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w słowach kluczowych:  02.30.Jr
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tom 110
nr 1
Based on the singular structure analysis, the variable separation method is proposed for the Nizhnik-Novikov-Veselov equation to obtain a general functional separation solution containing three arbitrary functions. Choosing these arbitrary functions to be the Jacobi elliptic functions, a diversity of elliptic function solutions may be obtained for the equation of interest. The interaction property of the waves is numerically studied. The long wave limit gives the new type of localized coherent structures.
nr 3
Exact travelling wave solutions in terms of the Jacobi elliptic functions are obtained to the (3+1)-dimensional Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation by means of the extended mapping method. Limit cases are studied, and new solitary wave solutions and trigonometric periodic wave solutions are got. The method is applicable to a large variety of nonlinear partial differential equations.
nr 6
In the paper, the analytical solutions of excited vibrations of the Bernoulli-Euler type beam in general case of external loading function is analyzed. The distribution theory is applied to formulate solution when the external functions are the concentrated-force type or the concentrated-moment type. Moreover, two types of excitation in time domain, harmonic and pulsed, are considered. Due to the superposition rule which can be applied in the analyzed linear case, any combination of external loading function can be formulated. The strict analytical solutions are shown for the case of simply supported beam. Describing the external load in the form of concentrated moments makes possible the analytical simulation of the reduction of vibrations of a beam by application of the piezoelectric elements which are in practice the source of external moment-type excitation put in relatively small area of action.
nr 3
In this work we study a fifth-order Korteweg-de Vries equation for shallow water with surface tension derived by Dullin et al. The fifth-order Korteweg-de Vries equation, derived by using the nonlinear/non-local transformations introduced by Kodama, and the Camassa-Holm equation with linear dispersion, have very different behaviors despite being asymptotically equivalent. We use the simplified form of the Hirota direct method to derive multiple soliton solutions for this equation.
nr 3
In the present paper, we construct the travelling wave solutions of two nonlinear Schrödinger equations with variable coefficients by using a generalized extended (G'/G) -expansion method, where G = G(ξ) satisfies a second order linear ordinary differential equation. By using this method, new exact solutions involving parameters, expressed by hyperbolic and trigonometric function solutions are obtained. When the parameters are taken as special values, some solitary wave solutions are derived from the hyperbolic function solutions.
Content available remote Simulation of Dislocation Annihilation by Cross-Slip
This contribution deals with the numerical simulation of dislocation dynamics, their interaction, merging and changes in the dislocation topology. The glide dislocations are represented by parametrically described curves moving in slip planes. The simulation model is based on the numerical solution of the dislocation motion law belonging to the class of curvature driven curve dynamics. We focus on the simulation of the cross-slip of two dislocation curves where each curve evolves in a different slip plane. The dislocations evolve, under their mutual interaction and under some external force, towards each other and at a certain time their evolution continues outside slip planes. During this evolution the dislocations merge by the cross-slip occurs. As a result, there will be two dislocations evolving in three planes, two planes, and one plane where cross-slip occurred. The goal of our work is to simulate the motion of the dislocations and to determine the conditions under which the cross-slip occurs. The simulation of the dislocation evolution and merging is performed by improved parametric approach and numerical stability is enhanced by the tangential redistribution of the discretization points.
nr 3
The retardation effects in dynamics of the ac driven "bistable" fronts joining two states of the different stability in a bistable system of the reaction-diffusion type are investigated by use of the macroscopic kinetic equation of the reaction kinetics. We approximate the rate (reaction) function in the governing equation of "bistable" fronts by the piecewise linear dependence of the flexible symmetry, encompassing both cases of the symmetrical and asymmetrical rate functions. By numerically simulating the drift motion of the ac driven front being subjected to the time-dependent step-like (rectangular) forcing we investigate the lag time between the ac force and the instantaneous velocity of the ac driven front. We find that the time lags derivable by the symmetrical and asymmetrical rate functions notably differ, namely, we show that (a) the lag time is a function of the outer slope coefficients of the rate function and is not sensitive to the inner, (b) it has only weak dependence on the strength of the applied forcing, (c) the retardation effects (time lags) in the front dynamics are describable adequately enough by use of the perturbation theory. Another aspect of the front dynamics discussed in this report is the influence of the retardation effects on the ratchet-like transport of the ac driven fronts being described by the asymmetrical rate functions of the "low" symmetry. By considering the response of "bistable" front to the single-harmonic ac force we find that the occurrence of the time lags in the oscillatory motion of the ac driven front shrink the spurious drift of the front; the spurious drift practically disappears if the frequency of the oscillatory force significantly exceeds the characteristic relaxation rate of the system. Furthermore, the occurrence of the time lags in the front dynamics leads to the vanishing of the reversals in the directed net motion of the ac driven fronts, being always inherent in the case of the slow (quasi-stationary) ac drive, i.e., the possibilities of controlling the directed net motion of the self-ordered fronts by the low- and high-frequency zero-mean ac forces radically differ.
nr 3
A generalized G'/G-expansion method is extended to construct exact solutions for the Gross-Pitaevskii equation with weak bias magnetic and time-dependent laser fields. Many types of exact solutions including hyperbolic function solution, trigonometric function solution and rational exact solution with parameters are obtained. In addition, soliton solutions are found.
In this study, a new application of multivariate Padé approximation method has been used for solving European vanilla call option pricing problem. Padé polynomials have occurred for the fractional Black-Scholes equation, according to the relations of "smaller than", or "greater than", between stock price and exercise price of the option. Using these polynomials, we have applied the multivariate Padé approximation method to our fractional equation and we have calculated numerical solutions of fractional Black-Scholes equation for both of two situations. The obtained results show that the multivariate Padé approximation is a very quick and accurate method for fractional Black-Scholes equation. The fractional derivative is understood in the Caputo sense.
nr 5
In this paper, the (G'/G, 1/G) and (1/G')-expansion methods with the aid of Maple are used to obtain new exact traveling wave solutions of the Boussinesq equation and the system of variant Boussinesq equations. The travelling wave solutions are expressed by the hyperbolic functions, the trigonometric functions, and the rational functions. It is shown that the proposed method provides a powerful mathematical tool for solving nonlinear wave equations in mathematical physics and engineering.
nr 5
This paper is going to obtain the soliton solution of the Gear-Grimshaw model that describes the dynamics of two-layered shallow water waves in oceans and rivers. The topological 1-soliton solution will be obtained by the ansatz method. There are several constraint conditions that will be taken care of. This will be followed by the model with power law nonlinearity. Subsequently, the conservation laws for this model will be derived by the aid of multiplier approach from the Lie symmetry analysis. Finally, the F-expansion method will extract a few more interesting solutions to the model.
Content available remote Non-Polynomial Spline Method for a Time-Dependent Heat-Like Lane- Emden Equation
nr 1
In this study, a time-dependent heat-like Lane-Emden equation is solved by using a non-polynomial spline method. An example is solved to assess the accuracy of the method. The numerical results are obtained for different values (n) of equation. The results indicate that non-polynomial spline method is effectively implemented. It is seen that results are compatible with exact solutions and consistent with other existing numerical methods.
Content available remote Romanovski polynomials in selected physics problems
We briefly review the five possible real polynomial solutions of hypergeometric differential equations. Three of them are the well known classical orthogonal polynomials, but the other two are different with respect to their orthogonality properties. We then focus on the family of polynomials which exhibits a finite orthogonality. This family, to be referred to as the Romanovski polynomials, is required in exact solutions of several physics problems ranging from quantum mechanics and quark physics to random matrix theory. It appears timely to draw attention to it by the present study. Our survey also includes several new observations on the orthogonality properties of the Romanovski polynomials and new developments from their Rodrigues formula.
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