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Content available remote First-principles LCAO study of phonons in NiWO4
nr 2
The electronic, structural and phonon properties of antiferromagnetic wolframite-type NiWO4 have been studied using first-principles spin-polarized LCAO calculations based on the hybrid Hartree-Fock (HF)/density functional (DFT) scheme. The influence of different percentages of HF contribution, i.e. different correlation strength, on the structure and phonon frequencies has been investigated and compared with the available experimental data.
Content available remote Molecular dynamics simulations of EXAFS in germanium
nr 3
Classical molecular dynamics simulations have been performed for crystalline germanium with the aim to estimate the thermal effects within the first three coordination shells and their influence on the single-scattering and multiple-scattering contributions to the Ge K-edge extended x-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS).
Content available remote Polarisation dependent Raman study of single-crystal nickel oxide
The magnetic domain structure and Raman scattering have been studied in NiO single-crystals with three different (100), (110) and (111) orientations. Twin-domain structure was observed in NiO(100) and NiO(110) single-crystals using cross-polarized optical microscopy. We found that the ratio of the two-magnon (at 1500 cm−1) to the two-phonon (2LO, at 1100 cm−1) Raman bands intensity is sensitive in a particular way to the type of the twin-domain pattern.
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