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The aim of this work is the application of low-temperature low-pressure hydrogen plasma on artificially prepared corrosion layers, so called plasma chemical reduction. It is necessary to use samples with artificially prepared corrosion layers because it is impossible to use the real artifacts for fundamental research. The bronze was chosen as a sample material. Formation of corrosion layers on the bronze samples was carried out in concentrated hydrochloric acid vapors with the addition of sand. The radio-frequency hydrogen plasma was generated in the flowing regime at a pressure of 160 Pa. Different values of supplied power were chosen as well as different discharge modes: continuous or pulsed mode with varied duty cycles. By the combination of supplied power and mode factors, we selected two values of effective power. The process of plasma chemical reduction was monitored by optical emission spectroscopy (OES) and simultaneously, the sample temperature was measured. Rotational temperatures were calculated from OH radicals spectra. Changes in the structure and elemental composition were determined using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX).
tom Vol. 57, nr 4-5
Krótkie, zwarte opisanie odlewniczych brązów aluminiowych obejmuje: strukturę i właściwości przede wszystkim stopów znormalizowanych (PN-EN-1982 z 1998 roku). Podano również podstawowe informacje w zakresie przygotowania ciekłego metalu (topienie, przegrzewanie, rafinowanie, odtlenianie, modyfikowanie) oraz odlewania (układy wlewowy i zasilający, specjalne metody odlewania).
Short, compact describing of the foundry aluminium bronzes includes: structure and properties, first of all of the normalized alloys (PN-EN 1982 from the year 1998). There also the basic informations in the scope of preparing liquid metal (melting, superheating, refining, deoxydation, inoculation) as well as pouring (gating and risering systems, special pouring systems) are presented.
Content available remote Wydajne i dokładne cięcie małych mieszków mosiężnych
Worked out the technology and automatic device to the effective cut of small brazen bellows from the technological remains excess after the pressing and expanding processes were shown in this work. Device is characterized by large capacity. It was equipped with control-supervising system in order to assure correct realization of the task at maintain of the large working reliability.
tom 27
A world seen through the lenses of a microscope can lead to exceptional discoveries. Regarding archaeology, it can grant us knowledge about the possible usage of certain artifacts in the past. Previously unrecognized and unclassified fragments of flint and bone can be reinterpreted as a completely different item. Throughout the years there were a small few astounding scientist who laid foundations and improved on this part of archaeology. In this already tight-knit group of researchers there is an even smaller group of people who are interested in applying use-wear analysis to copper-alloy artifacts. It is quite a different approach. You still look for signs of usage or any other traces but the difference in material and overall structure of an artifact makes for quite a difficult task. The multiple issues and setbacks such as corrosion, acidity of the soil, the composition of alloys, conservation or simple mismanagement of an artifact can lead to a lot of misleading conclusions. Despite all those problem you can still gather data from use-wear analysis on metal. But can it be used in forming any sort of narrative or is just a “collection of pretty pictures”?
Content available remote Impulsowe napawanie brązu metodą MIG
tom R. 47, nr 5
Na blasze ze stali St3S układano napoiny metodą MIG półautomatem spawalniczym OPTYMAG 501 z cyfrową nastawą parametrów spawania i z zastosowaniem prądu pulsacyjnego, zmieniając napięcie impulsu, częstotliwość impulsów i prędkość podawania drutu elektrodowego. W oparciu o wygląd napoin, charakteryzujących się gładkim licem i lekko wypukłym lub płaskim kraterem, ustalono zalecane parametry napawania brązu CuSn6 metodą MIG.
With the use of pulsed arc MIG process it was deposited surfacing welds on St3S steel plates by means of semi-automatic welding unit OPTYMAG 501 provided with digital setting of welding parameters. During the tests it was changed the pulse voltage, arc pulsation frequency and feed rate. Basing oneself on the appearance of the welds which had been characterized by smooth face and slightly convex or flat crater it was determined the parameters recommended for MIG surfacing of CuSn6 bronze.
The article presents examples of additive manufactured products obtained using MIG /MAG welding processes (13). The research-related tests revealed that it is possible to make products of unalloyed steels having the structure similar to castings subjected to heat treatment. Products made of maraging steel require homogenising (heat treatment). It is possible to produce bimetallic products, e.g. unalloyed steel-bronze.
Przedstawiono przykłady wyrobów kształtowanych przyrostowo w procesie spawania 13 (MIG/MAG). Badania wykazały, że możliwe jest wytworzenie wyrobu ze stali niestopowej o strukturze zbliżonej do odlewów po obróbce cieplnej. Wyroby wytwarzane ze stali maraging wymagają przeprowadzenia obróbki cieplnej obejmującej ujednoradnianie. Możliwe jest wytworzenie wyrobów bimetalicznych, np. stal niestopowa–brąz.
Content available remote Hermès Dionysophore. Le bronze Lormier
tom 21
The ‘Lormier bronze’, named after its earliest known owner, is an exceptional statuette made of copper alloy. It is remarkable, both by its subject and its style, of very fine quality; but also by its state of conservation, namely its gilding, which allows us to contemplate, for once, such a statuette close to its original aspect. The iconography, rather rare in the field of small bronze figurines, clearly derives from the large statuary and illustrates a little-known episode of the Graeco-Roman mythology. Through the diverse possible models and their repercussion in the ‘minor arts’, the article allows to place this work in the Graeco-Roman production by following, in its main lines, the long way going from the original work to the series crafts, sometimes, as here, of high quality.
The paper presents the results of research aimed at developing assumptions for the preparation of a charge in the form of fine scrap copper alloys (chips/shells) guaranteeing effective removal of impurities and obtaining a metal bath of the required metallurgical quality. The tests were conducted for tin-zinc-lead bronze of the CC499K grade. As part of the work, the characteristics of this type of waste available on the market were made in terms of quality and the possibility of their use for the production of both alloys and finished products, taking into account the elimination of harmful impurities that may ultimately affect the production process adversely. The subject of the work was the selection of appropriate waste cleaning methods in the form of an oily shell in the CC499K (CuZn5Sn5Pb2) grade and its drying in terms of increasing the use of impure waste from machining as scrap for direct melting. The waste was assessed in relation to individual parameters. The research was carried out on 3 groups of waste, with varying degrees of moisture.
nr 1
The paper examines the Near Eastern and Greek dedications at the Sanctuary of Hera in Samos during the 8th to 6th centuries BC. Contextualising the types of dedications and their origins indicate the identity of the dedicators, and whether they were Samians, other Greeks or from the Near East. Much scholarship has been devoted to the Samian Heraion and this paper contributes to these discussions by tracing the socio -economic and political objectives of the dedicators and bringing different theories into a single narrative. The paper presents a selection of votive dedications that embody broader exchanges: firstly as a political act between states; as a display of social power; the growing trade routes and role of sanctuary markets; and finally, the other modes of contact that emerged, such as mercenaries and pirates. Overall, the Samian Heraion played an essential role as a timely crossroads between the East and West, where the dedication practices shed light on the various groups of dedicators.
Badano wpływ obróbki cieplnej na strukturę i właściwości mechaniczne stopu B1044 (CuAl10Fe4Ni4). Zawartość aluminium, żelaza i niklu powoduje występowanie struktury stopu badanego w układzie granicznym między obszarami α + α[sub]2 + β' oraz β' + β[sub]1' + α[sub]2 i obecnością fazy γ[sub]2 z przemiany eutektoidalnej, co odbija się na właściwościach mechanicznych. Stosowano przed hartowaniem nagrzewanie (przesycanie) przez 2 h w 950°C i wariantowe chłodzenie: w wodzie, oleju i na powietrzu. Ponadto część próbek hartowanych starzono w temperaturze 500 lub 700°C przez 6 h z wariantowym chłodzeniem z piecem i na powietrzu. Uzyskano interesujące właściwości mechaniczne, tak wytrzymałościowe (R[sub]m, R[sub]0,2) jak i plastyczne (A, Z). W badaniach w stanie stałym posłużono się dylatometrem i kalorymetrem różnicowym.
The effect of heat treatment on structure and mechanical properties of B1044 (CuAl10Fe4Ni4) alloy was investigated. In the examined alloy, the content of aluminium, iron and nickel results in the formation of structure comprised in a boundary system between the regions of α + α[sub]2 + β' and β' + β[sub]1' + α[sub]2 with the presence of γ[sub]2 phase formed due to eutectoid transfomation, affecting the level of mechanical properties. Before quenching, the specimens were preheated (solutioning heat treatment) for 2 h at 950°C, and different variants of cooling in water, oil and air were applied next. Some quenched specimens were also subjected to ageing from 500 or 700°C after 6 h heating and cooling with furnace and in the air. Very interesting results were obtained regarding both mechanical (R[sub]m, R[sub]0,2) and plastic (A, Z) properties. Tests in the solid state were carried out using a dilatometer and differential calorimeter.
Process parameters of the multilayer laser cladding of the bronze B10 alloy powder are experimentally investigated. The 3-D structures are prepared trace-on-trace by remelting of the powder injected into the processing zone through a nozzle. An efficient formation of the volumetric structures of controlled geometry is observed. Microanalysis of the samples confirm the expected mechanical properties, low porosity and the highly homogeneous structure of the multilayers. For the subsequent clads of 1 mm width and 0,6 mm in height produced at velocities of 1m/min. the process efficiency of about 5% is obtained.
The discovery of the hoard using a metal detector was made at the end of August 2021 in Jodłowno, Przywidz commune, Gdańsk district (Fig. 1). This area is located in the south-western part of the village. The hoard was found at a forest path, about 10 metres from the meander of the former riverbed. Excavations were carried out on September 3, 2021. In the central part of the trench there was a place indicated and dug up by Mr Piotr Spisak. The diagonals of the trench were located along the lines N-S, W-E (Fig. 2a). The exploration of the site began with the mechinery removal of the topsoil layer. Surface prospecting was carried out on an ongoing basis using a metal detector. After removing the topsoil layer, a round outline of the dig made by the finder was found. At a depth of about 70 cm, a flat stone was found, left there by the discoverer of the objects (Figs. 2a; 3b). The finder claims that the stone was above metal artefacts. Below the stone, intact metal objects with an intense green patina began to appear (Figs. 2b; 3c, d). The artefacts were in the ground in an organized order (Fig. 3d-f). Rods/bars along with several tied items were put together in two groups. In the central part there were necklaces stacked on top of each other and an ankle ring which was partially surrounded by necklaces (Fig. 3f). The individual elements of the deposit were tied with a string made of organic material, the remains of which have been preserved on some items. Some ingots or groups of objects were bound with it (Fig. 4). Four cast hollow ankle rings were found in the deposit (Inv. Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 17; Fig. 5), six bow-shaped necklaces (Inv. Nos. 23-28; Fig. 6.7), a cast bracelet, hollow with thickened ends (Fig. 8), two fragments of hoop ornaments with a small rod diameter (Fig. 9a, b). Production waste included two separated casting jets of inlet reservoirs with two supply channels (Fig. 10). The deposit also includes blades and their fragments (Fig. 11a-d). The largest group of metal artefacts in the deposit are rods/bars (fifty specimens). This large collection is highly diversified both metrically and formally (Fig. 12). Based on the presence of dating artefacts, such as ankle rings and bow-shaped necklaces, the chronology of the deposit should be determined to the early Iron Age. Based on the findings of M. Hoffman (2000, p. 125), the presence of bow-shaped necklaces seems to date the deposit to the late early Bronze Age (HaD). The discovery from Jodłowno is part of the whole network of discoveries of hoards from the early Iron Age. The micro region of Jodłowno, a small village located in the eastern part of the Kashubian Lake District, is an area with many discoveries from the early Iron Age. There are as many as fourteen archaeological sites in the village itself. The discovery of the hoard in Jodłowno is one of the few examples of assemblage of artefacts that have been fully recovered. It is also one of the few so-called compact assemblages, whose homogeneity is certain. For the first time in the case of the early Iron Age in Pomerania, we are dealing with a well-documented context of the deposition of metal objects constituting a single assemblage. Depositing the ingots should not determine only the ‘raw material’ interpretation of the nature of the hoard and the question of belonging only to a person engaged in metallurgy, so eagerly undertaken by researchers. Further research of individual components of the hoard will bring us closer to an attempt to reconstruct their ‘biography’ and interpret the deposition act.
Wykonano szczegółową analizę wyników badań dylatometrycznych. Prześledzono również zmiany struktury zachodzące podczas procesu spiekania. Określono także metodami metalografii ilościowej udział objętościowy brązu penetrującego pomiędzy cząstkami żelaza, powierzchnię względną granic brąz-żelazo i powierzchnię właściwą ziarn brązu.
A detailed analysis of the results of dilatometric studies is presented. The changes of the structure during sintering process were studied too. The quantitative participation of the penetrative bronze between the iron particles, the relative surface of the bronze grains were stated too by the methods of quantitative metallography.
Przedstawiono wyniki badań twardości, odporności na ścieranie i odporności na korozję nowych stopów odlewniczych układu Cu-Ni-Al. Badania miały charakter porównawczy, przy czym właściwości stopów Cu-Ni-Al, ze względu na potencjalny zakres zastosowań, odniesiono do właściwości brązu BA1044. Stwierdzono, że twardość, odporność na ścieranie i odporność na korozję stopów odlewniczych Cu-Ni-Al są po obróbce cieplnej wyższe od analogicznych właściwości brązu BA 1044.
The results of the study of hardness, abrasion resistance and corrosion resistance of the new casting alloys of the system Cu-Ni-AI are represented. The study had a comparative character, where the properties of the alloys Cu-Ni-AI were related to these of the bronze BA1044. It has been stated that hardness, abrasion resistance and corrosion resistance of the casting alloys Cu-Ni-AI, after treatment, surpassed analogous properties of BA1044.
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of additives of Cr, Mo, W and / or Si CuAll0Fe5Ni5 bronze, cast into sand moulds, the bronze technological properties such as: porosity, volumetric shrinkage Sv, linear shrinkage s and prone hot to cracking. The study relate to the newly developed grades aluminum-iron-nickel bronze, with additions of Cr, Mo, W and/or Si. In order to determine the technological properties of the test castings were made in the form of moulding sand, which made the mould cavities designed patterns. To evaluate the porosity and volumetric shrinkage was used for digital image analysis method. Volumetric shrinkage was determined using developed, the new method, the surface shrinkage Svp designation, and then converting it to the volumetric shrinkage, using prepared relation Sv=f(Djs)*Svp. It was found that made the bronze alloy additions to reduce the size of pores surface area of gas and shrinkage in the test bronze. The probability of microporosity with an area of 0.002560-0.120647 mm2 can be described by gamma distribution. Changing the chemical composition of the grades tested bronze strongly alter the first volumetric shrinkage Sv, and less to change the linear shrinkage s. The increase in gas porosity and shrink in bronze reduces the volumetric shrinkage and linear. The addition of Cr, Mo, W and/or Si to the bronze CuAll0Fe5Ni5 does not change its prone to hot cracking.
Content available remote Wear of copper and its alloys with submicrocrystalline structure.
Obecnie jednym z ważnych problemów jest otrzymanie potrzebnych struktur w celu doboru fizycznych, mechanicznych, tribologicznych i innych własności. Jednym ze sposobów otrzymania drobnoziarnistej struktury jest obróbka cieplna, odkształceniowa, oparta o silne odkształcenie plastyczne, a następnie wyżarzanie. Submikronowe i monokrystaliczne materiały posiadają wyjątkową kombinację własności mechanicznych, takich jak.: wytrzymałość, twardość, odporność na wykruszenie i inne. W badaniach użyto handlowej czystej miedzi, brązu odlewanego i gorąco walcowanego mosiądzu.
Content available remote Badanie właściwości materiałów ślizgowych na bazie miedzi i żelaza
Opracowano alternatywne techniki wytwarzania części zespołów pojazdów samochodowych za pomocą prasowania materiałów sypkich i odlewania dokładnego. Pierścień sprzęgła elektromagnetycznego charakteryzuje duża smukłość obwodowa, a tuleję rozrusznika smukłość osiowa. Do wykonania pierścienia dobrano brąz mający korzystne właściwości magnetyczne, a do tulei żelazografit o wysokich właściwościach ślizgowych. Przeprowadzono badania dokładności wymiarowo-kształtowej, struktury fraktograficznej i metalograficznej ww. materiałów. Następnie wyznaczono dla par trących średni współczynnik tarcia i wskaźnik intensywności zużywania na drodze o długości 1 km przy trzykrotnych powtórzeniach każdej próby.
Alternative techniques of the manufacture of parts of vehicle assemblies by means of loose powder pressing and high-accuracy investment casting were developed. The ring of electromagnetic clutch and the starter sleeve were characterised by high circumferential and axial slenderness ratios, respectively. The ring was made from bronze of high magnetic properties, while the sleeve was made from an iron-graphite material characterised by high slide properties. The dimensional and shape accuracy was checked, and the applied materials were subjected to structural fractography and metallographic examinations. At the next stage of research, mean coefficient of friction and index of wear rate were determined from a friction path of 1 km with each run repeated three times.
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