created after the dissolution of the former SU. The article states also that security in Europe is challenged by attempt to reconstruct the area of Russian influence. At the same time it states that this process is not limited to voluntary access of the former republics of SU but also includes annexation of the territories of sovereign Ukraine. The article illustrates that the contemporary security system is characterized by strong asymmetry of applied solutions. NATO applies liberal, cooperative solutions, while Russia uses solutions build upon force and military potential. This asymmetry and moves undertaken by Russia undermine the solutions introduced by international laws. They resulted introduction of sanctions by the US and EU states, what was followed by some political and military steps, labelled as boost NATO military presence in the NATO states bordering with Russia. The article states that in parallel to Hard Power, NATO and the EU should apply also Soft Power. Solutions applied in Russia follow the feeling of majority people in Russia who experience the trauma of former superpower and its fall. The article describes basic conditions of security system with its global and regional solutions, which create its current determinants. This concerns the level of military spending, economic potential, as well as weight of individual states and their groupings in the world scene.
This article presents the results of content analysis of the global periodicals (1998-2018), which has been developed in order to provide data for several research projects. Text consists of few parts. Firstly, global periodical market is analysed in the field of security studies. Secondly, theoretical framework for content analysis results is delivered. Thirdly, interpretation of results is provided. In the summary author presents additional remarks in the context of Polish school of security studies.
Artykuł przedstawia autorskie wyniki analizy zawartości globalnych czasopism naukowych 1998-2018, dokonanej podczas kwerendy na potrzeby kilku projektów badawczych. Tekst składa się z kilku części. W części pierwszej analizowany jest światowy rynek czasopism w obszarze studiów nad bezpieczeństwem (security studies), w części drugiej przedstawione są przekrojowe wyniki analizy treści, w części trzeciej zaprezentowana będzie autorska refleksja nad tymi wynikami. W podsumowaniu autor przedstawia wnioski w zakresie rozwoju studiów nad bezpieczeństwem w polskim kontekście.
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