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tom 1
Acquiring information that has an impact on a country's security, i.e. its independence, sovereignty and international position, by unauthorized persons, whether from another country's intelligence services or criminal groups, may have far-reaching consequences. Therefore, to preserve the stability of the state and give a sense of security to its citizens, the most important task and duty of the government is to protect them. This can be provided by an efficiently functioning system that will guarantee restrictions on access to classified information, its proper processing, as well as the use of appropriate and suffcient physical and ICT security measures. For this reason, this system requires at the state level precisely defined rules and norms based on the law, defining the principles of creating classified information, how to protect it and sanctions that can be applied in the event of non-compliance. The protection of information having a significant impact on the functioning of the Polish state in each period of its existence was an important element of defense and security policy. After regaining independence, the protection of state secrets took on special significance both for the country's existence and the foundations of its existence. It was realized that their disclosure could be fatal to its organization and functioning, as well as defense capabilities. The presented material presents the evolution of the protection of classified information in Poland, and its importance for the security and defense of the state by ensuring the effectiveness(concealing) of actions aimed at their implementation.
tom 5
nr 2
The purpose of this article is to highlight the essence and content of teaching this subject, which was introduced in Polish schools on 1 September 2009. To achieve this goal, the importance of education and, specifically, security education is discussed. The essence of security education is then presented, and it replacing the currently implemented defense adaptation is explained. Subsequently, the educational content of security education was discussed. The aim of the study was based on theoretical research methods such as analysis, synthesis, comparison, and inference.The conclusion encourages further reflection on this subject because education is an important area for ensuring security; hence, education in security from pre-school education to adult education can be found in Polish education. The tendency toward change testifies to broader cognitive perspectives, especially in the area of personnel and structural security of individuals and social groups. It also testifies to the understanding of the essence and importance of education itself.
Content available Bezpieczeństwo hotspotów w autobusach
W artykule omówiony został aspekt bezpieczeństwa mobilnych punktów dostępowych. Takie punkty często są montowane w autobusach na potrzeby pasażerów. Jednak kluczowym problemem jest właściwe zabezpieczenie transmisji pomiędzy klientami a punktem dostępowym. W artykule przeanalizowane zostały możliwości zabezpieczenia i podatności na ataki popularnych standardów zabezpieczeń.
Paper discusses the security of the mobile hotspots mounted in buses. The analysis of vulnerabilities is done. Chosen aspects of security are examined. Finally the proposal of proper mobile hotspot protection is described.
The article discusses the important issue of migration as an element of the country’s security policy. Migration may determine the power of a country as well as contribute to weakening its position and importance in the aspect of internal relations and thus also on the international arena. The author of the article discusses migration in the political, economic, and social aspect.
The basic research method used in writing the article was the institutional and legal method, and the auxiliary research method was the comparative method. The main research goal undertaken in the article is an attempt to establish and specify threats to the security of personal data in the sphere of spatial planning. Spatial development is a process of constant changes of space into more complex and more perfect states. This is a positive process. The course of changes is continuous, but due to the difficulty of coordinating activities and the contradictions resulting from different expectations of individual users, it is not equal.
In this paper a new idea of digital images fingerprinting is proposed. The method is based on quaternion encryption in the Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode. Quaternions are hyper-complex numbers of rank 4 and thus often applied to mechanics in three-dimensional space. The encryption algorithm described in the paper is designed for graytone images but can easily be adopted for color ones. For the encryption purpose, the algorithm uses the rotation of data vectors presented as quaternions in a three-dimensional space around another quaternion (key). On the receiver's side, a small amount of unnoticeable by human eye errors occurs in the decrypted images. These errors are used as a user's digital figerprint for the purpose of traitor tracing in case of copyright violation. A computer-based simulation was performed to scrutinize the potential presented quaternion encryption scheme for the implementation of digital fingerprinting. The obtained results are shown at the end of this paper.
tom nr 3(84)
Military didactics at the turn of the century as a pedagogical specialty in fact ceased to exist. Armed forces’ transformation and Poland’s access to NATO did not deprive military didactics theoreticians and practitioners of scientific achievements to date. However, it directed their cognitive effort to use allied organizational and functional solutions on the Polish ground. Hence there have been many oblique statements and misunderstandings in the cognitive area of contemporary military didactics. The author raised a question concerning the future of military didactics and took effort to define precisely its idea and identify its research subject matter. Due to multi-aspect approach to the subject of military didactics, there was defined the area of subjects, events and processes that basically create the research subject matter, but in military didactics they adopt a specialist form.
Content available North Atlantic Treaty security
nr 1
The article discusses security within the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation with respect to threats which may appear in its near and more distant surroundings. The following military threats are discussed: military conflicts, militarization of the Arctic, demonstration of Russian military power, use of weapons of mass destruction, cyber attack, terrorism and militarisation of Space. Other mentioned dangers are: natural and social ones including migration, competition among state and non-state entities as well as the phenomenon of fallen cities and states.
tom 2(1)
The article studies problematic issues of illegal income legalization or money-laundering which law-enforcement and financial organs in the CIS countries confront. Not only the CIS but the whole civilized world is struggling with legalization (money-laundering) of the income generated as a result of crime activities. According to the International Monetary Fund, the total sum of “dirty” money currently circulating in the world amounts between 500 billion and 1.5 trillion American dollars which conforms due to different estimates 2–5 % of the world gross domestic product. The article studies problems concerning prevention and combating legalization (money-laundering) of the income generated as a result of criminal activities which law-enforcement and financial units come across in the CIS countries. The author focuses on establishing the definition of this socially negative phenomenon which forms an essential part of illegal activities of organized crime.Both common and specific characteristics of the battle against money- and other property laundering generated as a result of criminal activities which are typical for the CIS countries are presented here. Legalization of the income generated as a result of criminal activities (money-laundering) is a component of any criminal activity and an important part of the criminal economical circle. The combat against legalization of the illegal income includes research, exposure and neutralization of the financial component in the activities of organized groups and criminal organizations. Moreover, effective ways of fighting that type of crime are suggested based on analyses of the law currently in force, practical work of financial intelligence units, and scientific research.
The subject matter addressed in this article concerns inspection procedures intended to ensure mass-event security. Such inspections are conducted by the executive bodies of a commune or by a Province Governor. The inspection powers include an assessment of the compliance of the running of the mass event (including a higher-risk mass event) with the conditions specified in the permit to hold the event, and – if these conditions are found to be violated by the organisers – the discontinuation of the event. The inspection may also result in issuing a decision prohibiting the organisation of the mass event if, after issuing the initial permit, it is found that there has been a breach of the security conditions which constituted the grounds for its issuing. In addition, the Province Governor may prohibit the organisers from conducting a mass event with public participation or from conducting the mass event on the territory of the Province or its part, or discontinue the mass event while in progress.
The essence of modern national security refers to actions aimed at guaranteeing the survival of a nation in the stable territorial state borders as well as its comprehensive and undisturbed development. In the light of the presented evolution of the term “national security” and the essence of the process of providing this security, the article presents a new approach to the strategic basis for this process. The selected issues of the process of providing national security discussed in the article may serve as a basis for improving the rationality of public administration efforts to ensure existential and behavioral needs of the society.
Content available remote O tożsamości nauk o bezpieczeństwie
tom nr 1(86)
Security is the key notion in the new discipline of security sciences. This term is a subject-matter category and refers to various social life participants, starting from an individual through large social groups, including organizational structures (institutions) representing single people and various social groups (states, nations, societies, international systems). Security is an existential need, i.e. connected with a particular individual’s existence. This need has a complex character and involves fulfilling such detailed needs as existence (survival/self-preservation), entirety, identity, independence, peace, possession and certainty of functioning and development. In the most general meaning, security may be defined as certainty of existence, possession, functioning and development of a subject. This certainty results not only from the lack of threat (it does not appear or is eliminated) but it also arises due to creative activity of a given subject and it changes with time, thus it shows the nature of a social process. Three dimensions of security can be differentiated: referring to the subject, object and functioning (process). Thus in the dimension referring to the subject, security means the certainty of existence and survival for a particular social life participant. In the dimension referring to the object it means the certainty of its possession status (identity including) and opportunities (freedoms) of development. In the functional dimension, security involves changing in time subjective and objective security aspects, i.e. certainty of functioning as well as development of a given subject. In a traditional approach security is considered in the context of threats and is associated with the use of force and constraint (coercion). Today, however, the approach to the character and kinds of force and constraint are changing and security perception is evolving. The feature of this evolution is the broadening of the security dimensions pertaining to the subject, object and functioning. It is commonly defined as demilitarization and extension of the security scope and content. The main security paradigms in social sciences include realism, liberalism (idealism) and constructivism. Attempting to answer the key question on the security sciences’ identity, the author proposes applying the way suggested by Max Weber from interpretation, and understanding to explaining the security phenomenon of various subjects. This approach is close to a moderate version of constructivism, however, taking into account realism and liberalism. It may create a specific methodology of a “golden mean” in security sciences.
The paper presents the possibility of the realization of the evaluation of the security of the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems following the regulations specified by European and Polish norms which relate to the security of information systems in enterprises with the special regard to the ERP systems. It also introduces the possibility of creating the security system programme and the actions executed during the evaluation.
Content available Dilemmas of security perception
tom 50
nr 3(189)
The concept of security has undergone transformations along with the development of civilization. The rapid changes in the international security environment that have occurred over the past few decades have had a particularly significant impact on its character and significance. In this aspect, the aim of the article is to present the essence of security and dilemmas related to the interpretation of this concept. The article explains etymology and the importance of security. It characterizes how security evolved, how it was understood and interpreted. The traditional and non-traditional perception of security is explained.
Content available Negocjacje w działaniach polskiej Policji
This article presents (in outline) the essence of the negotiations the police as a modern crisis management tool. Discusses the concept of negotiation and crisis. Pointed out the fundamental differences between the negotiation of a business and the negotiations undertaken by the police as part of business. Shows the process of training for Polish police officers carrying out tasks police negotiators.
Interpretation of the Japanese concept of ensuring safety requires referring to the category of the universal values. Sandel, who has been lately considered a proponent of the world of the universal values suggests that normative values and beliefs should be treated as relevant criteria of social order. Lack of actions in accordance with these values and beliefs or insufficiency of such actions disturbs, in accordance to Sandel, social order and destroys the democracy. Creation of the system of normative values and beliefs constitutes for this reason a process that is crucial to creating an individual identity of an entity that is aware of the socially and culturally universal criteria of the evaluation of the actions of a human being. This is why the category of values concerns usually social determinants of behaviour of an individual from which others expect maintaining a certain behavioural pattern, regardless of whether this pattern was assimilated and accepted by the individual or not. According to such an interpretation, values shall usually be transferred as part of culture and from generation to generation as an instrument enabling proper social and cultural adjustment.
Tematem artykułu jest przybliżenie zasad działania sieci VPN, prezentacja wykorzystywanych protokołów, przedstawienie różnorakiego podejścia do zastosowań technologii VPN oraz technicznych problemów związanych z budową sieci VPN.
This paper presents basic principles of VPN technology, used protocols, variety of VPN applications and technical problems related to building VPN networks. It describes how to adept Internet to get secure and cost-effective communication.
Każda sieć korporacyjna posiada pewne informacje, które powinny być chronione. Jednak poziom zabezpieczeń w obecnym czasie określany jest w sposób statyczny, czyli przy budowie systemu określa się pewne parametry krytyczne systemu i na ich podstawie buduje się system bezpieczeństwa o ściśle określonym, nigdy niezmiennym poziomie. Często też prowadzi się do weryfikacji zabezpieczeń (brak sprzężenia zwrotnego w systemie bezpieczeństwa), co powoduje, że informacje tam zgromadzone są zabezpieczone niedostatecznie
Every corporate network has some information that should be protected. However, nowadays security level is specified in the static mode, so some critical system parameters are specified while the system is built and based on that information the security system is created on the exactly specified and unchangeable level. Often, the verification of securities are not realised (there is no feedback in the security system) and that causes the information stored there are not sufficiently secured.
Przedstawiono charakterystykę aplikacji rozproszonych, typowych zagrożeń oraz mechanizmów zabezpieczających. Wskazano zasady bezpieczeństwa wykorzystywane w systemach wielowarstwowych. Wprowadzono nowe modele bezpieczeństwa i pokazano kierunki ich integracji.
Distributed applications are discussed and typical threats and relevant security mechanisms are presented. Main security rules suitable for N-tier environments are discussed. New security models are proposed and directions of their integration are shown.
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