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The free radical scavenging activity of ethanolic extracts of propolis (EEP) at the concentrations of 3%, 7%, and 10% was examined. The impact of storage temperature and exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light on the interactions of extracts of propolis with the model DPPH free radicals was also determined. The quenching of an X-band electron paramagnetic resonance spectra of DPPH free radicals by the extracts stored at room temperature, heated at the temperature of 50 oC and exposed to UV-irradiation, were compared. The examined propolis ethanolic extracts revealed an antioxidative character. The storage of the samples at a higher temperature (50 oC) caused a decrease of the scavenging activity equaling to 7% and 10% EEP. UV-irradiation of the 3% EEP increased the quenching of DPPH free radical lines. The reverse effect was observed for the 7% and 10% propolis extracts. The 3% ethanolic extract of propolis is more stable for storage at 50ºC, and less than other analyzed EEP susceptible for UV-irradiation. Alterations of the antioxidative properties of the analyzed EEP and changes in the kinetics of their interactions with free radicals, indicate that 3%, 7%, and 10% propolis extracts should not be exposed to the temperature of 50 oC and UV-irradiation.
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