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Content available remote Molecular characterization of rotaviruses in mid-western Turkey, 2006–2007
Vaccines against rotaviruses are now available in numerous countries, including Turkey. As the vaccines may show various efficiencies against different type specificities and routine vaccination in infants might result in selection and immune escape of wild-type rotavirus strains, strain surveillance has been initiated before and during the vaccine introduction. We aimed to provide corresponding information on local strain prevalence in Anatolia, mid-western Turkey during the introduction of rotavirus vaccines. Stool samples positive for group A rotavirus by commercial enzyme immunoassay were subjected to reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction based genotyping of the outer capsid antigens, VP7 and VP4, determining G and P type specificities respectively. Among 36 fully and 5 partially typeable strains we detected genotype G1, G2, and G9 VP7 specificities and genotype P[4], P[6] and P[8] VP4 specificities in 5 individual and 4 mixed combinations. The most common strain was G2P[4] (n=17), followed by G9P[8] (n=9). Other strains were G1P[8] (n=2), G2P[8] (n=2), G1+2P[8] (n=2), G9P[4] (n=1), G2+9P[8] (n=1), G4+9P[6] (n=1), and G2P[4+8] (n=1). Partially typed strains included 2 G1P[NT] and 3 G2P[NT] strains. Our data may help determine a baseline of the rotavirus genotype prevalence in Turkey and see if changes in the incidence of individual strains will be observed after routine use of vaccine.
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