The article introduces a summary of analysis of essential Christological works by Joseph Ratzinger and the Pope's book about Jesus. The aim of this work is to describe and evaluate the basic line and development of Ratzinger's Christological reflection. At the beginning the article outlines Joseph Ratzinger's life and work and then it describes his important Christological works. The Christological presentation itself is divided into four areas: the use of Christological titles, theology of incarnation, the secrets of Jesus' life and theology of the Cross. Ratzinger bases his Christology primarily on the faith of the church and thus his approach can be described 'as seen from above'. The profession of Jesus as incarnated Son of God is the key to his whole Christology. Consequently Ratzinger considers Jesus' substantial relationship to the Father to be the centre of his whole secret. What the author finds important in older publications is the interpretation of God's Son as 'the last human', thereby he emphasises the authenticity of Jesus' humanity. In newer works we can meet the title 'the new Moses'. The question of the relation of the Old and New Testament and soteriological topic of Jesus' 'exodus' and his liberation work is thus in the forefront.
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