Qualitative transformations in farm mechanization will tend towards the improvement of the comfort and safety of work, reduction of operation costs, decrease of environment degradation and amelioration of the quality of produced agricultural raw materials. Significant innovations in the construction of farm machines and larger international cooperation in the fields of manufacture and marketing of means of production for agriculture will be necessary.
Przewiduje się, że w przyszłości nastąpią zmiany wymagań użytkowników sprzętu rolniczego odnośnie cech jakościowych tego sprzętu, polegające na większym niż dotychczas nacisku na zapewnienie możliwości poprawy komfortu i bezpieczeństwa obsługi, zmniejszenia kosztów użytkowania maszyn (kosztów zmiennych), ograniczenia niekorzystnego oddziaływania na środowisko naturalne, poprawy jakości uzyskiwanych produktów.
The main purpose of food economy is comprehensive meeting of the society's demand for food with minimum social costs of its production. This purpose is being realized by almost 3.7 milion farms, industrial plants and service institutions which are considered part of food economy and which differ with respect to structure of ownership, size, possession of machines and equipment and which are situated throughout the whole country, in regions of different natural and socio-economic conditions and of different historical background. In result food economy plays a different role in the economy or regions and its importance in individual regions is different. Food economy, similarly to the whole national economy, must be subjected to the rules of spatial order whose one of main purposes is to put transportation costs to a minimum as they have substantial impact on the volume of social costs of food production. Costs of transportation burdening most the food economy result primarily from spatial desintegration of the processes of ,agricultural production and food processing that are closely interrelated. Their elimination is possible through creation of economically justified network of industrial plants suited in volume of processing capacity and production profile to regionalization of raw materials base and geography of consumption.
Research studies on the development of the cardiovascular system and its formation during embryologic development have been conducted for a long time. However, such studies have only gained a significant interest less than two decades ago. This can be related to the introduction of immunohistochemical methods, in which endothelium cell markers and their precursors as well as smooth muscle cell markers have been applied, lining the interior surface of a blood vessel wall of a larger diameter. In the process of coronary blood vessel formation two main mechanisms are involved: vasculogenesis and angiogenesis. The formation of vessels occurs in several stages. First a monolayer of endothelial cells begins sprouting to form tubes. These are then transformed into capillaries, veins and arteries.
Kształtowanie przestrzenne miast jest największym odzwierciedleniem poszczególnych etapów rozwoju cywilizacyjnego. Można wyróżnić miasta: antyczne, średniowieczne, barokowe, ery industrializacji i współczesne, przeobrażane pod wpływem społeczeństwa informacyjnego. Najważniejsze, pozytywne cechy społeczeństwa informacyjnego to: swobodne przemieszczanie się, wzmożona aktywność i przedsiębiorczość, otwartość na zmiany i duże zdolności adaptacyjne. Za negatywne cechy należy uznać dezintegrację społeczną. Przeobrażenia struktur przestrzennych pod wpływem społeczeństwa informacyjnego dotyczą: sieci osadniczej z dominującym znaczeniem obszarów metropolitalnych, tworzenia układów sieciowych, wzrostu konkurencyjności terytorialnej oraz modernizacji układów przestrzennych przez tworzenie zespołów wielofunkcyjnych i wyobcowanych. W planowaniu przestrzennym znaczenia nabierają nowe elementy zagospodarowania.
The urban spatial shaping is the greatest reflexion of particular stages in civilization development. We can distinguish the cities: ancient, medieval, baroque, industrialization era and up-to-date, being transformed under the influence of the information society. The most important, positive features of information society are first of all: unconstrained displacement, intensive activity and enterprise, openness on changes and big adaptation abilities. As the negative features we can recognize the social disintegration. The transformations of spatial structures influenced by the information society concern: settlement network with a dominant importance of metropolitan areas, network schemes creation, increase of territorial competitiveness and modernization of spatial patterns by the creation of multifunctional and separated complexes. In the spatial planning the new elements of management are becoming important.