The article aims to study the reduced-order anti-synchronization between projections of fractional order hyperchaotic and chaotic systems using active control method. The technique is successfully applied for the pair of systems viz., fractional order hyperchaotic Lorenz system and fractional order chaotic Genesio-Tesi system. The sufficient conditions for achieving anti-synchronization between these two systems are derived via the Laplace transformation theory. The fractional derivative is described in Caputo sense. Applying the fractional calculus theory and computer simulation technique, it is found that hyperchaos and chaos exists in the fractional order Lorenz system and fractional order Genesio-Tesi system with order less than 4 and 3 respectively. The lowest fractional orders of hyperchaotic Lorenz system and chaotic Genesio-Tesi system are 3.92 and 2.79 respectively. Numerical simulation results which are carried out using Adams-Bashforth-Moulton method, shows that the method is reliable and effective for reduced order anti-synchronization.
Fractional descriptor reduced-order observers for fractional descriptor continuous-time linear systems are proposed. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of the observers are established. The design procedure of the observers is given and is demonstrated on two numerical examples.
Full-order and polynomial perfect observe3rs are considered. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of the perfect observers are derived. Illustrating numerical examples and some simulations results are also presented.
W pracy rozważana jest teoria obserwatorów doskonałych pełnego rzędu, zredukowanego rzędu oraz doskonałych obserwatorów wielomianowych. Zostały tu przedstawione konieczne i wystarczające warunki istnienia obserwatorów doskonałych oraz procedury pozwalające na ich wyznaczanie poparte przykładami numerycznymi oraz wynikami symulacji.
Artykuł dotyczy problematyki identyfikacji nieliniowych współczynników równania ruchu amortyzatora hydraulicznego. Zaprezentowano procedury, króre umożliwiają uzyskanie dużej zgodności wyników badań eksperymentalnych i symulacyjnych. Zaproponowano także sterowany tłumik o zmiennej charakterystyce tłumienia.
The paper focuses on identification of nonlinear coefficients in the hydraulic absorber`s equation of motion. The procedures are provided which ensure the high degree of correspondence between the results of experimental testing and simulations. A controlled damper with a variable damping characteristic is developed and described.
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