Developing empathy is one of several key principles in working in general practice and is of particular importance in the cross-cultural environment. Arguably it is more difficult to empathize with patients from another culture whose viewpoint differs based on their cultural and social experiences. Cultural immersion and plunges is a well-researched and documented approach in solving the issues of empathy and cross-cultural interactions. Cultural immersion involves participants being placed in an unfamiliar cultural environment ; and participants are guided to reflect on their experiences through proposed activities before, during and after the immersion event. This paper will outline and discuss: 1. The cultural immersive activities at NTGPE for health students, junior doctors and GP registrars in Australian Aboriginal communities 2. The use of Web 2.0 also know as the "social web" to allow learners to generate, publish and share content more easily including reflective writing which are crucial in cultural competence training.
Health education is related to the health promotion. This is a process aimed to shaping people’s habits of taking care of their and other people’s health. The sexual education can be considered as one of the health education departments. The article attempts to show the answer to the question how in the pages of the “Sexual World” coming out in Lviv in 1905-1906, how to prevent and cope during the illness was taught, and suggested where to look for the medical care, especially in the case of venereal diseases, which are often side effects of prostitution.
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An objective of general education core curriculum to include health education to the science subjects and physical education seemed to be reasonable. Health issue, which is an important part of the curriculum of life science and biology mentions about the health hazard of the young people, which include the risk of infectious diseases and diseases transmitted by sexual intercourse. These issues are known by students too little and often overlooked by teachers. It seems that between the health education in schools and the level of competencies of young people, there should be a correlation. Due to the growing interest in long-term investment in the health public, the role of education in the prevention of these diseases is significant.
Słusznym założeniem podstawy programowej kształcenia ogólnego było włączenie edukacji zdrowotnej do przedmiotów przyrodniczych i wychowania fizycznego. Problematy ka zdrowia, która stanowi ważną część programu nauczania przyrody i biologii uwzględnia zagrożenia zdrowotne młodego pokolenia, do których zaliczane jest ryzyko wystąpienia chorób zakaźnych oraz chorób przenoszonych drogą kontaktów seksualnych. Zagadnienia te są zbyt mało znane uczniom i często pomijane przez nauczycieli. Wydaje się, że pomiędzy edukacją zdrowotną w szkole a poziomem umiejętności młodzieży powinna istnieć korelacja. Ze względu na wzrastające zainteresowanie długofalową inwestycją w zdrowie społeczeństwa rola edukacji w zakresie profilak tyki tych chorób jest istotna.
The ‘Little Medic’ project has been carried out at Poznan University of Medical Sciences for six years. It enjoys great popularity. Every year, about 400 pupils from primary schools from Poznan and the surrounding area in the age of 6–12 participate in it. The study aims to present the organizational specificity of the ‘Little Medic’ project, and the opinions about it expressed by teachers participating in the project with their students. At the end of each academic year, teachers take part in an anonymous survey summarizing and assessing the project. The first part of the article presents the method of the ‘Little Medic’ project organization. In particular, it describes the elements distinguishing the project from other children’s universities in Poland. The second part presents the analysis of evaluation data collected during the six years of the project. Long experience in running classes for children as part of the ‘Little Medic’ project allows for conclusions about the usefulness and innovativeness of this form of lesson conduct, and the survey results confirm the high level of teachers’ satisfaction with the proposed way of organizing classes.
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Health education is the main, and at the same time, integral part of complementary health promotion. The main assumption underlying the essence of health education is an assertion that the health of individuals and, consequently, of communities they belong to is significantly conditioned by the behaviour of inter-subject variability, which can be pro-healthily shaped by the educational impact. Thanks to transferred knowledge, shaping attitudes and the acquisition of certain skills, patients receive help in coping with health problems which improves their well-being, satisfaction, and the process of recovery. The education of a patient has advantages either in the clinical or social field, hence, it is perceived as an inseparable part of a high-quality healthcare. The importance of health education has been also recognized as one of the main factors that determine the long-term health policy, which indirectly may be reflected in the reduction of costs in the healthcare. In the recent years, more and more emphasis has been placed on preventive and educational aspects of the healthcare. Family medicine, as the source of the initiation of shaping health-oriented attitudes, has a prominent place in the system organized in such a way. In patients' opinion, medical staff is the best and most reliable source of knowledge on health. Such expectations increase the importance of primary care physicians in preventing diseases and shaping health-oriented attitudes in a given society. The main task of a modern health education is primarily to support the creation of conditions for change, the growth competence of individuals and groups in the sphere of independent action for health at different levels of the organization of social life.
Based on health promotion programmes and strategies, it can be observed that the majority of the proposed measures should be aimed at preventive efforts taken before any health or epidemiological issues arise.It must be emphatically stressed that health awareness among the Poles is low, and, for this reason, lifestyle diseases, for instance, are often diagnosed at the later stages, when advanced changes have already started. This is also the reason why health education is of vital importance, especially in terms of improving health awareness. A short questionnaire entitled Health Consciousness in the Future Orientation Perspective has been prepared. This questionnaire can be applied as a screening tool to help identify individuals with low health awareness, and thus facilitate the practice of more effective educational activities. The questionnaire includes 18 items which focus on the three main areas: 1) the search for and application of health-related information, and the trend towards a healthy lifestyle and health vigilance; 2) the responsibility for taking care of one’s own health in the present and in future times; 3) the motivation to lead a healthy lifestyle as an individual tendency towards healthy behaviour, aimed at health problem prevention and health condition improvement. The reliability of the scale was determined on the basis of Cronbach’s alpha, in which the value of alpha was 0.874, and the values of the specific scales were I – 0.836, II – 0.838, III-0.601.
Odwołując się do programów i strategii związanych z działaniami na rzecz zdrowia, można zauważyć, iż gros zabiegów ma koncentrować się na działaniach profilak-tycznych, wyprzedzających pojawienie się problemów zdrowotnych oraz epidemiologicznych.Zdecydowanie należy podkreślić, że świadomość zdrowotna Polaków jest mała, stąd często choroby, np. cywilizacyjne, wykrywane są w późnych stadiach rozwoju. Z tego względu istotna staje się edukacja zdrowotna.Przygotowano krótki kwestionariusz Świadomość zdrowotna w orientacji przyszłościowej, który może spełnić rolę narzędzia przesiewowego, umożliwiającego wyłonienie osób o małej świadomości zdrowotnej. Ma on szansę podnieść skuteczność działań edukacyjnych. Kwestionariusz zawiera 18 itemów skupionych w trzech wymiarach: (1) poszukiwanie i wykorzystanie informacji dotyczących zdrowia, a także orientacja na zdrowy styl życia oraz czujność zdrowotną, (2) odpowiedzialność za dbanie o zdrowie obecnie i w przyszłości, (3) motywacja zdrowotna jako indywidualna orientacja zdrowotna w kierunku zapobiegania ewentualnym problemom zdrowotnym i zwiększenia dobrostanu zdrowotnego. Rzetelność skali określono za pomocą wskaźnika alfa Cronbacha, który wynosi 0,874, a poszczególne skale miały wskaźniki rzędu: I – 0,836, II – 0,838, III – 0,601.
Preparation of students for adult life also includes the area of health care. Health education is part of the core curriculum of Polish schools. The leading role of the health educator is assumed by the physical education teacher, but many other educational tasks are carried out by all school staff. The present study attempts to answer the question: How is health education implemented at school? The research project was carried out among students of various colleges in the city of Szczecin, Poland. At the same time, similar studies were conducted among students from other universities in other cities. The research method was a diagnostic survey, with the main assessment tool being the ‘Questionnaire for Assessment of Implementation of Physical Education at Secondary School’ by K. Górna-Łukasik. On the basis of the study results, an attempt was made to determine the forms and methods of work and the involvement of various types of teachers in health education. Relationships between students' opinions on the methods of implementing the curriculum content, fields of study and gender of physical education teachers were searched for. The study results demonstrate a low degree of implementation of these educational contents. The Polish school offers students few forms of preparation for taking care of their own health.
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The article discusses the changes in carrying out health education introduced by the school curricular reform. The new podstawa programowa (curricular basis) introduces some important changes in health education by choosing Physical Education as the most suitable subject to deal with health education. Therefore, a physical education teacher becomes a person responsible for carrying out health education at school (a coordinator of activity). The article demonstrates the new role of the physical education teacher which requires the adequate students' preparation for their future careers as well as the appropriate training of the physical education teacher, in the scope of their knowledge, skills and attitude. The teacher's responsibility, genuineness and reliability are also emphasized, since, due to the new tasks, the teacher becomes a creator of healthy lifestyle at school.
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The concept of school promoting health has evolved from the general assumptions concerning health promotion that are developed by the World Health Organization. In Poland the concept of the school is still developing and it undergoes certain modifications. Thirty-four schools and other educational institutions create the town school promoting health network. Each of them has their own health program. School promoting health in Chelm area project puts a new, wider look at health issues; coordinates operations, aiming at children and young people health improvement. Moreover, it guarantees education for health, shaping the feeling of a high self- esteem and healthy lifestyle and also responsibility for their own and other people's health. The operations carried out within the school promoting health network enables Chelm educational institutions to be present in the town, province, Polish and European schools promoting health network. They help to establish, keep contacts and also exchange experiences between schools promoting health in other Polish and European towns and cities; they promote Chelm and its educational institutions.
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Purpose. The study is aimed at showing the state of educational needs of physical education (PE) teachers in the light of the new educational program as well as presenting their opinions about the implementation of some elements of the up-to-date physical education didactics (on the example of teachers in the Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship). Basic procedures. The survey was conducted in March 2009 among 118 people (including 63 men and 55 women) - PE teachers of various working experience (1 to 36 years of work experience), from randomly chosen primary schools (PS) and secondary schools called gymnasium (G) in the Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship. Main findings. The analysed views of PE teachers of primary schools and gymnasia of the Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship allow us to state that the teachers notice a need to use basic elements of the up-to-date physical education didactics. They expect concrete materials on the educational program of physical education for 2009. The highest percentage of PE teachers (up to ca. 80%) would like to make use of information on proposals for up-to-date forms of exercises, health-giving training and lifelong sporting activities. Over 70% of them feel the need for materials on pupils' activation and individualisation in PE classes and descriptions of how to use activating methods (ca. 68%). A high percentage, amounting up to 62%, think that these materials should concern methods in health education, and 58.5% (including 66.7% of PS and 50.8% of SS) want to learn about proposals for activities which develop pupils' health. Conclusions. Physical education teachers employed at elementary schools and gymnasia in the Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship, regardless of sex and work experience, support the educational program of physical education. Regarding the usage of various diagnostic tools, it was found out that there are statistically significant differences between elementary school teachers and gymnasia ones. Physical education teachers, regardless of school type, sex and work experience, emphasize the need for training in the didactics of their subject and in health education.
The aim of the research was to answer 3 research questions. The first one concerned the source of information about the idea of responsibility for one’s own and others’ (i.e. students’) health among candidates for the teaching profession. The second was related to their acceptance of this idea. The third concerned the willingness to know the respondents’ opinions on special classes dedicated to candidates for the teaching profession in terms of the sense of responsibility being researched. 211 students of pedagogical faculties of universities in the Lubuskie Voivodeship participated in the study. An original questionnaire was used concerning: the opinion on the assumption of responsibility for one’s own health and that of others by candidates for the teaching profession.
Celem badań było udzielenie odpowiedzi na 3 pytania badawcze. Pierwsze dotyczyło źródła informacji o idei odpowiedzialności za zdrowie własne i innych (uczniów) u kandydatów do zawodu nauczycielskiego. Drugie wiązało się z ich akceptacją tej idei. W trzecim ujęto chęć poznania zdania badanych na temat specjalnych zajęć dedykowanych kandydatom do zawodu nauczycielskiego w zakresie badanego poczucia odpowiedzialności. W badaniu uczestniczyło 211 studentów kierunków pedagogicznych uczelni w województwie lubuskim. Wykorzystano autorski kwestionariusz ankiety dotyczący: opinii na temat podjęcia odpowiedzialności za zdrowie własne i innych przez kandydatów do zawodu nauczycielskiego.
The pregnancy means for woman an intensive process and it needs our interest. The maternal organism is adapted to changes in bio-psycho-social sphere and a new human being develops during the pregnancy. Aim: We found out and compared satisfaction of pregnant women’s behaviour and the quality of their attention for activities which improving conditions in pregnancy and securing health development of their child. Subjects and Methods: Our research was based on a random sample of respondents. The study included 277 respondents. They were separated into two files – puerperas and midwives. For each group of respondents was used method of questionnaires. Data were statistically processing. Results: We found out, that the satisfaction of pregnant women’s behaviour and the quality of their attention for activities which improving conditions in pregnancy was acceptable. Some deficiencies were found. Conclusion: We suggest to increase the quality of services to improve the pregnant women’s behaviour and to contribute for standards of European Union by improving our services and by continuous educating of women. We suggest to motivate pregnant women to responsible behaviour during pregnancy and to create conditions for health development of their prenatal child.
Effective health-oriented education in the area of sports and recreation events organization - is not a goal which is easy to achieve. The idea is certainly worthy of attention, since the benefits can be passed on to the organizer, sponsor and the entire society. The purpose of this paper is to present sports and recreation events as a means of promoting physical culture and health-oriented education. Motions, proposals, and preconditions (as described here) of effective educational intervention in the organization of events are based on 15-years-long secret (hidden) participatory observation of 141 different (in terms of their organizational specifics) street runs - both in Poland and in the neighbouring countries - Germany, Czech Republic and Slovakia. Sports and recreation events can become an effective instrument of education for a healthy lifestyle only if they are widely available (easily accessible), if they draw media attention, are popular, cyclical (recurring), have a specific program and atmosphere. The organizers of events in the area of physical recreation should not encourage competition but rather educate for regular participation in health-oriented training, while active participation in sports and recreation event might fit in the pre-planned health capacity control. For sports and recreation events to become a carrier of socially desirable values such as health or healthy lifestyle, promoters should intentionally put emphasis on these values and place them above commercial or marketing strategies of sponsors.
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There are around 10.000 people in Poland who have undergone an organ transplantation at some point in their lives. This procedure allowed those people to enjoy regained health and successfully return to normal life, with the previously assigned roles at work, in their family and in society. Despite the advances in transplantation, a half of the people waiting for this form of treatment would die, since there are no organs to be transplanted. This state of affairs is caused by the low awareness among the Polish society. Polish people have very low confidence in this treatment method. They lack a basic understanding of the essential medical and legal procedures defining the organization of organ transplantation. Health educators should address concerns that emerge in society and to present a positive image of transplantation, as a science saving people’s lives. Educating young people about organ transplantation, since their earliest days at school, provides a chance to shape a positive attitude towards the issues of organ transplantation. This article attempts to answer the following questions: what is health education, organ transplantation, and what are the goals of the health education programs promoting organ transplantation?
The purpose of this paper is to explore and analyze three aspects of the relationship between general pedagogy and Health education. Two different doctoral dissertations on Health education, claimed to be written from different scientific positions (hermeneutic and positivistic), were analyzed from science--philosophical, knowledge-theoretical and methodological points of view. The analysis showed that none of the dissertations contained any deeper discussion on science-philosophical or knowledge-theoretical issues and that both of the dissertations were written mainly in the hermeneutic tradition. The reason for this is probably that Health education, especially promotive Health education, handles divergent questions that seldom, or never, can be handled with positivistic methods. One consequence of this is that the results of research on promotive Health education rarely, or never, are normative and can tell how to teach about health in a specific educational situation. Instead the results can be used as a background for didactic reflection whey planning and realizing Health education initiatives. Another consequence is that the present trend with demand for evidence based Health education, can be questioned! Because promotive Health education is so heavily loaded with divergent questions, and because pedagogical research, according to Habermas, has an emancipatory or critical “knowledge interest”. Research can explain what is going on in one situation but not predict what will happen in a similar, but other situation! Therefore this paper argues that the idea of evidence based, promotive health education is hard, or impossible, to realize.
In this study we present the results of a research aimed at determining the level of acquired science knowledge about health among Roma pupils of younger school age from socially disadvantaged backgrounds. Health Education is not a separate subject in the Slovak education system, but it is implemented in several subjects, especially in primary education, science, physical and sports education, practical learning and in the cross-cutting theme of protection of life and health in primary education. The study was written with the support of the project APVV-17-0075 Health education in the education of Roma pupils from socially disadvantaged backgrounds solved at the University of Prešov, Faculty of Education. One of the sub-objectives of the project is to analyse the effectiveness of pro-health education – Health Education in the school curriculum of the primary level of education in the form of a didactic test.
Improving the health of the population, stopping and changing the disadvantage trends have long been one of the health policy objectives in the regions. Unfortunately in spite of the declared goals Hungary is far away from giving priority to health issues as they are not given proper attention either on individual or societal level. In modern societies local communities play an increasingly important role in the development of quality of life. Their activity, their influence over the power structures become dominant. Quality of life is made up of objective and subjective components. Their important sub-areas are health, financial situation, income situations, housing and social relationship. Quality of life studies are the most frequent health-related research studies, the most remarkable results have been achieved here. Healthrelated quality of life is one of the most important and maybe the most frequently researched dimension of quality of life showing how much health status contributes to the welfare of the individuals. The primary objective of the research studies the improvement of the health status of the population and within it the health status of the individual as well as the reduction of health inequalities can be designated. The improvement of the quality of life can be rationalized as health benefit for the society. Its two main components are the extension of the life expectancy and the increase in numbers of the resulting years. The health of the Hungarian population is said to be unfavourable in international comparison and it can also be stated that it is significantly poorer than it could be expected according to the socio-economic development level
It is an old pursuit to find the balance between nature and society (within the individual and the sum of people). In order to talk about a healthy society, it is necessarry to have the people making up the society healthy too. The health condition of the individuals affects the society, creating a close connection amoing individuals and society. Health, mental and physical well-beings of members of society affects the economy, since a healthy workforce leads to developing economy, which hence can provide the requirements and conditions that ensure a mentally and physically healthy way of living for the society. Sport, everyday exercise, therefore regular training can also play an important social role, and can greatly contribute to social well-being. Decreased physical activity, sitting lifestyle are both specific traits of economically developed countres, and turns into a more and more threatening public health problem world-wide, which contribute to the development or aggravation of such chronic diseases and health damages, like morbid obesity, heart diseases, diabetes, hypertension, locomotor diseases, malignant tumors, depression. The topic of our research is related to mainly the subject of primary school healthcare programs. The measurements have been taken in 12 different educational institutions, which included primary, secondary, vocational schools, and a 6-grade school. The actuality of the topic is proven by the increased obesity appearing at more younger ages, and we intend to shed some light on the fact, that with a good healhcare strategy and short-term goals we can achieve positive results shortly on the fields of school healthcare.
The number of medical malpractice lawsuits filed each year in Hungary has considerably increased since the change of regime. The judicial decisions and practices on determining and awarding wrongful damages recoverable for medical malpractices in the Hungarian civil law have been developing for decades.
The purpose of the article. The presented research aims to analyze the impact of health education on students' attitudes towards taking care of their health, the health of other people and the ability to create a healthy environment. The paper assumes that health education is provided in schools by the applicable law. The work presents an up-to-date perspective on the complex problem of how young people perceive health. Methodology. To verify the significance of the differences in the respondents' assessments, statistical methods (non-parametric tests) were used: the U-Mann-Whitney test and the Spearman rank correlation coefficient. The calculations were made using Statistica. The research sample included young people from upper secondary and general education schools. The author's questionnaire was used. The study was anonymous. Respondents completed the questionnaire voluntarily. The research was conducted between March and September 2023. Results of the research. The conducted empirical analyses and the results of the surveys allowed us to achieve the goal assumed in the introduction and confirmed that health education in secondary schools influences the shaping of students' attitudes towards taking care of their health and the health of the community in which they live. By implementing health education at school – according to the core curriculum – students' awareness and motivation to undertake activities to improve and maintain good health is increased. Additionally, practical skills are developed to help them use the acquired knowledge in everyday life, and pro-health attitudes are formed. Health promotion is, therefore, the key to improving the health of school children, preparing them for a healthy lifestyle and making informed choices about their health and the community in which they live.
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