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In order to deepen our understanding of the ecosystems around thermal springs and contribute to their preservation and enhancement, our study focused on the physico-chemical analysis of soils located in the immediate vicinity of two thermal springs Ain El Haouamed (S1) and Ain Hamra (S2) in the eastern region of Morocco. At the same time, we identified the plants that thrive in these areas and have developed specific adaptations to particular environmental conditions. The results of physico-chemical soil analyses revealed distinct characteristics. Around the f irst thermal spring (S1), the soil has a sandy loam texture, while around the second spring (S2), a clayey loam texture. The pH of both soils is slightly basic. In terms of organic matter, significant variations were observed between soil samples taken in these areas. Electrical conductivity and other physico-chemical parameters showed variable values. A study of the vegetation near the thermal springs shows the presence of (Matricaria chamomilla, Juncus acutus, Carex sylvatica) at site 1 and (Tamarix gallica, Inula viscosa, Phragmites australis, Typha angustifolia) at site 2. This information will certainly contribute to a better understanding of these specific thermal ecosystems. The present study has led to the identification of several plant species of great interest, representing an important advance in our knowledge of the biodiversity of these areas. These results can also be used to develop strategies for the preservation and sustainable management of these particular ecosystems.
tom 4
nr 2
A direct and sensitive method for the determination of vanadium concentrations in soil is developed using ultrasonic slurry sampling electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry (USSSETAAS). The surfactant, KO300G, is used as the stabilizing agent. The precision and accuracy of the method are investigated. The detection limits are 0.6 and 0.7 µg 1−1 for SRM Montana Soil 2711 and SRM Soil - S, respectively. The method is applied to determine the vanadium content in 10 soil samples from the Wielkopolska region.
tom R. 79, nr 8
Praca przedstawia definicje degradacji gleb, podawane przez różnych autorów. W pracy przeanalizowano przyczyny i formy degradacji gleb terenów rolniczych. Opracowanie wyjaśnia rolę czynników przyrodniczych i antropogenicznych, wpływających na procesy degradacji gleb. Podkreślono także rolę niewłaściwej praktyki rolniczej w procesie degradacji gleb.
The paper presents set of soil degradation definitions according to some authors. The reasons and the forms of soil degradation of agricultural lands were under analysis. The paper was focusing on a natural and anthropogenic factors, influencing soil degradation processes. The role of inappropriately agricultural practice in soil degradation was emphasized.
W artykule przedstawiono propozycję uzupełnienia Mapy geologiczno-gospodarczej Polski w skali 1:50 000 o nową tematykę, związaną z antropopresją w środowisku naturalnym. Ogólny jej tytuł brzmi: "Zagrożenia powierzchni ziemi", zaś kolejne nowe warstwy informacyjne tworzyć będą jej podtytuły. Jako pierwszą proponuje się warstwę - geochemia środowiska, która obejmie przetworzone zasoby danych PIG z zakresu geochemii powierzchni ziemi - gleb i osadów wodnych. Mapa zawierać będzie w swojej bazie wyniki pomiaru poszczególnych pierwiastków i związków chemicznych, natomiast w formie kartograficznej przedstawiona zostanie interpretacja środowiskowa tych wyników w oparciu o istniejące polskie lub - w przypadku ich braku - zagraniczne normy i zalecenia. Projektowana warstwa informacyjna zawierać będzie następujące dane: zawartość metali ciężkich w glebach: As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Hg, Pb, Zn; zawartość metali ciężkich w aluwiach: As, Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Hg, Zn; zawartość wielopierścieniowych węglowodorów aromatycznych; potencjał radonowy; stopień zagrożenia użytkowego poziomu wodonośnego. Rozszerzenie treści merytorycznych Mapy geologiczno-gospodarczej Polski o proponowaną tematykę zgodne jest zarówno z oczekiwaniami użytkowników jak i nowelizowanym obecnie w Polsce ustawodawstwem dotyczącym ochrony środowiska, a w szczególności - powierzchni Ziemi.
This paper deals with a new data layer (anthropogenic stresses to the environment) that should be introduced to the Land-use Map of Poland, scale 1 : 50,000. This new matter generally entitled "Hazard to the Earth 's surface " will describe different anthropogenic factors. The layer mentioned will encompass subsequent new data sublayers along with its subtitles. The first one proposed is environmental geochemistry based on transformed PGI geochemical database for soils and water sediments. The planned informational layer will contain the following data: concentrations of heavy metals, i.e. As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, Zn in soils, and As, Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, Zn in water sediments, concentrations ofpolycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, radon risk, degree of exploitation hazard to aquifers. Introduction of new essential contents to the Land-use Map of Poland will meet both users' expectations and presentlv amended nature (particularly geosphere) conservation legislation in Poland.
nr 1
Plant succession is quite a common phenomenon in Poland, especially in agricultural landscapes. At the turn of the 21st century there was a significant increase in the area of fallow lands. That increased the area occupied by ruderal and segetal vegetation. The development of vegetation on post-agricultural lands transforms soils. The aim of this paper is to determine changes in vegetation and soil properties that occur as a result of secondary succession on post-agricultural lands in loess landscapes
tom Vol. 42, no. 1
A magnetic study of 16 samples of topsoil and 2 soil profiles (11 samples) in the area of Cisna-Wetlina Landscape Park was carried out. The whole collection of the samples represents typical Carpathian soils – brown and sour. Magnetic susceptibility, frequency, dependence of magnetic susceptibility, temperature dependence of magnetic susceptibility, thermal decay of saturation, isothermal remanent magnetization, parameters of hysteresis loop and anhysteretic remanent magnetization of the samples were measured in a laboratory. Mass magnetic susceptibility of topsoil specimens is below 40∙10−8 m3 ∙kg−1, which indicates that the investigated area is probably not polluted currently. The study of the samples from two soil profiles reveals a slight enhancement of magnetic susceptibility in the upper horizons, presumably related to natural processes. The temperature dependence of magnetic susceptibility and saturation isothermal remanence of four soil samples show that the presence of iron sulphide minerals (pyrrhotite) and maghemite is associated with hematite. The occurrence of other iron sulphide minerals in the soil is also possible. The saturation isothermal remanence curves do not confirm the presence of magnetite. Studies of the hysteresis loop reveal a significant role of paramagnetics among magnetic minerals occurring in the samples. Hysteresis parameters (coercive force, coercivity of remanence, saturation magnetization, isothermal remanent magnetization) and anhysteretic remanent susceptibility allowed the authors to evaluate the grain size distribution and reveal the presence of pseudo-single domain (PSD) grains.
tom z. 54
W referacie przedstawiono problematykę z jaką spotyka się projektant lub wykonawca budowli, której tworzywem jest grunt. Przykłady zaczerpnięto z budownictwa hydrotechnicznego. Podkreślono znaczenie badań geotechnicznych zarówno dla projektowania jak również kontrolnych podczas budowy. Zwrócono również uwagę na proces rozluźniania się gruntu podczas eksploatacji, który może zagrażać upłynnieniem gruntu. W związku z groźnymi skutkami upłynnienia, a z drugiej strony bardzo ograniczonymi wiadomoś­ciami w polskiej literaturze geotechnicznej, zjawisku temu poświęcono w niniejszym referacie nieco wię­cej miejsca. Szczególna uwagę zwrócono na wyróżniającą działalność profesora Pisarczyka w problematyce objętej referatem.
Problems faced by engineers during design and construction processes of earth structures are presented. Hydraulic structures, as being most characteristic, are discussed as an example. Importance of geotechnical tests for designing as well quality control for earth structures are underlined. Problem of liquefaction which might occur due to loosening of the soil as an effect of long term per­formance was also discussed. Due to the fact that liquefaction phenomenon is not adequately referred to in Polish geotechnical text books, more attention is paid to this issue. Particular attention was paid to Professor's Pisarczyk outstanding contribution to the field this paper deal with.
The studies were conducted in the years 2012–2014 on agricultural areas affected by the gas and dust emissions of the Copper Smelter “Głogów”. The content of five trace elements – copper (Cu), lead (Pb), zinc (Zn), cadium (Cd), arsenic (As) – was determined in soil samples collected on the borders of the protection zone of the smelter by means of the AAS method. Additionally, the collected samples were used to determine the pH of the analysed soil. The studies showed that the contents of the analysed trace elements in the soil depended on the location of the soil in relation to the sources of the emission of the pollution and were the result of a strong concentration of these elements in a period of intensified emission from the plant. The element which caused the greatest soil pollution was copper. A strong variation in pH values was observed in the analysed soils (ranging from acid to alkaline reactions). The pH of most of the soils was ≥5.6. The conducted studies formed the basis for determining the initial isoline of the areas which exceeded the legal standards for soil quality in the discussed area. These studies are an integral complement to existing work on the evaluation of the local variability of soil pollution with heavy metals and arsenic in an area affected by smelter emissions.
tom Vol. 38, nr 4
An unconventional subdivision of volumetric strains, the newly formulated frictional and critical frictional states and some of energetic and stress condition assumptions result in new stress-plastic dilatancy relationships. These new stress-plastic dilatancy relationships are functions of the deformation mode and drainage conditions. The critical frictional state presented in this paper is a special case of the classical critical state.
This paper presents the results of the heavy metals accumulation (Cd, Cr, Pb, Cu, Zn, Mn, and Fe) in soils and plants (Typha angustifolia L., Urtica dioica L., Ranunculus sardous Crantz and Rumex Crispus L.) collected along the banks of the Sitnica River, which flows through various cities of Kosovo and is quite stressed due to the discharges of urban, industrial, and agricultural pollutants. The aim of this research was to verify the accumulation of heavy metals in water, soil and plants, since vegetables that used as food are cultivated in the vicinity of sample collection. The analyses were conducted with applied methodology in the analytic laboratory of Kosovo Agriculture Institute by using MP-AES 4200 for Cd and Cr, ASS-Scientific for Zn, Cu, Fe, Mn and Pb in plant samples, whereas 4100 MP-AES was used for determination of metals in soil. The results show variations in different metal values found in the samples of the analyzed soils and plants. The lowest values accumulation of the metals analyzed were recorded at A1 (Devetak Station) near the river source and did not contain anthropogenic influences, whereas the highest values were recorded at A3 (Kuzmin Station), which belongs to the middle flow of the Sitnica River that is polluted by wastewater (urban) discharges.
This article presents the results of field research, as well as the results of the use of remote-sensing data in the geochemical study of the soil cover of the Yertis River basin. In the work, the content of the gross form of heavy metals in the soil of the river basin was investigated. The atomic absorption method determined the content of the Poor configuration of elements of elements in soils. Statistical processing of the obtained data from N. A. Plokhinsky was carried out using the Statistica program. Also, using the performed indices in the remote sensing of clay minerals, iron oxides, and carbonates, the spatial distribution and comparison of pollutants in the soil cover of the river basin were revealed. The methods and means of image processing tested in this study can be used to create maps of the distribution of pollutants. Also, the data obtained reflect the patterns of distribution of heavy metals in the soils of the basin and can be used to optimize landscapes and improve the organization of ecological and geochemical monitoring.
tom Vol. 10, nr S1
Przeanalizowano warunki oznaczania Cr(VI) w próbkach gleb metodą katodowej woltamperometrii adsorpcyjnej, w technice różnicowej próżniowej, z użyciem wiszącej rtęciowej elektrody kroplowej. Chrom z gleb ekstrahowoano mieszaniną HCl+HNO3 (3:1). Elektrolitem podstawowym był 0,04 mol/dm3 CH3COONa z dodatkiem 0,5 mol/dm3 NaNO3 i 0,01 mol/l DTPA, pH=6,1. Opracowaną metodykę wykorzystano do analizy stopnia zanieczyszczenia chromem gleb pochodzących z okolic Huty Stali Zawiercie.
Conditions or determination or Cr(Vl) using cathodic adsorptive stripping voltammetry with ditferential pulse technique and hanging mercury drop electrode have been analyzed. Chromium was extracted from soils with HCl+HNO3 mixture (I :3). 0.04 mol/dm3 CH3COOH was supporting electrolyte with addition of 0.5 mol/dm3 NaNO3 and 0.01 mol/dm3 DTPA, pH = 6. 1. The method has been applied to study the degree of contamination or soils with chromium in the vicinity of Zawiercie Steel Mill.
tom Vol. 9, nr 2-3
Przeanalizowano warunki oznaczania arsenu w próbkach gleb metodą katodowej woltamperometrii adsorpcyjnej, w technice różnicowej pulsowej, z użyciem wiszącej rtęciowej elektrody kroplowej. Arsen z gleb ekstrahowano mieszaniną HCI + HNO3 (3 : l). Elektrolitem podstawowym był 0,6 mol/dm3 H2SO4 z dodatkiem 0,5 mol/dm3 D-mannitolu, I x 10-6 mol/dm3 Se4+ oraz 4 x 10-4 mol/dm3 CU2+. Opracowaną metodykę wykorzystano do analizy stopnia zanieczyszczenia arsenem gleb pochodzących z okolic Huty Miedzi Głogów.
Conditions of determination of arsenic using cathodic adsorptive stripping voltammetry with differential pulse technique and hanging mercury drop electrode have been analyzed. Arsenic was extracted from soils with HCI + HNO3 mixture (I : 3).0.6 mol/dm3 H2SO4 was supporting electrolyte with addition of O.5 mol/dm3 D-mannitol, I x 10 -6 mol/dm3 Se4+ and 4 x 10 -4 mol/dm3 Cu2+. The method has been applied to study the degree of contamination of soils in the vicinity of Huta Miedzi Głogów Smeltery with arsenic.
tom Vol. 11, nr S2
Przeanalizowano warunki oznaczania selenu w ekstraktach glebowych metodą woltamperometrii katodowej, w technice różnicowej próżniowej, z użyciem wiszącej rtęciowej elektrody kroplowej. Selen z gleb ekstrahowano mieszaniną HCl+HNO3 (3: 1). Elektrolitem podstawowym był O, l mol/dm3 HCl z dodatkiem 1.10-5 mol/dm3 CU2+. Opracowaną metodykę wykorzystano do analizy stopnia zanieczyszczenia selenem gleb pochodzących z okolic Huty Miedzi Głogów i Huty Stali Zawiercie.
Conditions of determination of selenium(IV) using cathodic stripping voItammetry with differential pulse technique and hanging mercury drop electrode have been analyzed. Selenium was extracted from soils with HCI+HNO3 mixture (1:3). 0.1 mol/ dm3 HCl was supporting electrolyte with addition of 1.10-5 mol/dm3 CU2+. The method has been applied to study the degree of contamination of soils in the vicinity of Zawiercie Steel Mill and Huta Głogów Smeltery with selenium.
tom Tom 15, cz. 3
The research was conducted in 2008–2010 in Krakow. The experiments were located close to three busy streets of the city: Mickiewicz, Igołomska and Lublanska Avenue. 16 objects were set up at each location (2 variants in 8 replications). The experimental objects were pots with kentucky–bluegrass, Alicja c.v. 24 pots contained the plants which before sowing were stimulated with a green light emitted by the laser diode, three times for 30 seconds, whereas the remaining 24 pots were sown with red fescue sowing material without previous irradiation. The experiment aimed at determining the effect of pre–sowing stimulation of kentucky–bluegrass seeds with a laser diode on heavy metal contents. After three years of kentucky–bluegrass exposure along the streets in Krakow a smaller soil pollution with heavy metals was assessed in the pots sown with the grass sowing material which was pre–sowing stimulated with the laser diode. Computed bioaccumulation coefficients (BC) revealed that the kentucky–bluegrass which was pre–sowing stimulated with the laser diode accumulated higher quantities of all analyzed heavy metals than the plants which were not stimulated before sowing. Bioaccumulation coefficients (BC) calculated for plants not stimulated pre–sowing included in the range: 0.254–0.561 Zn, 0.434–0.512 Cu, 0.029–0.043 Pb, 0.178–0.211 Ni and 0.047–0.076 Cr, while for plants stimulated pre–sowing laser diode ranged: 0.341–0.849 Zn, 0.623–0.680 Cu, 0.043–0.071 Pb, 0.269–0.341 Ni, 0.063–0.128 Cr.
tom Vol. 17
The industrial complex of the Legnica-Głogów Copper District (LGCD) with two copper smelters, tailings ponds, a few shafts, and copper ore reloading facilities are the main sources responsible for pollution of soils with heavy metals. A geochemical soil survey was conducted in the LGCD in 1996. The survey was arranged with a 1x1 km grid pattern while the field work in the regions of particular interest (of copper smelting industry and copper mining) followed the more detailed grid pattern of 500x500 m. Samples were leached with aqua regia; next, using the ICP-AES method, determinations of Ag, Al, As, Ba, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Ni, P, Pb, S, Sc, Sr, V, and Zn concentrations were made. As far as Hg was concerned, its concentration was measured using the CV-AAS method. Sieve analysis and laser method were employed to define grain-size composition of soils. The geochemical survey of the LGCD area soils revealed that occurrence of elements such as Al, Co, Cd, Mg, Ni, Sc, Sr, Ti, and V was mainly related to the structure of geological basement. Mining, ore processing, and copper ore smelting were the main sources of anthropogenic pollution of soils by copper and lead as well as by silver arsenic, zinc, cobalt, and nickel (to smaller degree). Other local sources of soil pollution were towns with associated industry, transport system, and local emissions of dust and gases from coal burning households and local heating plants. Geochemical anomalies that are related to the copper industry cover vast areas with high copper and lead concentrations in the "Głogów" and "Legnica" copper smelters environs. Increased content of other elements, such as silver, arsenic, zinc, cobalt, and nickel occurs within copper-lead anomalies areas. Urban soils in Legnica and Głogów, in the areas affected by smelters, are significantly polluted with copper and lead.
Kompleks przemysłowy Legnicko-Głogowskiego Okręgu Miedziowego (LGOM-u), na który składają się kopalnie rud miedzi, dwie huty miedzi, zakłady przeróbcze i osadniki odpadów poflotacyjnych, jest głównym źródłem zanieczyszczenia gleb tego rejonu. Opróbowanie gleb na terenie LGOM-u przeprowadzono w 1996 r. stosując gęstość podstawową 1x1 km oraz zagęszczenia do siatki 500x500 m w rejonach hut i obszarach górnictwa miedziowego. Próbki gleb trawiono wodą królewską, a następnie oznaczano w nich zawartość Ag, Al, As, Ba, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Ni, P, Pb, S, Sc, Sr, V i Zn metodą ICP-AES. Analizy Hg przeprowadzono metodą CV-AAS, a oznaczenia składu granulometrycznego wykonano metodą sitową w połączeniu z laserowym pomiarem wielkości cząstek. Badania geochemiczne ujawniły, że spośród analizowanych pierwiastków można wydzielić te, które związane są przede wszystkim ze składem chemicznym skał macierzystych (Al, Co, Cd, Mg, Ni, Sc, Sr, Ti i V). Wydobycie rud miedzi, ich przeróbka i procesy hutnicze są głównym źródłem zanieczyszczenia gleb miedzią i ołowiem, szczególnie w bezpośrednim sąsiedztwie hut. W glebach na terenie rozległych anomalii miedzi i ołowiu wokół hut obserwuje się również podwyższone ilości srebra, arsenu, cynku, kobaltu i niklu. W obszarach miejskich kontaminacja pochodzi również z emisji innych gałęzi przemysłu, transportu, elektrociepłowni i palenisk domowych. Gleby miejskie Legnicy i Głogowa w obszarach narażonych na emisje z hut są znacznie wzbogacone w miedź i ołów.
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