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Content available remote Obtaining zinc oxide from aqueous solutions of KOH and Zn(CH3COO)2
Zinc oxide was obtained by precipitation from solutions of KOH and Zn(CH3COO)2. The effect of excessive presence of one of the reagents and temperature on the physico-chemical properties, structure and size of zinc oxide particles was analysed. The main aim of the study was to establish the optimum conditions of precipitation that would ensure getting the uniform particles of zinc oxide of the minimum diameter. The zinc oxide obtained had particles of nano- and micrometric size. The adsorption/desorption isotherms indicated the mesoporous character of the product. The wettability of ZnO obtained was determined first of all by the morphology and particle size.
Tlenek cynku został otrzymany w wyniku wytrącenia z roztworów KOH i Zn(CH3COO)2. Analizowano wpływ nadmiarowej objętości jednego z reagentów i temperatury na fizykochemiczne właściwości otrzymanego materiału. Głównym celem badań było ustalenie optymalnych warunków prowadzenia procesu tak aby otrzymać jednakowe cząstki tlenku cynku o minimalnej średnicy. Otrzymany tlenek cynku miał wymiary cząstek w nano i mikrometrycznej skali. Izotermy adsorpcji i desorpcji wskazują, że produkt ma mesoporowaty charakter. W pierwszym rzędzie została określona zwilżalność otrzymanego tlenku cynku.
The aim of this work was to study the activity of unmodifi ed and modifi ed ZnO in the peroxide crosslinking of hydrogenated acrylonitrile-butadiene elastomer (HNBR) and ethylene-propylene copolymer (EPM). In the fi rst step, zinc oxide was obtained by emulsion precipitation. Maleic acid was introduced onto the surface of ZnO Rusing an in situ method. The unmodified and modified zinc oxide was characterized using dispersive and morphological analysis, BET surface area analysis, and elemental, spectroscopic and thermal analysis. In the second stage of the research, the ZnO/MA systems were incorporated into the structure of elastomer compounds improving the kinetic and mechanical properties of vulcanizates. The proposed modification method had a favorable effect on the physicochemical properties of the zinc oxide and on the kinetic and mechanical properties of the vulcanizates. This study demonstrated that modification of zinc oxide by maleic acid is a promising technique.
Content available remote Modyfikowany tlenek cynku : aktywator mieszanek gumowych
Przedstawiono wyniki badań modyfikacji tlenku cynku kwasami karboksylowymi. Celem badań było określenie wpływu funkcjonalizacji na podstawowe właściwości tlenku cynku (rozmiar cząstek, powierzchnia właściwa). Przeprowadzono serie prób doświadczalnych, w których czynniki modyfikujące wprowadzano na powierzchnię strąconego tlenku cynku. Uzyskane próbki ZnO poddano analizie fizykochemicznej w celu uzyskania informacji o właściwościach otrzymanych produktów. Dokonano charakterystyki dyspersyjnej (NIBS), morfologicznej (SEM i TEM), adsorpcyjnej (BET), spektroskopowej (FT-IR) oraz termicznej (TG) otrzymanego produktu. Podjęto również próbę wprowadzenia syntetycznego tlenku cynku (modyfikowanego i niemodyfikowanego) w strukturę mieszanek elastomerowych i określono w jaki sposób obecność tego związku wpływa na zmianę kinetyki wulkanizacji i mechanicznych właściwości wulkanizatów.
ZnO was pptd. from aq. soln. of ZnOAc with KOH in H₂O-cyclohexanone emulsion, modified with EtCOOH, tartaric, stearic and maleic acids by impregnation in alc. soln., studied for particle size distribution, hard resistance, pore vol. and sp. surface area and then used as activating agent in vulcanization of butadiene-acrylonitrile (I) and carboxylated I rubbers. Modification of ZnO with stearic acid was also carried out by copptn. with KOH from H₂O-alc. emulsion at 60°C. The addn. of EtCOOH-modified ZnO to the carboxylated I compd. resulted in an increase in tensile strength and elongation at break of the rubber vulcanizate but also in increase of vulcanization time and in decrease in crosslinking d.
Zinc oxide precipitated from an emulsion system was characterised by a narrow particle size distribution and large specifc surface area. Te product was subjected to morphological and dispersive evaluations, and its application possibilities were indicated. Te precipitated zinc oxide can be used as a surface modifer of diferent types of textile products mainly because it shows considerable barrier properties protecting against UV radiation and antibacterial activity. Tese new properties open possibilities for many new applications.
Hydroxyapatite (HAp)/chitosan (CS) composites were synthesized via a one-step co-precipitation method from aqueous solution, with the use of calcium chloride (CaCl2) and disodium hydrogen phosphate (Na2HPO4). CS was obtained via partial deacetylation of chitin with the use of strong sodium hydroxide solution. Composites were prepared with various HAp/CS ratios (30/70, 50/50, 70/30, 85/15) for comprehensive comparison of their properties. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR) analysis showed that hydrogen bonds were formed between the organic matrix and the mineral compound, confirming a successful phase interconnection. X-ray diffraction patterns were obtained, enabling examination of the crystalline properties of the composites, including HAp identification. The porous structure parameters of the composites were investigated, and morphological analysis (SEM) was performed. Differential Thermal Gravimetry (DTG) analysis of the composites indicated that the material is thermally stable up to 200 oC. Additionally, Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) analysis of the mineral was carried out to check the Ca/P ratio, and confirmed its similarity to pure HAp.
Opisano aktualny stan wiedzy i prace, jakie są prowadzone w Zakładzie Technologii Chemicznej Politechniki Poznańskiej, poświęcone wytwarzaniu zaawansowanych materiałów z udziałem substancji pochodzenia naturalnego, takich jak lignina, chityna i szkielety gąbek morskich. Wskazano kierunki wykorzystania tych unikatowych materiałów.
A review, with 107 refs., of selected bio-based materials (lignin, chitin, skeletons of marine sponges), their properties as well as possibilities for their practical use.
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