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In times of global economy and increased competition reciprocal relations between main participants of market processes: consumers and entrepreneurs are particularly important. Products are becoming more and more complicated in use. Thus, the producer is obliged to informing about goods being sold. This duty is accompanied by smaller or bigger responsibility for this product. Because of the disparity in the strengths of the market players consumers need special protection from the legislature. Despite growing interest in consumer protection issues, we still do not know who exactly the concept of consumer relates to. A uniform definition of the weaker party of trade turnover has not been developed yet. Such definition should have universal application, not only in law but also in other areas, for example, in the science of management. However, existing solutions present consumer as independent entity of market turnover, capable of making independent decisions which may result in purchase of certain goods for personal use, but the problem concerns the details.
Content available remote Świadomość konsumencka młodzieży
Young people face many choices in modern times. The flood of information means that a young person must make many decisions in line with their knowledge and hierarchy of values. Since the development of media and technology has become very important in the everyday life of average teenagers, brands presenting their products reach them through all possible avenues. Regardless of whether teenagers want it or not, they have to face the impact of advertising and select content they find useful. The article presents the results and interpretation of the results of own research conducted on youth.
Content available remote Preferencje konsumentów dotyczących wybranych cech jogurtu
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań ankietowych przeprowadzonych z 512 osobami z województwa warmińsko-mazurskiego dotyczących preferencji konsumenta względem jogurtu. Wyniki badań wykazały, że konsumenci preferują jogurt z dodatkiem owoców i o strukturze żelu. Przy zakupie produktu zwracają uwagę na jego producenta.
In paper one presented results of questionnaire research conducted with 512 respondents from the province of Warmia and Masuria concerning consumer's preferences towards yoghurt. The respondents prefer yoghurt with fruits and with gel structure. Buying this product they pay attention on its producer.
Article concerns the question of the legal status of the President of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection, which is related to the issues associated with the central government administration authorities. There are ongoing new lines of research taking into account the purpose of the public administration, also in terms of competition and consumer protection. Discussed in the article, issues related to the status of the President of the OCCP on its competence, duties, legal forms of action, the appointment and dismissal, as well as the President of the OCCP in the structure of government administration.
The ADR Act of 23 September 2016 addressing consumer dispute resolution implements the EP and EC ADR Directive of 21 May 2013 regulating consumer dispute resolution, and EU and EP Regulation 524/2013 of 21 May 2013 on Online Dispute Resolution in Consumer Disputes. The aim is to give consumers who engage in dispute resolution with business entities an option to apply to legal entities that offer independent, impartial, transparent and effective facilities of amicable dispute resolution. The aim is also to equip entrepreneurs with a necessary tool to avoid costly and prolonged court proceedings against consumers. This article discusses how the Act regulates the substance, commencement, conduct and conclusion of the proceedings in out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes.
The aim of the article is to discuss in brief the role of legal regulations in shaping the content of games and the mechanisms for their promotion, using selected consumer protection issues as examples. The subject became particularly high-profile in Poland after the release of Cyberpunk 2077, but has been discussed many times around the world, and in recent years there has been a visible trend of many consumer protection authorities to look more closely at the gaming industry and react to bad practices in this area. The article cites some key examples, but also potential practical implications for publishers.
Content available remote Perspektywy reklamy w procesie globalizacji
Obecne zmiany społeczne powodują tak ogromne przeobrażenia w wielu sferach życia człowieka, że coraz bardziej widoczna staje się konieczność przeorientowania dotychczasowych form i środków reklamy. Przede wszystkim postępująca indywidualizacja i zróżnicowanie konsumentów skłaniają twórców reklamy do operowania bardziej zindywidualizowanymi formami (In-ternet) i środkami reklamy (podkreślanie indywidualności konsumenta, swobody wyboru, oryginalności wykonania czy nowych własności użytkowych). Indywidualizacji i zróżnicowaniu działań człowieka towarzyszą jednakże dwie sprzeczne tendencje: ź tendencja do dezintegracji stylu życia i towarzysząca temu skłonność do bezrefleksyjnych wyborów konsumenckich; dająca nowe szanse reklamie emocjonalnej, działającej nawet na pograniczu z podświadomością ź tendencja do poszukiwania własnego stylu życia wraz ze skłonnością do świadomych i refleksyjnych wyborów konsumenckich; prowadząca do rozwoju reklamy informacyjnej. Warto również zauważyć, że wraz z nabraniem przez reklamę bardziej zindywidualizowanego, interaktywnego i globalnego charakteru, pojawia się również konieczność modyfikacji tradycyjnego, jednokierunkowego modelu komunikowania rynkowego. Nowy model w większym stopniu powinien podkreślać aktywną rolę konsumenta w poszukiwaniu informacji rynkowych.
The present social changes couse so huge transformations in many spheres of human life that more and more visible is necessity to change the orientation of previous forms and methods of advertising. First of all developing individualization and differentiation of consumers induce advertising creators to use more individual forms (Internet) and methods of advertisements (emphasizing of consumer individuality, freedom of choice, originality of performance, new usable ownerships)
Consumer protection is impossible without existence of a professional institution which remains outside current mainstream of policy making. One of them is the Municipal Office of Fair Trade. The subject of the article is to analyze and assess the activities of the Municipal Office of Fair Trade on behalf of the consumer in Rzeszów, while the purpose is to highlight the role and importance of this entity in the system of consumer protection institutions.
Sport fan loyalty is important to attain within a culturally rich and global audience as loyal sport fans are unique consumers. The ability to adequately understand what motivates the sports consumer is an important requirement for sport managers. This paper proposes that a greater understanding of fandom will contribute to a better understanding of the concept of loyalty. Although there is research regarding typology of fans and loyalty, but even within sport advocates group there may be sub-categories that can explain loyalty behaviour further. This research analyses types of sport fans in different disciplines in the UK, as an example of diverse society to explore factors determining category of fans.
Luxury product is a very ambiguous concept. The most commonly cited in the literature barrier to the creation of a universal definition of luxury is the relativity of the concept. The relativity of luxury nature of the product takes the form of regional, temporal, economic, cultural, situational, and also due to the individual characteristics of the consumer. It should be therefore considered how to shape the product and which marketing tools should be used, to give and keep a luxury image of it. Analysis of the literature in the field of sciences such as management, sociology, psychology or marketing clearly indicates the growing interest in both the concept of luxury as well as luxury goods. It should be noted, however, that according to the results of research on the perception of luxury, consumers from different countries, cultures show different features of the product as important from the point of view of the luxury nature of the good. The aim of article is identification of differences in the perception of luxury between consumers from different countries, representing different cultures, as well as the specifics of managing a luxury product depending on the country of its origin.
Content available remote The availability of fresh and frozen fish in the urban and rural areas
Eating fish is an indispensable element of a proper and well balanced diet. Despite the benefits of consuming fish, their consumption in Poland is still at a low level. At present, buying fresh fish in the urban areas is not much of a problem for consumers, because they can be purchased in fish stores, as well as in large commercial networks or at marketplaces. The aim of the study was to compare the consumers’ opinions on the availability of fresh and frozen fish in urban areas and in rural areas of Wejherowo district. The study was conducted with the use of a questionnaire survey in the group of 180 not randomly chosen people. According to respondents’ opinions on the availability of fish it appears that urban areas of Wejherowo district are characterized by high availability and a wide range of fresh and frozen fish, while rural areas have limited access to those products.
Content available remote Attracting millennial consumers in the digital age
This study focuses on the recent fall of many large scale department stores (Macy’s, J. C. Penney Company, Sear’s, Kmart) and other retail, pharmacy and grocery stores (Bebe, Whole Foods, CVS, Chico’s, Limited, Radio Shack, Game Stop) across the United States. The researchers set out to discover why stores that have existed for years suddenly had to shut down physical locations. The researchers hypothesized that these retail outlets have failed to properly attract millennial consumers. Marketers are endlessly attempting to find solutions on how to best attract millennials in this digital age. What appears to be evident, though, is that the habits of this demographic prefer the ease provided by online shopping. Secondary sources were reviewed to determine exactly why the stores have fallen. The millennial culture was a key component of the study. The results suggest that the stores failed due to improper targeting and in-store attraction.
The article is devoted to the subject matter of means-end chain-based approaches to market segmentation, which are critically viewed from the perspective of their ability to yield properly defined market segments. There are emphasised in it these approaches, grounded in the means-end chain (MEC) theory that was developed to better understand how consumers link attributes of products with particular consequences and how these consequences satisfy personal values. The author's whole deliberations confirm that the means-end chains are often seen as a representation of the basic drives that motivate consumer behaviour.
The access of Poland to the EU caused the creation of the consumer protection system which consists of legal controls and different institutions such as e.g. UOKiK, BA, RZu. The aim of the study is to show problem of protection of bank services market consumer. The range of bank services is limited here to mortgage loans. Changes on the mortgage loan market in Poland during 2005–2008 are analysed in this work. The crisis on financial markets and its consequences have also been considered. The author presents the bank actions in the face of consumers during the crisis and the possibilities of the solving the disputes with dissatisfied consumers.
This article presents some considerations on chosen determinants of the consumer purchasing behaviour. The consumer purchasing behaviour is affected by different factors associated with living in a society, an organized community as well as factors of personal nature, which can be grouped into collective categories. Psychological, sociocultural, economic and demographic determinants were presented. An attempt to identify interrelationships amongst groups of factors as well as internal relations within the group was made.
What makes consumers buy online? What kind of behavior is involved in this process? The emergence of the Internet as a medium and the possibility of making transactions online has led many consumers to start shopping this way. Online shoppers are guided in their decision making by certain conditions, factors of psychological nature, as well as in the real world. Consumer behavior in the online shopping process is highly dependent on marketing activities. The study summarized in this article presents the accompanying behavior when consumers shop online and the categories of goods, which they choose predominantly while shopping remotely. Nowadays, it is not enough to compete by price anymore. Consumers expect that an online retailer will take care of their needs at every stage of the purchasing process.
The development of electronic commerce over the past several years has progressed very rapidly. On 25 December 2014 the Consumer Rights Act, which applies, among others, to e-commerce, came into force. The act introduces new rules for consumer protection as a consequence of the implementation of the Directive 2011/83/EU into the Polish legal system. This implementation resulted in, among others, changes in the formulation of rules and regulations of electronic services, intensification of the information obligation and abolition of legal barriers to crossborder e-commerce. The need to adapt websites is often troublesome for entrepreneurs, however the increase in the catalogue of consumer rights should increase the number of electronic transactions.
Content available remote Evaluation of customer awareness of melamine dishware safety
Daily use of the dishware may be associated with health risks in the event of incorrect use. The aim of the study was to analyse consumer behaviours on the market of melamine dishware and assess their knowledge relating to the potential health risks associated with using these products. The survey was conducted in the form of a questionnaire containing 16 single- and multiple choice questions. Study included 100 people. The results show that consumers are familiar with melamine dishware and are willing to use it, primarily because of its functionality and lightweight. Consumers are not interested in information placed on the label of melamine dishware and do not pay attention to the information on its safe use. Consumers have little knowledge relating to the potential risks associated with using melamine dishware, as well as its potential impact on the human health.
By the Act of 31 July 2019 amending certain laws to reduce regulatory burdens, provisions that extend the scope of application of selected consumer protection regulations to entrepreneurs who are natural persons concluding certain contracts were added to the Polish Civil Code and the Act on Consumer Rights. Those provisions were added in a point-like manner (within the scope of unfair contractual terms, warranty for defects in the sold items and the right of withdrawal from an off-premises contract or from a distance contract). From 1 January 2021 the provisions concerning consumers shall apply to a natural person concluding a contract directly related to their economic activity, where the content of such a contract implies that it is not of professional nature for that person, which could result in particular from the subject matter of the economic activity conducted by the said person and made available under the provisions on the Central Register and Information on Economic Activity. Therefore, a question arises as to the legitimacy of these changes and the consequences of their introduction. The article analyses them in detail, recognizing that a similar result could be achieved through an appropriate interpretation of the definition of a consumer pursuant to Article 221 of the Polish Civil Code. However, taking into consideration the fact that such a position is not universally accepted in the doctrine of Polish civil law, the article also discusses the legal consequences of adopting an alternative view which eliminates from the scope of the notion of a consumer such natural person who performs a legal transaction which, though related to their business activity, is atypical due to its subject matter. In such cases that entity may rely on the protective instruments granted to the consumer only in cases enumerated by the legislator, which leads to a reduction in the level of their protection. In addition to analysing the conditions for providing sole entrepreneurs with consumer protection, the article also discusses the material scope of the introduced changes in detail, since the legislative technique used by the legislator causes a number of difficulties concerning the precise determination of the actual scope of the reference provided for in the analysed provisions. Although the considerations made in the article refer directly to the Polish law, the comparative-law and EU contexts were not omitted. The whole article ends with de lege ferenda conclusions addressed to the legislator.
The identification of cross-border e-commerce barriers leads to their elimination through relevant institutions and with available methods as soon as possible and in the most efficient way. It leads to full integration and the development of EU integrated internal markets, which produces benefits not only for the economy but most of all for consumers. Consumers, given the chance to choose, could decide which offer is optimal for them without taking risks if deliveries from sellers located in another EU country will be on time or, if they have an appropriate payment card to make transaction. In removing legal and technical barriers which appear in cross-border e-commerce, the consumers’ confidence cannot be ignored. The issues of security and trust regarding cross-border transactions are one of the indicators which have the biggest impact on shopping online in another EU country. This is the reason why efforts to raise consumer awareness and monitoring the current situation of the transactions market across borders of Member States is so important.
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