The current borders of European nation states are losing many of their functions to date and are ceasing to be borders of a merely political character. The role of non-state and non-governmental institutions is increasing. These processes incline to the questioning of the character and function of the newly-forming types of political borders. In order to answer these questions, one should reach for the classical understanding of 'territory', 'border' and 'state', from ancient times (the Roman Empire), via the Middle Ages and the French Revolution up to contemporary times. The result of this analysis demonstrates that territory as a space held within a legal framework is an essence and defines the character of statehood. It carries with it several consequences such as the territory's becoming an area over which extends the defined authority of the state, or that within the borders of its territory, the state has a monopoly on the exercise of authority. Hence the conclusion that borders are a basic political institution which organises the space for running the politics and activities of the state. The subsequent element of the analysis is the functions which borders fulfil. There are five: defensive, legal, economic, ideological and socio-psychological. Finally, it appears that borders are intricate and multi-functional phenomena which results in their fulfilling ever more manifold functions. They are agencies of sovereignty and security, institutions of social constraint and symbols of the diverse economic and political situations of states.
The next (20) part of the Cooperative Thought Library reminds already forgotten theorist and a pioneer of Polish rural cooperative, a precursor of science management organizations - professor Tadeusz Klapkowski (1902-1984). His relations with institutions very important for the development of indigenous social and economic thought of the period before World War II, such as the Cooperative Institute for Research and the National Agricultural Research Institute in Pulawy are mentioned. Klapkowski is shown as a supporter of the autonomy of cooperatives to the state. The state should play a subservient role to the community initiatives. The excerpts from his book titled 'Cooperatives in Polish agriculture', Warsaw 1929 are reminded.
In the Article 1(1) the Slovak Constitution declares that „the Slovak Republic shall not be bound to any ideology or religion“. Presented article seeks to examine the relationship concerned of independence of state from any particular religion that is referred to as a principle of confessional state neutrality in legal sciences. The article covers its historical as well as theoretical interactions, and it pays particular attention to role of confessional state neutrality in judicature of the European Court of Human Rights.
The present study shows social-ethical aspects of cooperation between the State and the Church for protection of the rights of the family. The analyzed issues are presented in the light of the following problems: 1. Relations between the State and the Church; 2. The right of the family of active participation in the life of the national and the Church communities. Relations between the State and the Church based on cooperation and mutual respect of the autonomy of each result in protection of the rights of the family in the democratic society.
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Using the example of three films – Kandidát (The Candidate, 2013, dir. Jonáš Karásek), Pirko (Little Feather, 2016, dir. Lucia and Petr Klein Svoboda), and Únos (Kidnapping, 2017, dir. Mariana Čengel-Solčanská), the present study deals with distrust in the systemic elements of society in Slovak feature films in the period following the establishment of the Audio-visual Fund (2009). By means of a thematic and stylistic analysis, it points to the similarities between the selected films. It shows their rootedness in the established trends of Slovak cinema as well as their diversion from them, which is mirrored in their dialogical work with the phenomenon of reality, by creating an illusion of anticipation or influencing future action.
The role of a sovereign in a state is passing through a complicated development during the existence of the state. This development is not direct and gradual but sometimes it regresses to the previous evolutionary stages and subsequently it reverts to the modern and civilized forms (like other social phenomenon). Therefore there are both modern form of democracy and totalitarian regime in the state over several tens of years. The aim of this paper is dealing with the status of the sovereign in a modern democratic state system, not researching causes of mentioned phenomenon.
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This article concerns the matter of democracy in The First Republic of Poland (1569/73— 1795). The author puts forward the thesis that fundamental rules of the concept of deliberative democracy, postulated today, were realized in the old polish times, but only in sphere of noblemen. Then democracy was largely open; noblemen very active took part in public debate on local councils and through their deputies. It was a debate with equals participators, open, based on arguments, which were used to convince opponents. Freedom of speech was unlimited. A public debate realized informative and educational functions. It was possible, because on local councils and diets operated a rule of common agreement; all participants in the debate had to agree to make an united decision — otherwise thought that a decision was not adopted. When the conflict between noblemen and the king began to grow The First Polish Republic lost its power and falled.
The next (25) part of Cooperative Thought Library reminds of articles of two Polish professors: S. Bukowiecki's 'Social work and the state' and J. Kurnatowski's 'Solidarity', which appeared in 1929 in the 'Yearbook of Social and Political Sciences of the Free Polish University'.
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State borderlines of Czechoslovak Republic was determined by the Peace treaties after World War I. and partly also after World War II. Confirmation of existing borderlines was established by agreements with neighbouring states, particularly Agreement of Slovakia and Ukraine about common borderlines of October 14. 1993, Agreement of Slovak Republic and Hungarian Republic about régime and cooperation on the state borderline of June 28. 1995, Agreement between Slovak Republic and Polish Republic about common borderline of Jule 6. 1995 and Agreement between Slovak Republic and Czech Republic about common borderline of January 4. 1996.
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The text deals with ways in which Slovak live-action films made in 1990s introduced the topic of mistrust in the state and its institutions. On specific examples, the text demonstrates such mistrust was not primarily a critical attitude, but rather consisted of two basic forms of refection. On one hand, live-action films made for cinema often promoted the post-modern principle of a ‘relative’ truth, presenting a lifestyle with minimal ties to the state, sometimes also formulating mistrust in specific state institutions (the police, state-run artistic institutions, education system) by means of irony. On the other hand, films made for state television frequently drew attention to corruption within state organisations and the fact it was usually being generally accepted as a status that did not need to be analysed. In both cases, the message of 1990s was carried on to the next millennium, and can eventually be interpreted as a way of solidifying the discourse of mistrust that we perceive in contemporary Slovak film for cinemas and television.
The next (25) part of Cooperative Thought Library reminds of articles of two Polish professors: S. Bukowiecki's 'Social work and the state' and J. Kurnatowski's 'Solidarity', which appeared in 1929 in the 'Yearbook of Social and Political Sciences of the Free Polish University'.
The CSR-oriented companies introduce some tools to demonstrate their environmental and social responsibility. Besides different activities which are presented in reports, certificates they apply for demonstration of their social and environmental engagement. Due to the increasing awareness among consumers there is an even greater demand for authentic and independent guaranteecertificates which confirm the social responsibility doings. So in the last few years the use of thematic trademarks which are signs of the responsibility has spread. The presented research focuses on a special segment of national park trademarks. The research questions within the framework of a standard interview are attempting to reveal how informed consumers are concerning the trademarks in use and whether the consumer favours those products and services that pos sess quality certificates. What are the expectations of the consumers in connection with products and services that hold the Hungarian National Park Product trademark? Do these certificated products and services mean benefits to consumers? The trademarks of the manufacturers and service providers give information to the customer on the advantage of the product and hence the whole life-cycle of the product is seen through. Probably due to this controlled quality and reliable origin the certified products are favoured. This kind of labelling means a kind of guarantee to the customer.
The author considers which form of association of EU states the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe reflects. The word treaty means that one has to deal with the international treaty adopted by the will resulting from equality in law of all EU states. On the other hand the word constitution expresses that the entity established by the treaty has a character which in some respects resembles to that of a state. The EU bears some features of a state - namely citizenship and symbols, nevertheless it does not have its own sovereign power because this is derived from the sovereignty of member states. The EU institutions don't present a copy of classical division of power in the state and in this context one may say that the EU doesn't have its own mechanism of enforcement of legal obligations. In the text of the treaty we don't find an explicit statement that the EU becomes a composed state. Hereafter one has to deal with the international organization with several elements of supranationality whose existence is possible and whose functionning depends on its sovereign member states. Perhaps it seems as most correct to refer to the EU by a functionalist definition.
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This text is a response to a review of Petr Sommer's book 'Svaty Prokop. Z pocatku ceskeho statu a cirkve' (Saint Prokop. From the Beginnings of the Bohemian State and Church), Prague 2007. The concept of this book, which strives to provide an interdisciplinary view of the Early Middle Age and Prokop's personality was positively received. However, negative responses related to the concept of the organization of the early medieval Bohemian state, its church and the institution of private property. In response to these reproaches, the author explains why the argument based on Prokop's ownership of private property as the justification for the existence of private and heritable property in the Early Bohemian Middle Ages is unacceptable to him; why he does not consider the model of the feudal organization of society as antiquated and where the principles of organization of the early Bohemian state and its society lie. Furthermore, he discusses the possibilities of using legendary texts, penitentials and books of homilies for the reconstruction of Prokop's world and the degree of modelling permissible in the work of a historian who detaches himself from historical resources.
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In the article the critical analysis of the main aspects of the party-government interaction in the Federal Republic of Germany is carried out. There are historical, conceptual, constitutional and legal, practical and political, and others. The fundamental approaches in German state-legal and political thought about evaluation of modern party role in German political system are considered. The influence of political parties on the formation and functioning of the state system is highlighted. The article proves that the party influence on the higher bodies of state power is much more intensive than it is provided for in the legal regulations. The thesis is also concerned with the place of parties in ensuring the cooperation between the state and society in Germany. The author notes the deformation of parties’ democracy in Germany, close connection between political parties and the state, weakening status of the political parties as public representants.
The article summarises the results of undertaken studies of evolution of theoretical looks at regulation of agrarian sector development. It is ascertained, the only state that has enough supplies of products to come to the foreign markets develops successfully. Therefore agrarian sector can be both the reason of the state economic crisis and sphere of crisis overcoming. It is proved, that the process of enterprises and governmental regulation convergence will grow, while holding the requirements of sustainable development (human, ecology, economics) and agrarian sector development within the bounce of innovative and investment model.
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The article presents Ernst Cassirer’s concept of the myth of state in the context of his philosophy of symbolic forms, influenced by the critical philosophy of Immanuel Kant and by the philosophy of Marburg neo-Kantianism. Ernst Cassirer believed that language, myth, art, religion, history, science – all the forms of representation that human beings use – are symbolic. Human being, defined as an animal symbolicum, exist in the universe of symbolic meaning. Myth is primitive manifestation of symbolic meaning. In his last major work – The Myth of the State, Cassirer concerns the idea of a totalitarian state as a modern political myth.
The mechanism of state regulation and functioning of the financial market, their basic elements and directions of influence on development of the financially-credit mechanism of joint-stock companies in Ukraine is investigated.
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The paper deals with reflections on the transformations occurring within societal organisation upon the example of Poland, Bohemia and Rus' at the end of the tenth century and during the first decades of the eleventh century. Emphasis placed upon differences between the tribal and state system is accompanied by special attention focused on the changes to which both those systems were subjected, together with an attempt at defining particular development phases. The point of departure of the ensuing deliberations is a characterisation of social groups interested in systemic transformations. Among the catalysts determining the origin of such groups the author distinguishes economic factors relating to the possibility of obtaining new sources of revenue, and psychic factors connected with promotion within the hierarchy of prestige. In the latter domain, an essential role was played by the emergence of the collective consciousness of a group interested in systemic changes, based on an awareness of its distinction from other groups and the creation of a memory about its past. Fundamental differences between tribal and state organisation involved the significance and power of the executive authority enjoyed by the duke's armed squad. Originally, the authority of the ruler was extremely broad, but with time it became restrained by new social elites whose origin was highly differentiated: they were composed of persons who no longer saw perspectives for themselves within the old order as well as those tribal elders who were capable of adapting themselves to the new system. The state witnessed a new division of the social revenue, which favoured the duke and his entourage, thus producing an increasingly strong polarisation of the population. Another phenomenon involved a gradual transformation of the structures of the economic and political administration by creating new provinces (including Church ones) and stronghold|castle-town districts. We are unable to define precisely the onset of the transformation of tribal structures. Rapid changes affecting the character of the state, linked with a growing prominence of the lords, were discernible already during the mid-eleventh century.
The article is focused on theoretical considerations aimed at defining and delimitation of the ranges of public and private spheres. Such considerations are justified by the fact that the theory of state and of public sector, as well as fundamentals of economic analysis and regulation of the public sphere, constitute a relatively poorly developed part of the theory of economics. On the other hand, the public sphere and the demand for effective methods of its development become larger due to increasingly complicated social, political and economic relations, an increasingly tough competition and bitter rivalry, the density of population in most parts of our globe and a deeper and deeper disproportion in the development of particular areas.
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