The effects of thermal dispersion and magnetic field on the flow and heat transfer past a continuously moving porous plate in a stationary fluid has been analyzed. The fluid viscosity is assumed to vary as an inverse linear function of temperature. By means of the similarity solutions, deviation of the velocity and temperature fields as well as the skin friction and heat transfer results from their constant values are determined numerically by using the shooting method. The effects of thermal dispersion, variable viscosity, magnetic field, and suction (or injection) parameters on the velocity and temperature profiles have been studied.
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An analytical study of magnetohydrodynamic free-convective and mass-transfer flow between two parallel permeable plates, is presented, tacking into account the Eckert number effects. The solution of the problem is obtained using perturbation method with Eckert number E(<< 1) as perturbation parameter. Analytical expressions are given for the velocity distribution, temperature field, skin-friction, heat transfer and mass transfer. The detailed study has been made to know the effects of the various parameters entering into the problem.
A boundary layer analysis has been presented for Hiemenz flow in hydromagnetics of a micropolar incompressible, viscous, electrically conducting fluid impinging normal to a plane in the presence of a transverse magnetic field. Numerical solutions are given for the governing momentum and angular momentum equations. An approximate solution is given which is simple and yet sufficiently accurate for the entire range of values of Harman number investigated. A discussion has been provided for the effect micropolar parameters on Hiemenz flow in hydromagnetics.
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In a recently accepted paper of M. Ayub, H. Zaman and M. Ahmad [Cent. Eur. J. Phys. 8, 135 (2010)] the authors claim that the governing similarity equations of Vajravelu and Roper [Int. J. Nonlin. Mech. 34, 1031 (1999)] are incorrect; without any justification, the authors Ayub et al. simply mention that the equation is “found to be incorrect in the literature” (though no reference supporting this assertion is provided in the citations). We show that this assertion of Ayub et al. is wrong, and that the similarity equation of Vajravelu and Roper is indeed correct.
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In this reply to comment on ”Series solution of hydromagnetic flow and heat transfer with Hall effect in a second grade fluid over a stretching sheet” by R. A. Van Gorder and K. Vajravelu manuscript [R. A. Van Gorder, K. Vajravelu, Cent. Eur. J. Phys., DOI:10. 2478/s11534-009-0145-2], we once again claim that the governing similarity equations of Vajravelu and Roper [K. Vajravelu, T. Roper, Int. J. Nonlin. Mech. 34, 1031 (1999)] are incorrect and our claim in [M. Ayub, H. Zaman, M. Ahmad, Cent. Eur. J. Phys. 8, 135 (2010)] is true. For the literature providing justification regarding this issue is discussed in detail.
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Numerical results are presented for the effects of thermal radiation, buoyancy and heat generation or absorption on hydromagnetic flow over an accelerating permeable surface. These results are obtained by solving the coupled nonlinear partial differential equations describing the conservation of mass, momentum and energy by a perturbation technique. This qualitatively agrees with the expectations, since the magnetic field exerts a retarding force on the free convection flow. A parametric study is performed to illustrate the influence of the radiation parameter, magnetic parameter, Prandtl number, Grashof number and Schmidt number on the profiles of the velocity components and temperature. The effects of the different parameters on the velocity and temperature profiles as well as the skin friction and wall heat transfer are presented graphically. Favorable comparisons with previously published work confirm the correctness of numerical results.
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We examine the problem of flow and heat transfer in a second grade fluid over a stretching sheet [K. Vajravelu, T. Roper, Int. J. Nonlinear Mech. 34, 1031 (1999)]. The equations considered by Vajravelu and Roper [K. Vajravelu, T. Roper, Int. J. Nonlinear Mech. 34, 1031 (1999)], are found to be incorrect in the literature. In this paper, we not only corrected the equation but found a useful analytic solution to this important problem. We also extended the problem for hydromagnetic flow and heat transfer with Hall effect. The explicit analytic homotopy solution for the velocity field and heat transfer are presented. Graphs for the velocity field, skin friction coefficient, and rate of heat transfer are presented. Tables for the skin friction coefficient and rate of heat transfer are also presented. The convergence of the solution is also properly checked and discussed.
In this paper, the Adomian decomposition method with Padé approximants are integrated to study the boundary layer flow of a conducting fluid past a linearly stretching sheet under the action of a transversely imposed magnetic field. A closed form power series solution based on Adomian polynomials is obtained for the similarity nonlinear ordinary differential equation modelling the problem. In order to satisfy the farfield condition, the Adomian power series is converted to diagonal Padé approximants and evaluated. The results obtained using ADM-Padé are remarkably accurate compared with the numerical results. The proposed technique can be easily employed to solve a wide range of nonlinear boundary value problems.
In the present study, the transient hydromagnetic flow between parallel porous plates of a dusty viscous, incompressible, electrically conducting fluid under the influence of a constant pressure gradient is studied, considering the ion slip. The parallel plates are assumed to be porous and subjected to uniform suction from above and injection from below, while the fluid is acted upon by an external uniform magnetic field applied perpendicular to the plates. The equations of motion are solved analytically to yield the velocity distributions for both the fluid and dust particles as functions of time and space.
The combined effect of conjugation, external magnetic field and oscillation on the enhancement of heat transfer in the laminar flow of liquid metals between parallel plate channels is analyzed. In order to make our results useful to the design engineers, we have considered here only the wall materials that are widely employed in liquid metal heat exchangers. Indeed, all the results obtained through this mathematical investigation are in excellent agreement with the available experimental results. The effective thermal diffusivity κe is increased by 3 · 106 times due to oscillation and that the heat flux as high as 1.5 · 1010 (W/m2) can be achieved. Based on our investigation, we have recommended the best choice of liquid metal heat carrier, wall material and its optimum thickness along with the optimum value of the frequency to maximize the heat transfer rate. At the optimum frequency, by choosing a wall of high thermal conductivity and optimum thickness, an increase of 19.98% in κe can be achieved. Our results are directly relevant to the design of a heat transfer device known as electromagnetic dream pipe which is a very recent development.
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