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w słowach kluczowych:  Cu-Mn-Zn spinels
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Content available remote Copper-manganese-zinc spinels in zeolites: study of EMR spectra
The aim of this study is the application of electron magnetic resonance (EMR) spectroscopy to determine the interactions between NaY and HY zeolites and Cu-Mn-Zn spinels loaded onto the zeolite surfaces. The materials were characterized using XRD and IR spectroscopies. Four types of EMR lines were observed for Cu-Mn-Zn/NaY, Cu-Mn-Zn/HY samples. The difference between the EMR spectra recorded at 77 and 293 K has been shown. The spectra recorded at 77 K allowed us to distinguish between the species formed on NaY and HY zeolites. The EMR spectrum of Cu-Mn-Zn/NaY recorded at 77 K showed only one line attributed to antiferromagnetic spinels Cu1.4Mn1.6O4 and ZnMn2O4 or/and Cu0.5Zn0.5Mn2O4. The spinels appeared to be more stable (more strongly attached) on HY zeolite than on NaY one. It was proved that different strength of interactions between the zeolites and Cu-Mn-Zn spinels was caused by differences in the acidity of NaY and HY zeolites.
The aim of this study is the application of electron magnetic resonance (EMR) spectroscopy to determine the interactions between NaY and HY zeolites and Cu-Mn-Zn spinels loaded onto the zeolite surfaces. The materials were characterized using XRD and IR spectroscopies. Four types of EMR lines were observed for Cu-Mn-Zn/NaY, Cu-Mn-Zn/HY samples. The difference between the EMR spectra recorded at 77 and 293 K has been shown. The spectra recorded at 77 K allowed us to distinguish between the species formed on NaY and HY zeolites. The EMR spectrum of Cu-Mn-Zn/NaY recorded at 77 K showed only one line attributed to antiferromagnetic spinels Cu1.4Mn1.6O4 and ZnMn2O4 or/and Cu0.5Zn0.5Mn2O4. The spinels appeared to be more stable (more strongly attached) on HY zeolite than on NaY one. It was proved that different strength of interactions between the zeolites and Cu-Mn-Zn spinels was caused by differences in the acidity of NaY and HY zeolites.
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