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w słowach kluczowych:  Slight burn wound
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Content available remote The application of moist dressing in treating burn wound
Basic experiments have demonstrated that the effect of wound healing in moist environments is better than that in dry environments; therefore, research on moist dressing is the focus of wound healing research. 42 burn patients receiving treatment in Jiangsu Provincial People’s Hospital were selected as experimental cases. Wound surface is divided into treatment group and control group using a self-contrasted method. The treatment group received a moist dressing in the treatment of burn wounds and the control group adopted iodine gauze or Vaseline gauze coverage. Wound healing effect and the impact on the degree of pain of in the two different treatment methods were observed after treatment. The results of 42 patients were included in the analysis. The average healing time of patients’ burn wounds in treatment group is (10.9 3.3) d, and the average healing time in control group is (13.8 3.6) d, so, the difference is significant (P<0.01). Wound pain in the treatment group is significantly lower than that in the control group (P<0.01). Using moist dressing (Mepitel and Mepilex, etc.) in the treatment of burn wounds, woundhealing time can be shortened and wound pain can be reduced significantly.
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