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After Poland’s regaining independence, a significant role in the organization of higher education institutions, the development of academic instruction and research as well as in the formation of awareness of the Polish academic community, was played by periodicals addressed to this group. One of such magazines was Szkoły Akademickie quarterly (1927-1928) and afterwards a yearbook (1928-1930). The article presents the questions of higher education addressed by this journal and the activities undertaken by the scientific community to solve them. The information included in the journal allowed moreover to indicate the most crucial activities of academic circles for the improvement of academic didactics and the development of scientific research.
After Poland’s regaining independence, a significant role in the organization of higher education institutions,the development of academic instruction and research as well as in the formation of awareness of the Polish academic community, was played by periodicals addressed to this group. One of such magazines was Szkoły Akademickie quarterly (1927-1928) and afterwards a yearbook (1928-1930). The article presents the questions of higher education addressed by this journal and the activities undertaken by the scientific community to solve them. The information included in the journal allowed moreover to indicate the most crucial activities of academic circles for the improvement of academic didactics and the development of scientific research.
The current requirements of the constantly changing needs of the market, forcing companies to look for innovative ways to improve its competitive position. Innovation is a key element in the competitiveness of enterprises, but requires scientific advice to the detailed design and effective implementation of planned activities. In this paper authors raise the issue of knowledge transfer between business practice and representatives of the science and research, carried out on the basis of test results.
Academic science education is currently in crisis, which primarily involves the transmission of thinking skills as a priority task of the university. The author sketches a picture of this crisis by contrasting two theoretical models of teaching and learning at the university which are essentially identified with the terms “rhizoming” and Bildung. The presented ways of using the models in academic practice are used to consider the possibilities of overcoming the crisis and determining the conditions.
Content available Scholar and researchers: a typology
nr 3
Three types of scholars are identified: precursor, savant, and instigator. Scholars produce creative and seminal ideas that serve to advance science. In parallel, three types of researchers are singled out: replicator, erudite, and outsider. Their work lacks creativity and originality, being mostly imitative and derivative. Science (the body of knowledge) is advanced by some, and hampered by other factors.
Content available Educational Challenges in Reference to Management
tom 49-50
The changing conditions of the functioning of modern organizations are the basic premise for emphasizing in the article the role of education and science in preparing potential and current entrepreneurs to meet the requirements of competitive struggle resulting from the Industrial Revolution 4.0. The speech emphasized the legitimacy of making and / or perceiving modifications to educational processes, especially in terms of future challenges.
nr 2
Currently, the most important preconditions for efficient development of the Russian economy include improvement of production infrastructure, use of advanced technologies and scientific support of economic processes, both nationally and in certain regions. In this connection, scientific development, the performing of fundamental and applied research, activation of innovative activity of Russian enterprises and integration of science and production have become the most relevant issues. As it is proved in practice, programming is an efficient tools for management of sectorial processes and may be effectively applied in coordination of the development of scientific processes in a certain territory. Aspects of programming evolution and the peculiarities and prospects of the use of this toolset under modern economic conditions are considered in this article, along with recommendations for improvement of management of Russian scientific and research activity. The authors also designed an algorithm for a scientific and research activity development program at the regional level that produces a systemic vision of the conditions necessary for implementation of scientific and innovative potential of the development of the economy of a certain territory. This algorithm produces a detailed understanding of the conditions necessary for implementation of the scientific and innovative potential of the development of a regional economy. Moreover, this algorithm assists in forming an efficient toolset for management of scientific and research activity and improving the competitiveness of the territorial economy.
Content available remote Carl Schmitt mezi vědou a proroctvím
nr 1
This article sets out the fundamental intellectual starting points of Carl Schmitt. It is concerned chiefly with his conception of law, the main features of his political philosophy, and his attitude to liberalism, parliamentarism, democracy, and the Nazi dictatorship. It also takes into account the way in which he used historical arguments to support his ideas. Particular attention is paid to the concept of the political, which Schmitt considered an independent sphere of human existence, one based on diff erentiating between friend and foe, an act performed by the wielder of sovereign political power. It is precisely the question of power and, linked to it, sovereign decision, which form the core of politics. Ethical or economic criteria must not enter this sphere. The natural framework in which the political is applied is the State, which appears outwardly in the sphere of foreign policy. In domestic policy the State is based on the identity of the ruler(s) and the ruled. In the twentieth century, however, according to Schmitt, this conception of politics and the State underwent a crisis with serious consequences, which lay either in the invasion of universalist tendencies undermining the special character of the State or in the subordination of politics (as the pure exercise of power) to particular interests, backroom deals, and compromises.
Článek vytyčuje základní intelektuální východiska Carla Schmitta. Zabývá se především jeho koncepcí práva, hlavními rysy politické filosofie a jeho přístupem k liberalismu, parlamentarismu, demokracii a nacistické diktatuře. Bere také v potaz, jak k podepření svých tezí využíval historických argumentů. Zvláštní pozornost je věnována pojmu politično, které Schmitt pokládal za nezávislou sféru lidské existence, založenou na rozlišování přátel a nepřátel, prostřednictvím suverénního rozhodnutí držitele politické moci. A právě otázky moci a s tím spojených mocenských rozhodnutí, formují podstatu politiky. Etická a ekonomická kritéria nemusí do této sféry vůbec vstoupit. Přirozeným rámcem, kde je politično aplikováno, je stát, který se vnějškově vymezuje ve sféře zahraniční politiky. V domácí politice je stát založen na identitě vládce (vládců) a ovládaných. Podle Schmitta však ve dvacátém století prošla koncepce politiky a státu krizí se zásadními dopady, spočívající buď na invazi univerzalistických tendencí, které podemílají zvláštní charakter státu, nebo podřízení politiky (jako čistého uplatňování moci) partikulárním zájmům, zákulisním dohodám a kompromisům.
The purpose of this article is to show the opinions of the eminent Polish scholars on principal problems of science and university teaching. These scholars took part in a convention organized by the Mianowski Fund in Warsaw on 2–3 April 1927. It was dedicated to two major themes: the situation of higher schools in the face of the necessity of providing professional training for masses of youth and the preparation of a part of students for research work. Academic teachers discussed how to harmonise these (and many others) functions of higher education. The convention was attended by delegates of all most important higher schools in Poland and by representatives of the government, with President Ignacy Mościcki.
Content available Mikhail Murav’ev, a poet and tutor of virtue
Murav’ev was a poet of moderate importance for the eighteenth century Russian literature. He was also a tutor of Catherine II’s grandsons, Alexander and Constantine. In this capacity, he prepared numerous handouts to teach Russian history, politics, science, and ethics. Murav’ev stressed the preeminence of virtue in everyone’s life. The voice of the heart should be the guide in resolving moral problems. This voice is the gift of God and as such it can be usually trusted. Thus, morality is based on theology. Murav’ev’s theology presents a grand vision of providential God who appears to be viewed from the unitarian perspective.
Content available Religioznawstwo w poszukiwaniu swojej naukowości
nr 1(291)
In this discussion, I will be addressing the question of whether religious studies can be consid-ered a legitimate field of scientific research. A few years ago, it was removed from the list of recognized sciences by government decision-makers. However, I do not believe that this has put the field in a dire situation. In fact, I argue that in the past, such obstacles have actually been beneficial as they have brought recognition to the field from those who treat science and religion separately. This has allowed for entry into academic circles for religious studies. However, the success of the field now largely depends on scholars who conduct research on various religions and forms of religiosity. In this discussion, I present the thesis that these scholars can contribute by utilizing the best practices from the traditions of religious studies while also making changes where necessary in order to demonstrate that it is a dynamic discipline capable of growth. The fact that these changes may create controversy is a sign of not only their imperfections, but also their potential as a research discipline.
Content available remote The model of educational reconstruction in teaching science
nr 3
The Model of Educational Reconstruction provides a frame for research of subject related learning and teaching. By closely linking theory and practice the model aims at the development of learning and teaching sequences. Within the framework of the model three central tasks of research in science education are investigated: firstly, the clarification and analysis of science subject matter (e.g. in the field of genetics), secondly, the investigation into students’ perspectives with regard to phenomena related to the chosen subject (e.g. conceptions, principles), thirdly, the design of learning environments (e.g. guidelines for teaching the subject, learning activities, lessons or learning sequences). The investigations are carried out empirically. But there is no way of solving these three modes of investigation as single tasks one by one. Each of the investigations depends on the findings of the other two; all of the tasks are interrelated and have to be linked closely. The model of educational reconstruction also guides the creative designing process and leads to empirically based proposals for teaching designs and to conclusions for learning biology. In the contribution the investigation in the field of genetics is exemplified, findings of students’ conceptions, guidelines for teaching and general educational conclusions are given. Furthermore, the application of the model in several places and disciplines is reported.
tom 54
Source literature lists several versions of creationism as well as numerous manners of understand- ing evolutionism. Creationist views may be limited to four basic ones: fundamentalist creationism, creation science, intelligent design and evolutionary creationism. In my article I will justify which of these versions of creationism may be considered as dialoguing with science, and which of them turn out, to a greater or lesser degree, unable to enter into this dialogue. I will answer the question how creationism should be understood in order for it to be able to engage in a debate with modern science. In other words, the central question of this article will be: how is the dialogue between religion (creationism) and science (evolutionism) feasible?
tom 62(1 (243))
The aim of this article is to determine the status of philosophy of education among the other philosophical disciplines and to consider its place within the framework of pedagogical sciences. The relationship between pedagogy and philosophy has been analysed with emphasis on the conditions to be met by philosophy that it could be useful as an instrument helping in reflection on education. The article also discusses the way in which could be useful. Successively, the question in posed on how data obtained during the pedagogical reflection can influence philosophy itself. In conclusion, referring to the achievements of Alasdair MacIntyre, an attempt to draw philosophical procedures allowing to assess given pedagogical concepts is presented.
nr 1(41)
The author claims that the proposed bill requires more work on the part of the legislature. He points out that it is not justified or fair to require a scientific worker employed in more than one research establishment to make a declaration expressly indicating one of them in which he/she will be counted among the employees of that establishment who are engaged in carrying out of scientific research or development. He criticizes the imposition of limitation on the types of admissible allegations to be contained in the application for reconsideration of a given case, applicable on the basis of the proposed Article 14. Moreover, the list of criteria to be taken into account in the allocation of funds should not be exhaustive.
tom 17
nr 3 ENG
The aim of this article is to analyse the legal status of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences, an entity operating within the system of higher education and science. The study explores the Academy’s origins, its legal form and role it plays within the system of higher education and science, and its rights and obligations under the law. The findings presented in the paper allow for drawing conclusions on the legal status of the Academy, in particular recognising that it is a legal person functioning in the legal form of a (registered) association, and at the same time an organisation directly included by the legislator in the category of entities of the system of higher education and science. The study indicates the reasons justifying the Academy’s inclusion in the catalogue of entities of this system, primarily its exceptional achievements in the field of scientific activities and popularising their results, as well as the universality of undertaken activities, tradition and reputation within the scientific community.
tom 12(12)
Security is based on fixed values that are preserved in three dimensions, individual, social and material. This phenomenon can be analyzed by an external and internal dimension of existence particular entity. The appropriate term for the science of safety is a „safety culture”.
Content available remote Narodziny potęgi nauki
tom T. 86, nr 10
Content available remote WIEDZA twórczym czynnikiem produkcji XXI wieku.
tom R. 73, nr 11
W świetle systematycznie zmniejszających się w naszym kraju nakładów finansowych na naukę niniejszy artykuł akcentuje rosnącą rolę wiedzy w rozwoju przedsiębiorstw produkcyjnych w warunkach globalizacji gospodarki światowej.
Content available Remote Experiments, from Internet to Intranet
nr 3
Remote experiments for teaching purposes are mediated by users, especially on the Internet. To access a remote experiment from within the universities, the intranet is also used. In terms of extending the application of remote experiments, an interesting method is the creation of community networks on the Internet with associations of educational institutions. In this article authors focused their attention on the formulation and application of remote experiments in education, in terms of their availability on the Internet and Intranet.
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