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Content available remote Probalistic Neural Network Application to Warship Radio Station Identification
The article presents use of PNN to identify ship’s radio stations. Two methods of PNN acceleration are included. The first one is a combination of PNN and Kohonen neural network. The task of Kohonen neural network is to roughly classify radio station. The final identification is performed by PNN. The second speeding up approach consists in using average data instead of original one. Moreover, a modification of PNN decision rule is applied.
Some problems of neurocomputing in the dynamics of structures are presented: 1) damage detection using wave propagation, 2) updating of portal frames finite element models, 3) detection of the void and additional mass in cantilever plates, 4) neural network modelling of an "artificial boundary condition". The analysed problems are related to both data prepared by computational systems and that taken from experimental evidence.
W artykule przedstawiono zastosowanie sieci neuronowych w wybranych zagadnieniach dynamiki konstrukcji: 1) wykrywanie uszkodzeń w elementach prętowych na podstawie propagacji fali, 2) dostrajanie modeli MES ram portalowych, 3) wykrywanie pustki i dodatkowej masy w drgającej płycie wspornikowej, 4) modelowanie "sztucznej granicy" w zagadnieniu propagacji fali. Rozpatrywane problemy dotyczą zarówno modeli numerycznych, jak i eksperymentalnych.
The subject matter of the investigation is a barrier in the functioning of certain inventory system whose input is a non-aggregated dynamic-parameter process. The author derives relations between the distributions of the probability of an upper-limit barrier in subsystem L, on the one hand, and the parameters of the process of product supply to storage and the parameters of the functioning of the transport subsystem, on the other hand. It is assumed that both processes are Markov processes.
The task of the ship immune system is to differentiate self objects, i.e. objects that are not dangerous to our ship, from other objects that can be a potential threat. To perform the task the system makes use of a set of detectors. The detectors imitate signatures of non-self objects and they are generated at random. In order for the detectors to be able to effectively perform their task they have to be constructed in appropriate way. Since, random generators are used to form detectors the problem is to select a generator producing the most effective detectors. In order to select an appropriate generator, experiments were carried out. In the experiments, the task of the ship immune system was to differentiate self and non-self ship radio stations. Results of the experiments are presented at the end of the paper.
Adaptive pole-placement control for the plant with unknown orders and coefficients of its model is presented in the paper, in an on-line approach. In order to adapt to the plant, the considered controller changes its structure and parameters, along with the identification process. In order to combine structural and parametric identification, the approach presented in [5] has been used, with the simulation runs performed for continuous plant and a discrete-time controller and identification algorithms.
This Paper presents a methodology for estimating the parameters of stochastic differential equation (SDE) driven by froctional Brownian motion (fBm). The main idea is connected with simulated maximum likelihood.To develop the methodology, two iimportant questions, namely how to generote fBm sample paths with different values of the Hurst parameter and how to estimate Hurst parometer are studied. Aa Effectiveness of the methodology is analyzed through Monte Carlo simulations.
Generic composition and metabolic activity of neustonic and planktonic bacteria inhabiting seawater in the region of the Gdansk Deep were determined. In each of the studied water layers, bacteria of the Flavobacterium-Cytophaga group domi-nated, while bacteria of the Micrococcus, Acineto-bacter, Bacillus genera and of the Arthrobacter-Corynebacterium group constituted only a slight percentage of the bacterioneuston and bakterioplankton. Different levels of metabolic activity of bacteria inhabiting different water layers were measured. The intensity of oxidization of respiratory substrates depended also on taxonomic position of bacteria. Generally casein hydrolyzate was the most actively metabolized respiratory substrate; sodium acetate was oxidized with lesser intensity. A considerable impact of salinity on the level of metabolic activity was noticed.
With the current trend of increasing automation, leading to self-organizing machine tools and production machines (“Industry 4.0”), data acquisition and processing becomes more and more important. Based on these data, new monitoring functions and identification methods can be implemented in the machine control. Depending on the algorithms, also drive internal data, such as the actual torque, or the power consumption of the machine axes are required, partially at high sample rates. State of the art computerized numerical controllers (e.g. SIEMENS 840D sl) however, are characterized by a separation of drive system and controller. Drive data, which is not included in the standard bus-connection are difficult to access by the superordinated CNC. The paper addresses this problem, presents and compares various concepts of drive data transfer to a standard industrial CNC/PLC. Subsequently, the most convenient method, which utilizes a drive-internal data recorder is chosen for implementation. It offers flexible drive data acquisition through the PLC at high sample rates, carried out block wise. Experimental results are shown to prove the functionality. Finally, ideas for continuative monitoring and identification methods are discussed.
In the paper, mathematical models of the supercapacitors are investigated. The models are based on electrical circuits in the form of RC ladder networks. The elementary cell of the network may consist of resistances and capacitances that are connected in series or parallel. The dynamic behavior of the circuit is described using fractional-order differential equations and its properties are analyzed. The identification procedure with quadratic performance index is performed in time domain to identify the parameters of the supercapacitor models. The results of numerical simulations are compared with the results measured experimentally in the physical system. In addition, an example from the automotive industry is used for an experimental evaluation of the theoretical analysis and to present a perspective on the applicability of the approach for other industrial projects.
W pracy zidentyfikowano i przeanalizowano zagrożenia bezpieczeństwa systemów rozrządzania grawitacyjnego wynikające z niedokładnych obliczeń jednostkowych oporów wagonów od łuków poziomych.
Threats are identified and analysed to safety of gravitational marshalling systems in effect of inaccurate calculations of unit wagon resistances along horizontal arcs.
Strength of identification with football club has strong influence on the experience of football fans during the football match. The aim of the study was to examine the relationship between the strength of identification and motivational factors which lead to the cheering. 56 fans of Slovan Bratislava were involved in the research. We used Sport spectator identification scale and Sport fan motivation as research methods. We expected that football fans would have different motives leading to cheering in relation with identification with club. Stronger identified fans were motivated to watch football mainly with eustress which they experience during match. They believed that victory of their club is their victory too.
Content available remote Identyfikacja manipulatora z napędem elektrycznym
W pracy rozważono model dynamiki manipulatora o dwóch stopniach swobody napędzanego silnikami elektrycznymi prądu stałego. Zaprojektowano algorytm identyfikacji parametrów modelu wykorzystujący metodę najmniejszych kwadratów. Pochodne sygnałów mierzonych wyznaczono za pomocą opracowanych filtrów różniczkujących. Przeprowadzono symulację opracowanego algorytmu.
In the paper the model of two degree of freedom robot manipulator driven by DC electric motors is analyzed. The parameter identification algorithm based on linear parametrization of the manipulator model and the least square criteria is developed. The desired derivatives of measured signals are estimated by means of designed differentiation filters. The simulations of the proposed algorithm are included.
The article presents the use of multiple regression method to identify added wave resistance. Added wave resistance was expressed in the form of a four-state nominal function of: “thrust”, “zero”, “minor” and “major” resistance values. Three regression models were developed for this purpose: a regression model with linear variables, nonlinear variables and a large number of nonlinear variables. The nonlinear models were developed using the author's algorithm based on heuristic techniques. The three models were compared with a model based on an artificial neural network. This study shows that non-linear equations developed through a multiple linear regression method using the author’s algorithm are relatively accurate, and in some respects, are more effective than artificial neural networks.
An approach to estimation of a parametric discrete-time model of a process in the case of some a priori knowledge of the investigated process properties is presented. The knowledge of plant properties is introduced in the form of linear bounds, which can be determined for the coefficient vector of the parametric model studied. The approach yields special biased estimation of model coefficients that preserves demanded properties. A formula for estimation of the model coefficients is derived and combined with a recursive scheme determined for minimization of the sum of absolute model errors. The estimation problem of a model with known static gains of inputs is discussed and proper formulas are derived. This approach can overcome the non-identifiability problem which has been observed during estimation based on measurements recorded in industrial closed-loop control systems. The application of the proposed approach to estimation of a model for an industrial plant (a water injector into the steam flow in a power plant) is presented and discussed.
Epimedium pubescens Maxim. and Epimedium koreanum Nakai. are two common and confused species of Herba Epimedii in Chinese Pharmacopoeia 2010 edition. Different species and growing conditions lead to chemical differences between the two species which may result in the improper clinical usage. In this work, a new method based on rapid-resolution liquid chromatography combined with time-of-flight mass spectrometry (RRLC/TOFMS) has been developed for identification and differentiation of major flavonoids in two kinds of Epimedium extract and rat plasma. The compounds were identified effectively based on the accurate extract masses and formulae acquired by RRLC/TOFMS. The fragmentation rules deduced by collision-induced dissociation (CID) were successfully implemented in distinguishing some of the isomers, further validating the results. By using the combined analytical techniques, a total of 40 major flavonoids in extracts of two kinds of Epimedium were identified within 30 min, including 31 common components and 9 characteristic components. After oral administration, three prototype compounds in rat plasma were detected by comparing the constituents measured in vitro with those in vivo, and five metabolites were identified by contrasting the fragmentation rules. The identification and structural elucidation of the chemical constituents provided essential data for further pharmacological and clinical studies on different species of Epimedium.
Content available remote Kriminalistická rekognícia
Recognition of human individuals plays a major role in forensic identification. It occurs only if person's mind contains a memory trace which relates to a relevant event. The person creates an image in their mind from their memory trace while they compare it to their current reflection (representation) of the observed object. This article explains definition and meaning of recognition, participants' role, and discusses various categories and their characteristic attributes in recognition. The content then moves to the factors which influence eyewitness's memory accuracy including recognition and distinguishes between the factors law enforcement can and cannot affect.
Podstatou rekognície ako jednej z foriem kriminalistickej identifikácie je znovupoznávanie, ktoré sa môže uskutočniť iba vtedy, pokiaľ vo vedomí človeka existuje pamäťová stopa, ktorá sa vzťahuje k určitej kriminalisticky relevantnej udalosti. Obraz zafixovaný v pamäťovej stope si znovupoznávajúca osoba vybaví v priebehu rekognície vo forme predstavy, ktorú porovnáva s odrazom (momentálnym vnímaním) predvádzaného (ukazovaného) objektu vo svojom vedomí. Príspevok sa zaoberá základným vymedzením, podstatou, významom ako aj subjektmi rekognície, pričom konkrétnejšie sa zapodieva zvláštnosťami jej jednotlivých druhov. Ďalšia časť článku podrobnejšie rozoberá jednotlivé faktory, ktoré ovplyvňujú presnosť pamäte očitého svedka, vrátane rekognície a sú rozdelené na tie, ktoré môžu, a na tie, ktoré nemôžu kontrolovať orgány činné v trestnom konaní.
The problem of identification of a control through results of observations of phase states of dynamical systems described by differential equations with time delay is discussed. The paper presents an algorithm based on the method of feedback control with a model. The algorithm is stable with respect to informational noises and computational errors.
Content available A study on the lip print pattern of Naga tribes
Cheiloscopy is a forensic investigation technique that deals with the identification based on lip traces. Based upon the research, it was established that the arrangement of lines on the red part of human lips is unique for each human being. The present study is an attempt to determine the pattern of lip prints and evaluate its uniqueness in a sample of Naga population and also their association with print in the four quadrants of the lip. A total of 100 (15-40) years individuals were randomly selected. With the help of brush a layer of lipstick was applied on the lips of the subject. Following the basis of Tsuchihashi’s classification the lip prints collected were studied. It was found that Type I’ pattern was predominant among the studied subjects followed by Type I and Type III pattern while Type V pattern was the least frequent Lip pattern distribution in (all four quadrants) in both males and females of Nagas. It is found that no two or more persons had similar features of lip grooves. The frequency of repetition of the lip print pattern in successive quadrant is found to be high. Lip print pattern can be used as an additional tool for personal identification.
Content available remote Identification of stochastic material properties in multiscale modelling
The paper is devoted to identification problems in multiscale modeling in stochastic conditions. The multiscale modeling is able to take into account materials or geometrical effects which occur in microscale and obtain more precise results in macroscale analysis. The identification allows to evaluate materials or geometrical parameters of a structure in microscale on the basis of statistical measurements in macroscale. The methodology presented in the paper takes into account stochastic nature of parameters in the microscale and the identification problem is formulated as minimization of a certain stochastic objective function. The problem is transformed into deterministic one in which a new objective functional dependent on mean values and variances is minimized with respect to moments of stochastic parameters. An approach based on evolutionary computing is presented in the minimization problem. The main advantage of the presented approach consists in the fact that a gradient of the objective functional is no needed and moreover there is a great probability of finding the global minimum. The computational homogenization is used to multiscale modelling of the structures. The problem formulation, description of optimization algorithm and a numerical example are shown in the paper.
Artykuł jest poświęcony zagadnieniom identyfikacji parametrów modelu w skali mikro w ujęciu wieloskalowym. Pozwala to uwzględnić wpływ parametrów materiałowych oraz geometrycznych w skali mikro na rozwiązania w skali makro. Rozwiązanie zagadnienia identyfikacji umożliwia określenie parametrów struktury w skali mikro na podstawie pomiarów przeprowadzonych dla skali makro. Przedstawiona w pracy metodologia oparta jest na założeniu, że parametry w skali mikro mają naturę stochastyczną i można je wyznaczyć dysponując wynikami statystycznych pomiarów eksperymentalnych przemieszczeń i odkształceń w skali makro. Zagadnienie sprowadzono do minimalizacji różnicy między charakterystykami probabilistycznymi przemieszczeń i odkształceń obliczonych dla modelu stochastycznego oraz obiektu rzeczywistego. W tym celu zastosowano koncepcję homogenizacji komputerowej, metodę Monte Carlo oraz algorytm ewolucyjny. Opracowaną koncepcję identyfikacji w warunkach stochastycznych zweryfikowano pozytywnie na przykładzie numerycznym.
The article is created to identify the climate related hazards at the Baltic Sea area and their extreme event parameters exposure for maritime ferry analysis. As a result, there are distinguished possible natural hazards coming from climate/weather change: strong winds, sea water level, precipitation, ice, fog, large waves, water temperature and air temperature.
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