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The paper deals with investigations concerning the optical parameters of the layers of selected phthalocyanines by means of the surface plasmon resonance method. The values of the refracting index and the coefficient of extinction for copper and lead phthalocyanines have been determined. The presented results concern the layers occurring in the surrounding atmospheric air before and after exposure to 100ppm nitrogen dioxide. The obtained dispersive characteristics were determined ellipsometrically and using the surface plasmon resonance method, by adapting theoretical relations to the experimental dependence of the surface plasmon resonance. The resulting values of the complex refracting index for the tested phthalocyanines were compared with the values obtained by ellipsometric measurements.
The commercially available metal-oxide TGS sensors are widely used in many applications due to the fact that they are inexpensive and considered to be reliable. However, they are partially selective and their responses are influenced by various factors, e.g. temperature or humidity level. Therefore, it is important to design a proper analysis system of the sensor responses. In this paper, the results of examinations of eight commercial TGS sensors combined in an array and measured over a period of a few months for the purpose of prediction of nitrogen dioxide concentration are presented. The measurements were performed at different relative humidity levels. PLS regression was employed as a method of quantitative analysis of the obtained sensor responses. The results of NO2 concentration prediction based on static and dynamic responses of sensors are compared. It is demonstrated that it is possible to predict the nitrogen dioxide concentration despite the influence of humidity.
tom Vol. 44 nr 3
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań jakości powietrza atmosferycznego w bezpośrednim sąsiedztwie szlaków komunikacyjnych w Gliwicach. Celem przeprowadzonych badań była ocena stanu zanieczyszczenia powietrza dwutlenkiem azotu pochodzącym ze źródeł motoryzacyjnych, w warunkach typowych dla miast o dużym natężeniu ruchu tranzytowego, związanym z brakiem obwodnicy miejskiej oraz po zmianie organizacji ruchu kołowego w mieście, co związane było z wyprowadzeniem części ruchu samochodowego z miasta. Na tej podstawie określono wpływ uruchomienia fragmentu autostrady A4 Kleszczów - Gliwice, stanowiącego jednocześnie obwodnicę Gliwic, na stan zanieczyszczenia powietrza w mieście.
Results of the air quality tests in the vicinity of the Gliwice communication routes were presented in the paper. The goal of the studies was to assess the air contamination by nitrogen dioxide from automotive transport in conditions typical for cities of intensive transit traffic due to lack of ring routes and after changes in the traffic organisation resulting in a decrease of the transit movement intensity in the city. The presented data were used to determine the impact of putting the A4 motorway Kleszczów-Gliwice section into use as a ring road for Gliwice on the air quality in the city.
A popularity café in Baghdad city was chosen to measure the dispersion of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and carbon monoxide (CO) as examples of the Indoor Air Pollutants (IAPs) which are considered a significant environmental problem. The aims of this research were, firstly, to measure the variation of NO2 and CO concentrations; secondly, to examine the effect of the seasonal variation of indoor temperature (°C) and relative humidity (%) on the dispersion of both NO2 and CO and finally to compare the results with those of the global standards. The volume of café was about 360 m3 and the number of smokers was about 25-35 smoker/day. This work was divided into two parts where the first part includes the experimental work which comprised the measurement of NO2 and CO by GIGs devices. It was lasted about five months commencing from November 2017 to March 2018 and the readings were taken during two intervals at partial time and during peak time. The second part includes the analysis of obtained results and compared the results of those of the global standards for the Indoor Air Quality suggested by WHO, EPA, and European criteria in order to achieve the goals of this work. The results from this research have highlighted a clear increase in the concentrations of NO2 and CO along with the growing numbers of smokers. Furthermore, the concentrations of NO2 and CO were close to some global standard values of short-term exposure at peak time.
Tropospheric nitrogen dioxide (NO2) is a trace gas with important impact on atmospheric chemistry, human health and a key pollutant in particular cities, measured from space since the mid-1990s by the GOME, SCIAMACHY, OMI, and GOME-2 instruments. This study present ten years (monthly and yearly averaged) dataset from Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) used to investigate tropospheric NO2 characteristics and variations over Iraq during 2005–2014. Annual NO2 shows an elevation from the northern to the southern and highest values was at central parts of Iraq. Monthly distributions revels higher values NO2 in winter and summer than spring and autumn seasons, and rising NO2 throughout study period over industrial and crowded urban zones. The trend analysis over Baghdad shows a linear growth rate 9.8% per year with an annual average (5.6·1015 molecules per 1 cm2). The air mass trajectory analysis as hotspot regions shows seasonal fluctuations between winter and summer seasons depend on weather conditions and topography. The increased NO2 values in winter are due to anthropogenic emissions and subsequent plumes from Europe. In addition, in summer because of hot weather and large paddy fields emissions. The lowest NO2 value was at monsoon period mostly linked to the rains. The OMI data and satellite information are able to observe the troposphere NO2 elevation at different regions.
Content available remote Ditlenek azotu - metoda oznaczania
tom Nr 4 (38)
Metodę stosuje się do oznaczania ditlenku azotu w powietrzu na stanowiskach pracy podczas przeprowadzania kontroli warunków sanitarnohigienicznych. Ditlenek azotu obecny w badanym powietrzu pochłania się w zasadowym roztworze arsenianu(III) sodu i kwasu sulfanilowego, w którym następuje ilościowa przemiana ditlenku azotu w azotan(III) sodu oraz reakcja diazowania kwasu sulfanilowego. Następnie przeprowadza się sprzęgnięcie powstałego związku diazowego z N-(1-naftylo)-etylenodiaminą w postaci chlorowodorku, w wyniku czego powstaje barwny związek diazowy. Intensywność zabarwienia, proporcjonalną do stężenia pochłoniętego ditlenku azotu, mierzy się spektrofotometrycznie przy długości fali 550 nm. Oznaczalność metody wynosi 0,2 mg/m³.
The method is based on collection of nitrogen dioxide in alkaline solution of sodium arsenate (III) and sulfanila and determination by spectrophotometric analysis after coupling with N-l-naphtyl-ethylenediamine dihydrochloride. The determination limit of the method is 0.2 mg/m3.
Ditlenek azotu (NO2) jest gazem, który dosyć często występuje w środowisku pracy i środowisku komunalnym. Związek ten powstaje podczas: spalania substancji organicznych zawierających azot, detonacji materiałów wybuchowych, obróbki elektrochemicznej metali oraz pracy silników dieslowskich. W 2001 r. w Polsce było 736 osób narażonych zawodowo na ditlenek azotu o stężeniu większym od obowiązującej wartości NDS. Zarówno u ludzi, jak i u zwierząt laboratoryjnych narządem krytycznym dla ditlenku azotu jest układ oddechowy. Ostre zatrucie tym związkiem manifestuje się obrzękiem płuc prowadzącym nawet do zejścia śmiertelnego; związek jest klasyfikowany jako substancja toksyczna. Ditlenek azotu może działać klastogennie (czynnik powodujący załamania chromosomów i ich następstwa w postaci pozyskania, utraty lub przemieszczenia części chromosomów) oraz może sprzyjać rozwojowi nowotworów. Związek ten może również negatywnie wpływać na ontogenetyczny rozwój organizmu. Podstawą wartości najwyższego dopuszczalnego stężenia (NDS) ditlenku azotu są wyniki dobrze udokumentowanych badań przeprowadzonych w przemyśle, których wyniki posłużyły do wykazania pneumotoksycznego działania związku. Wartość NDS ditlenku azotu obliczono na podstawie wartości LOAEL (2,95 mg/m3) i dwóch współczynników niepewności. Na podstawie wartości NDS obliczono również wartość najwyższego dopuszczalnego stężenia chwilowego (NDSCh) ditlenku azotu. Po analizie wyliczeń zaproponowano przyjęcie wartości NDS ditlenku azotu wynoszącej 0,7 mg/m3 oraz wartości NDSCh wynoszącej 1,5 mg/m3.
Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) is a gas commonly present in both occupational and general environments. It is a product of fired materials containing nitrogen. In 2001 in Poland 736 workers were exposed to NO2 at a level above the MAC value. Respiratory tract is a critical organ for toxic action of NO2 in both humans and animals. This chemical is a clastogen. In the industry pneumotoxic effects in workers exposed to NO2 at level of 0.8 – 5.1 mg/m3 were observed. The MAC (TWA) value of 0.7 mg/m3 was calculated on the basis of the LOAEL value (2.95 mg/m3) and relevant uncertainty factors. The MAC (STEL) value was established by calculation at level of 1.5 mg/m3.
nr 2
Sosnowiec is located in the Katowice Region, which is the most urbanized and industrialized region in Poland. Urban areas of such character favor enhancement of pollution concentration in the atmosphere and the consequent emergence of smog. Local meteorological and circulation conditions significantly influence not only on the air pollution level but also change air temperature considerably in their centers and immediate vicinities. The synoptic situation also plays the major role in dispersal and concentration of air pollutants and changes in temperature profile. One of the most important are the near-ground (100 m) inversions of temperature revealed their highest values on clear winter days and sometimes stay still for the whole day and night. Air temperature inversions in Sosnowiec occur mainly during anticyclone stagnation (Ca-anticyclone centre and Ka-anticyclonic ridge) and in anticyclones with air advection from the south and southwest (Sa and SWa) which cause significantly increase of air pollution values. The detailed evaluation of the influence of circulation types on the appearance of a particular concentration of pollutants carried out in this work has confirmed the predominant influence of individual circulation types on the development of air pollution levels at the Katowice region. This paper presents research case study results of the thermal structure of the near-ground atmospheric layer (100 m) and air pollution parameters (PM10, SO2, NO, NO2) changes in selected days of 2005 year according to regional synoptic circulation types. The changes in urban environment must be taken into account in analyses of multiyear trends of air temperature and air conditions on the regional and global scales.
tom 29
nr 3
Objectives Concentrations of particulate matter that contains particles with diameter ≤ 10 mm ($\text{PM}_\text{10}$) and diameter ≤ 2.5 mm ($\text{PM}_\text{2.5}$) as well as nitrogen dioxide ($\text{NO}_{2}$) have considerable impact on human mortality, especially in the cases when cardiovascular or respiratory causes are attributed. Additionally, they affect morbidity. An estimation of human mortality and morbidity due to the increased concentrations of $\text{PM}_\text{10}$, $\text{PM}_\text{2.5}$ and $\text{NO}_{2}$ between the years 2005–2013 was performed for the city of Kraków, Poland. For this purpose the Air Quality Health Impact Assessment Tool (AirQ) software was successfully applied. Material and Methods The Air Quality Health Impact Assessment Tool was used for the calculation of the total, cardiovascular and respiratory mortality as well as hospital admissions related to cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. Data on concentrations of $\text{PM}_\text{10}$, $\text{PM}_\text{2.5}$ and $\text{NO}_{2}$, which was obtained from the website of the Voivodeship Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (WIOS) in Kraków, was used in this study. Results Total mortality due to exposure to $\text{PM}_\text{10}$ in 2005 was found to be 41 deaths per 100 000 and dropped to 30 deaths per 100 000 in 2013. Cardiovascular mortality was 2 times lower than the total mortality. However, hospital admissions due to respiratory diseases were more than an order of magnitude higher than the respiratory mortality. Conclusions The calculated total mortality due to $\text{PM}_\text{2.5}$ was higher than that due to $\text{PM}_\text{10}$. Air pollution was determined to have a significant effect on human health. The values obtained by the use of the AirQ software for the city of Kraków imply that exposure to polluted air can result in serious health problems.
Content available Semi-markovian approach to modelling air pollution
The air pollution assessment based on concentration’s changes of sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, ozone, benzene, and particulate matter is discussed in the chapter. The semi-Markov model of the environmental pollution process is introduced and its characteristics are determined. Next the proposed model is practically applied to examine and characterized air pollution in Gdańsk (Poland) as the exemplary industrial agglomeration. The main parameters and characteristics of the air pollution process are determined, such as concentration states of particular kinds of air pollutants, the limit values of transient probabilities and the mean total sojourn times staying at the air pollutants’ concentration states, for the fixed time interval.
The paper considers the current problem of improving the quality of atmospheric monitoring. The paper aimed at conducting a monitoring section of the existing situation in the studied territories in St. Petersburg. The following study methods were described: gravimetric, electrochemical, and chromatographic. The analysis of samples was carried out on the following laboratory facilities of the mobile environmental laboratory: PU-3E aspirator, ECOLAB portable gas analyser, DUSTTRAK 8533 dust analyser, portable gas chromatograph FGKh-1, professional weather station. The study consisted of two parts and was carried out in two districts of the city: Novosmolenskaya Embankment of the Smolenka River (Vasileostrovsky District) and the banks of the Volkovka River (Frunzensky District). As a result of the study, the concentrations of nitrogen dioxide, carbon oxide, suspended solids and volatile organic compounds in the air of the studied districts were measured. The obtained values were compared with the maximal single limiting concentration (LMCm.s.) and assumptions were made about the possible sources of pollution. In the territory of Novosmolenskaya Embankment, the concentration of nitrogen dioxide varied from 0.211 mg/m3 to 0.472 mg/m3, which means the exceedance of LMCm.s. The maximum permissible concentration of the volatile organic compounds (VOC) content in air was exceeded by several orders of magnitude. No exceedance of LMCm.s. was detected for the content of carbon oxide and suspended solids in the air. The empirical data was used to build the air pollution content maps and to calculate the atmospheric pollution index in the studied territory.
The objective of this research was the assessment of the dependence between the road traffic volume and the concentration of nitrogen dioxide at the investigated section of a road. The concentration of nitrogen dioxide has been measured on the basis of the method of differential optical absorption spectroscopy, with the application of OPSIS analyzer located above a highly loaded street accessing the city of Gliwice. The road traffic volume was adopted on the basis of the data from the road traffic monitoring system in Gliwice By means of the cross-spectrum analysis, which allows to investigate the harmonic structure of time series of concentrations and traffic volume, the road traffic volume has been identified to be the essential factor influencing local NO2 concentration values. Taking advantage of NO2 average concentration values in July 2013 during the working days between 6 am ÷ 3 pm, regression function has been determined. This function best describes the dependence between concentration and traffic volume within the given time frame. These functions feature non-linear characteristics.
Celem pracy była ocena zależności pomiędzy natężeniem ruchu drogowego, a stężeniem dwutlenku azotu nad jezdnią na badanym odcinku drogi. Stężenie dwutlenku azotu było mierzone z zastosowaniem różnicowej optycznej spektroskopii absorpcyjnej, przy użyciu analizatora OPSIS zainstalowanego nad silnie obciążoną drogą dojazdową do centrum Gliwic. Natężenie ruchu drogowego na tym odcinku drogi zostało ustalone na podstawie danych z systemu ciągłego monitoringu ruchu drogowego funkcjonującego w Gliwicach. Za pomocą metod analizy spektralnej szeregów czasowych, zidentyfikowano natężenie ruchu jako istotny czynnik wpływający na lokalne wartości stężenia NO2 w badanym przedziale czasowym (w godzinach 6.00 ÷ 15.00 dni roboczych lipca 2013). Na podstawie zmierzonych stężeń NO2 i stwierdzonego natężenia ruchu, znaleziono funkcję najlepiej opisująca badaną zależność. Funkcja ta posiada nieliniowy charakter.
Content available remote Spectrophotometric determination of nitrite using phenosafranine
A simple and sensitive spectrophotometric method for the determination of nitrite is described. Diazotisation of the primary amino group in the dye phenosafranine resulted in a decrease in absorbance at 520 nm. This decrease in absorbance is directly proportional to nitrite concentration obeying Beer's law in the range 0-12 ug of nitrite in a final aqueous volume of 25 ml with a relative standard deviation of 2.9% at 8ug of nitrite (n = 10). Sensitivity of the method is enhanced by extracting the dye into 3-methyl-1 -butanol under alkaline condition, followed by the addition of methanolic sulfuric acid. Beer's law is obeyed over the range 0-1ug of nitrite at 530 nm, after extraction with a relative standard deviation of 1.9% at 0.6ug of nitrite (n = 10). The developed method has been applied for the determination of residual NO(2) in the laboratory fume cupboard after fixing it as nitrite in suitable absorber solution. Nitrate and nitrite contents in analytical grade chemicals, medicated tooth paste, soil and water samples were determined. The effects of interfering gases and other ions on the determination of nitrite are described. Reliability of the method was established by parallel determination using a diazocoupling reaction and by studying recovery of added nitrite and nitrate.
Opisano prostą i czułą spektrofotometryczną metodą oznaczania azotynów. Diazowanie pierwszorzędowej grupy aminowej barwnika fenosafraniny powoduje zmniejszenie wartości absorbancji przy 520 nm. Zmniejszenie to jast proporcjonalne do stężenia azotynów i wykazuje zgodność z prawem Beera w zakresie 0-12 ug azotynów w końcowej objętości 25 ml (RSD = 2.9% dla 8ug azotynów, n = 10). Czułość metody zwiększa się po ekstrakcji barwnika 3-mety lo-1 -butanolem ze środowiska alkalicznego i dodaniu metanolowego roztworu kwasu siarkowego. Po ekstrakcji, zgodność z prawem Beera stwierdzono w zakresie 0-1 ug azotynów przy 530 nm (RSD = l .9% dla 0.6 mg azotynów, n = 10). Opracowaną metodę zastosowano do oznaczania NO(2) w dymie z wyciągu laboratoryjnego po absorpcji gazu w odpowiednim roztworze. Zawartość azotanów i azotynów oznaczano także w odczynnikach chemicznych, próbkach wody i gleby oraz w leczniczej paście do zębów. Opisano wpływ różnych jonów i gazów na wyniki oznaczania azotynów. Wiarygodność wyników opracowanej metody sprawdzono metodą diazowania i sprzęgania oraz metodą dodawania wzorca (azotyny i azotany) określono dokładność metody.
The influence of modification by pre- and post-treatment of active carbons with ammonia on adsorption abilities from liquid and gas phases has been tested. Carbon materials with different surface chemistry were obtained by chemical activation of Polish brown and subbituminous coal. The products were microporous active carbon samples of well developed surface area (SBET from 1579 to 2,922 m²/g), containing from 0.3 to 7.4 wt% of nitrogen. The results obtained in our study have, moreover, proven that a suitable choice of the modification procedure for coals can produce activated carbons with high capacity of iodine adsorption (to 2,100 mg/g) and high nitrogen dioxide adsorption ability, reaching to 55.1 mg NO₂/g.
Celem pracy jest charakterystyka czasowego i przestrzennego rozkładu zanieczyszczeń komunikacyjnych (NO2, PM10, O3, C6H6) na trzech stacjach monitoringu jakości powietrza na obszarze Warszawy. Analizowany okres to 2011–2013. Uzyskano wyższe stężenia na stacji Komunikacyjna niż na stacjach referencyjnych: Targówek i Ursynów. Wzrost stężeń zanieczyszczeń komunikacyjnych był obserwowany w godzinach szczytu: porannego o 7–11 oraz popołudniowego o 15–20 spowodowanego wzrostem natężenia ruchu drogowego na badanym obszarze. Określono również związek między wartościami stężenia analizowanych zanieczyszczeń i warunkami meteorologicznymi.
The aim of this work was to characterize the temporary and spatial distribution of traffic related air pollutants (NO2, PM10, O3, C6H6) and assessment of the relationship between meteorological conditions and air pollution concentration from three monitoring stations in Warsaw area. In the period from 2011 to 2013 average annual values of concentration NO2 were exceeded on all considered stations Warsaw (i.e. Komunikacyjna, Warszawa- -Ursynów and Warszawa-Targówek). The values varied from 114 do 141% of permissible values (40 μg·m–3 ). In case of PM10 concentration permissible concentration of annual average value was exceeded on two stations and in case of ozone and benzene excesses not occurred. The greatest concentration values for analyzed pollutants were recorded on Komunikacyjna station situated in the city center in close proximity of communication routes. The least concentration values were recorded for city suburb areas Ursynów and Targówek situated in greater distance from the biggest traffic streets than Komunikacyjna station. Statistical analysis shows the relationship between logical conditions and high concentration of ozone during episode days and between particular meteorological elements and the concentration of analyzed air pollutants.
Jakość powietrza w Polsce stanowi poważny problem dla społeczeństwa oraz środowiska. Według badań WHO Polska znajduje się na 14. miejscu w Europie jako kraj najbardziej zanieczyszczony pyłem zawieszonym PM10. Równie niebezpieczne dla zdrowia są ozon, WWO, dwutlenek azotu, tlenek siarki, tlenek węgla oraz metale ciężkie. Długotrwałe narażenie na podwyższone stężenia ozonu oraz dwutlenku azotu może doprowadzić do nieodwracalnych, rozległych zmian w płucach, obrzęku płuc, a nawet śmierci. Głównym przedstawicielem WWA jest benzo(a)piren (BaP), który jest kumulowany w organizmie i został określony przez IARC jako główny czynnik kancerogenny. Wysokie stężenie tlenku siarki w powietrzu może doprowadzić do uszkodzenia górnych dróg oddechowych, ponadto tlenki siarki przyczyniają się również do występowania kwaśnych deszczy oraz są składnikami smogu typu londyńskiego. Metale ciężkie będące zanieczyszczeniami powietrza, z uwagi na zdolność kumulowania się w organizmie, są jednym z najcięższych zagrożeń dla zdrowia ludzi.
Air quality in Poland poses a serious threat for boththe society and the environment. According to the WHO research Poland is located on the 14th place as a country most contaminated by particulate matter (PM10). Equally health-threatening substances are ozone, PAH, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur oxide, carbon oxide and heavy metals. Long-lasting exposure to high concentrations of ozone and nitrogen dioxide may lead to many irreversible changes in lungs, pulmonary oedema and even death. The main PAH, which cumulates in the organism is benzopyrene. This substance has been described by the IARC as a the most cancerogenic factor. High concentration of sulfur oxide in the air may cause severe damage of upper respiratory tract, sulfur oxide contributes greatly also to the appearance of acid rain and is an ingredient of a London type smog. Heavy metals polluting the air are one of the most severe health threat for people, due to the ability to cumulate in the organism.
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