The present study addresses primarily the question of how vulgarisms are treated in various dictionaries, classifying taboo words into four main classes (etymological, euphemistic, terminological, and informal/vulgar). The main focus here is on sexual vulgarisms, as sexuality can be regarded as a multifaceted taboo established by various factors such as religion, psychology and the like. Our claim is that there exist certain taboo mechanisms within the lexicographic process that influence the design of particular dictionary entries. Supported by original research, our study illustrates how these mechanisms apply in the Large German-Czech Academic Dictionary and the Academic Dictionary of Contemporary Czech. Challenges in the description of vulgarisms, e.g. orthography, definition or exemplification, are presented. It is posited that the user aspect must be given enhanced status within the dictionary-making process and that lexicographers often have to base their decisions on common sense rather than a general methodology that often cannot account for various special cases and exceptions.
The paper deals with the use of the expression ty vole ( that can be translated as man/dude/shit) in the current Czech language. Through the qualitative analysis of the material of spoken Czech corpora, the contribution demonstrates that this originally vulgar expression in contemporary Czech has lost its mischievous content in some contexts and it is used also with other meanings than vulgar or depreciative. At the same time, it is possible to observe the shift in its morphological classification, at present it is not always possible to characterize its form as a vocative of the substance of a word vůl/ox, i.e. also its position in the contacting function as addressing a communication partner, but it is formally ceased and it functions as a particle. Paralelly with it, it acquires new communication functions. The aim of the analysis is to describe the communication acquires new communicative functions. Corpus analysis is accompanied by an elicitation research probe among foreign students of Bohemistics. The aim of the elicitation is the individual interpretation of contexts and goals of using the vocabulary of ty vole.
Příspěvek se zabývá používáním prostředku ty vole v současné mluvené češtině. Prostřednictvím kvalitativní analýzy materiálu mluvených korpusů češtiny příspěvek dokládá, že tento původně vulgární výraz v současné češtině ztratil v některých kontextech svou hanlivou náplň a je užíván i s jinými významy než vulgárními či depreciativními. Zároveň je možné sledovat i posun v jeho morfologickém zařazení, v současné době ne vždy lze charakterizovat jeho formu jako vokativ substantiva vůl, tj. následně i jeho postavení ve funkci kontaktové jako oslovení komunikačního partnera, ale dochází k jeho formálnímu ustrnutí do podoby částice a paralelně s tím, získává nové komunikační funkce. Cílem analýzy je popis komunikačních funkcí, do nichž prostředek ty vole vstupuje. Korpusová analýza je provázena elicitační výzkumnou sondou mezi zahraničními studenty bohemistiky. Cílem elicitace jsou individuální interpretace kontextů a cílů užití slovního spojení ty vole.
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