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nr 2
Obesity is one of the major health problems in adolescents. Health-detrimental lifestyle (i.e. lack of physical activity, inappropriate nutrition) as well as maladaptive styles of coping with stress are regarded as belonging among determinants of obesity. The aim of the study was to establish factors mediating between anxiety and diet-related health behaviors. Participants in the study were 113 adolescents with obesity whose body weight was over 97th centile. They were examined using a set of self-report questionnaires to measure anxiety, coping styles and health behaviors. Emotion-focused coping and seeking social contacts (social diversion) were found to act as mediators between adolescents’ trait anxiety and their health behaviors. The findings suggest that to enhance obese adolescents’ health-promoting behaviors appropriate conditions should be ensured that would not only enable them to express their emotions, but also promote their socializing with peers.
nr 3
The issue of interrelations between security and threat has a history as long as the history of mankind. Human beings since the beginning of times have always had needs of higher and lower importance, these needs sometimes collide with the needs and interests of others, thus creating a threat. Originally, the meaning of the term ‘security’ was limited only to the armed protection of territories against the enemies from neighboring countries. With time other layers of threat were recognized and determined. Nowadays, protection against external aggression is just one of many threats which must be dealt with to provide security to a state, other threats are related to economic, ecological, social or cultural aspects.
tom 61(2 (240))
In the last two decades extreme sports have been gaining popularity. Easy access to equipment and technological development affects a larger number of people practising such disciplines as rock climbing or skydiving. These disciplines are strongly associated with experiencing both positive and negative emotions. Research conducted in different sports disciplines clearly shows that emotions such as anxiety have a negative effect on the sport result. Unfortunately, we very often ignore the importance of emotions in recreational activities, which may be an omission in relation to extreme sports. The aim of this study was to find the relationship between the level of state anxiety and effectiveness of rock climbing, and the use of the phenomenon in educating outdoor trainers. The experiment was conducted in natural environment. The measurement of anxiety level was conducted using State and Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI). The results show the negative impact of anxiety on the effectiveness of rock climbing. Research analysis indicates a high possibility of using the test results in the process of educating outdoor trainers.
Introduction. Infectious outbreaks have negative effects not only on the physical health of the society but also on the mental health. Aim. To evaluate the anxiety states and knowledge of COVID-19 during the pandemic in pregnant women. Material and methods. Cross-sectional study conducted in a university hospital in Turkey. A total of 199 pregnant women were included in the study. The State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), two questionnaires to evaluate the knowledge about COVID-19, and COVID-19-related anxiety were applied to all the women. Results. The highest level of COVID-19-related anxieties were about their spouses or newborns contracting COVID-19, effects of drugs on fetus and contracting COVID-19 during delivery. There was a negative correlation between gestational week and the questionnaire of COVID-19-related anxieties (r=-0.152, p=0.037). STAI total score was 76.48±14.11, and STAI-T scores (42.39±7.66) were higher than STAI-S scores (34.09±8.77). Although their general knowledge about the disease was relatively good, their level of knowledge on issues that pertained specifically to pregnancy was low. Conclusion. These findings indicated more than four months had passed since the pandemic came to the country but, pregnant women were very worried and did not have enough information about the disease
INTRODUCTION: : Coronary artery disease (CAD) leads to mortality and morbidity globally. Approximately, 18 million deaths occurred due to cardiovascular diseases. Objective: To determine the association between knowledge about coronary angiography and anxiety level among patients undergoing coronary angiography. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Analytical cross-sectional study was conducted in two major public-sector hospitals between September 2017 to March 2018. A total of 264 patients were recruited in the study Rusing a non-probability convenience sampling technique. A modified questionnaire about coronary angiography was distributed among participants and the HADS scale was used to assess the anxiety level of the participants. SPSS version 22 was used for data analysis. RESULTS: The mean knowledge score of the participants about angiography was 17.88 ± 4.047. The total knowledge score of both hospitals was good knowledge (6%), fair knowledge (42%) and had poor knowledge (52%). Regarding anxiety level, the participants of both hospitals experienced a high level of anxiety i.e. mild (20%), moderate (34%) & sever (10%). A significant association was found between knowledge and anxiety levels among the participants of both hospitals with a p-value of <0.001. CONCLUSIONS:This study found a significant association between patient’s knowledge about coronary angiography and anxiety level among patients undergoing coronary angiography. The study puts forwards that nurses shall assess the patient’s knowledge before coronary angiography procedure. The provision of accurate knowledge renders categorical purpose to this procedure for salubrious patients’ outcomes.
WSTĘP: Choroba wieńcowa (CAD) prowadzi do śmiertelności i zachorowalności na całym świecie. Około 18 milionów zgonów miało miejsce z powodu chorób układu krążenia. Cel: Określenie związku między wiedzą na temat koronarografii a poziomem lęku wśród pacjentów poddawanych koronarografii. MATERIAŁ I METODY: Przekrojowe badanie analityczne przeprowadzono w dwóch głównych szpitalach sektora publicznego w okresie od września 2017 r. do marca 2018 r. Do badania zrekrutowano łącznie 264 pacjentów, stosując dogodną technikę próbkowania bez prawdopodobieństwa. Uczestnikom rozprowadzono zmodyfikowany kwestionariusz dotyczący koronarografii, a do oceny poziomu lęku wykorzystano skalę HADS. Do analizy danych wykorzystano SPSS w wersji 22. WYNIKI: Średni wynik wiedzy uczestników na temat angiografii wyniósł 17,88 ± 4,047. Całkowity wynik wiedzy obu szpitali to bardzo dobra wiedza (6%), dobra wiedza (42%) i słaba wiedza (52%). Jeśli chodzi o poziom lęku, uczestnicy obu szpitali doświadczyli wysokiego poziomu lęku, tj. łagodnego (20%), umiarkowanego (34%) i silnego (10%). Stwierdzono istotny związek między wiedzą a poziomem lęku wśród uczestników obu szpitali z wartością p <0,001. WNIOSKI: Badanie wykazało istotny związek między wiedzą pacjentów na temat koronarografii, a poziomem lęku wśród pacjentów poddawanych koronarografii. W badaniu postuluje się, aby pielęgniarki oceniały wiedzę pacjenta przed wykonaniem koronarografii. Dostarczenie dokładnej wiedzy nadaje kategoryczny cel tej procedurze dla zdrowych wyników pacjentów.
nr 110
A novel arylsulfonamide derivative of aryloxy(propyl)piperidine PZ-1433, has been proved to possess a preclinical activity profile appropriate for the treatment of depression and memory impairments. In the present study its pharmacological activity toward anxiety symptoms as well as its anxiolytic properties have been examined in mouse and rat models. PZ-1433 significantly increased the number of punished crossings and decreased the number of buried marbles in two tests conducted in mice. Moreover, PZ-1433 evoked anxiolytic-like activity in “conditional” anxiety paradigm in rats, meaningly increasing the number of accepted shocks in the Vogel conflict drinking test. However, it did not produce a significant anxiolytic-like effect in “unconditional” anxiety model, i.e. the elevated plus-maze test. From these results, it is likely that direct antagonism toward serotonin 5-HT7 receptors may be involved in the anxiolytic action of PZ-1433. However, in vitro detected inhibition of serotonin transporter evoked by PZ-1433, might also contribute to this effect.
nr 1
Few studies have focused on the anxiety experienced by learners of English as a foreign language in the context of Spanish universities. This study reports on the findings of an investigation into the sources of 216 Spanish university students’ anxiety and incorporates two underexplored aspects in this area, namely, the responsibility students attribute to different agents and the perception students have of their own ability to cope during an anxiety episode. A qualitative/quantitative design was used. Results indicated that the primary source of anxiety related to the speaking skill. Quantitative analyses revealed that learners place the main responsibility for their anxiety on themselves and that women hold themselves responsible for their anxiety to a greater degree than men. The perceived coping ability of men and women was ranked below ‘fair’. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.
nr 2
Problem: The current study examines the relationship between the representation of attachment relationship with mother and internalizing problems in the developmental period of middle childhood. The purpose of the study was to analyze whether the quality of attachment predicts the intensity and seriousness of internalizing problems in middle childhood; and to examine whether the models are gender-specific. Methods: Participants in this study were 151 children aged 9-12 (M = 11.21), 77 boys and 74 girls, recruited from elementary schools in Nitra region. Children completed measures assessing the quality of attachment representation of the relationship with mother (selfreport questionnaire Security Scale), the tendency to react anxiously (self-report questionnaire Childen´s Manifest Anxiety Scale – CMAS), social anxiety (self-report questionnaire Scale of Classical Social Situational Anxiety – KSAT) and depression (self-report questionnaire Children´s Depression Inventory – CDI). Results: Regression analysis indicated that secure attachment representation is a significant negative predictor of children's internalizing problems – manifest anxiety (ß = -.324, p < .001), the total of depression symptoms (ß = -.377, p < .001) and all of the subcategories of depressive symptomathology (ß = -.230, p < .01 for Negative Mood; ß = -.253, p < .01 for Interpersonal Problems; ß = -.316, p < .001 for Inefectiveness; ß = .215, p < .01 for Anhedonia; and ß = -.461, p < .001 for Negative Self Esteem), except for social anxiety (ß = -.035, p = .717). The overall variance explained by attachment security ranged 4.6 to 21.3%. Results suggest that children, who perceive their mother as available and responsive in the situation of distress, are less prone to develop anxiety and depression. Small to middle effect size of the quality of attachment relationship indicates that attachment to mother is only one of the risk factors of internalizing behavior in middle chidlhood. Regression analysis revealed some gender-specific models according to the associations between attachment to mother and internalizing problems in boys and girls. In the sample of boys, negative mood and anhedony was not predicted by attachment to mother (ß = -.176, p > 0.05 and ß = -.194, p > 0.05, respectively), but in the sample of girls, secure attachment representation was a significant negative predictor of both depressive symptoms (ß = -.296, p < .05 for Negative Mood; and ß = -.285, p < .05 for Anhedony). Other models, except for social anxiety, were statistically significant for both samples. In the sample of girls, the predictor accounted for 26.3% of variance in Negative Self Esteem (ß = -.512; p < .001), 18.9% of variance of the total of depression symptoms (ß = -.435; p < .001), 10.9% of variance in Ineffectiveness (ß = -.331; p < .05) and 10.5% of variance in manifest anxiety (ß = -.324; p < .05). The results were similar for the sample of boys. Attachment security accounted for 17.4% of variance in Negative Self Esteem (ß = -.435; p < .001), 11.3% of variance of the total of depression symptoms (ß = -.377; p < .05) and 10.5% of variance in manifest anxiety (ß = -.332; p < .05). Representation of attachment relationship with mother accounted for less then 10% of variance when predicitng Negative Mood, Anhedony and Interpersonal Problems in both samples, and in addition Inefectiveness only in boys. Additional statistical analyses revealed that regression coefficients across models did not differ. Results suggest that mother is still a primary attachment figure in middle childhood for both, boys and girls, but the quality of attachment to father can also be an important factor of particular adaptive behavior, especially in boys. Because of lack of knowledge and empirical evidence, the future research in the field of gender-specific models of adjustment in middle childhood is needed. Discussion: When interpreting the results of this investigation, it is important to be aware of several limitations. The methodics used in the study are all based on the subjective self-report. The character of the assessment can lead to the tendency to react according to the social expectations. In future studies, it would be beneficial to gather reports about the internalizing problems from children as well as from significant others, and to use multiple attachment assessment (e.g. the combination of questionnaires and projective techniques. Conclusion: We can conclude that attachment representation to mother is an important factor of adaptive development in middle childhood. Our results are in concordance with attachment theory and empirical evidence of associations between violated confidence of availability of attachment figure resulting in insecure attachment representation and maladjustment.
nr 2
Introduction and aim. The COVID-19 pandemic negatively affected both the physical and mental health of societies. The present study was conducted to determine the relationship between psychological well-being with levels of anxiety, COVID-19 fear, and depression in individuals hospitalized with COVID-19. Material and methods. This descriptive correlative study was conducted with 685 individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 treated in the clinics of a pandemic hospital. The data of the study were collected with the information form, psychological well-being scale (PWBS), COVID-19 fear scale (FCV-19S), and hospital anxiety and depression scale (HADS). Results. The mean PWBS score of the participants was 37.21±14.3, the FCV-19S score was 20.10±10.41, the HADS-anxiety score was 9.07±7.29, and the depression score was 10.74±7.35. The PWBS scores with FCV-19S scores of the participants, HADS-anxiety, and HADS-depression scores were found to be negatively correlated (p<0.001). Conclusion. In conclusion, as the anxiety, fear, and depression levels experienced by individuals receiving inpatient treatment in a pandemic hospital due to COVID-19 increase, their psychological well-being levels decrease at a statistically significant level. It may be recommended to intervene in the anxiety, fear, and depressive symptoms of individuals receiving inpatient treatment due to a diagnosis of COVID-19 to increase their psychological well-being.
The need to be accepted in the classroom environment is one of the most important needs of every student. Satisfying it is an absolute condition for the success of inclusive education. The integration success is therefore determined by building interactions, and anxieties and fears constitute an important barrier to these processes. Recognizing and eliminating them, or at least weakening them, significantly increases the chances of achieving integration success. The purpose of the explorations contained in this study is to find a way to accurately and reliably assess the fear of interacting with peers perceived as "other" in school youth due to their reduced level of intellectual abilities. The research used the diagnostic survey method. Based on the collected data, the Scale of Fear of Persons with Intellectual Disability (LONI) was constructed. The obtained components of the fear of people with intellectual disabilities were defined as follows: (1) fear of aggression by people / students with intellectual disabilities; (2) fear of lowering the level of one's own psychosocial and educational functioning; (3) fear of self-labeling and their school due to the coexistence with a person with intellectual disability in a common educational space and (4) fear of negative consequences of the dissemination of inclusive education concerning people with intellectual disabilities. Research with the use of the LONI Scale allows to detail the sources of threat perceived by people with intellectual disabilities in the conditions of school education.
Potrzeba bycia akceptowanym w środowisku klasy szkolnej jest jedną z najważniejszych potrzeb każdego ucznia. Zaspokojenie jej stanowi bezwzględny warunek sukcesu edukacji integracyjnej. Sukces integracyjny zdeterminowany jest budowaniem interakcji, a ważną barierę tych procesów stanowią niepokoje i lęki. Ich rozpoznawanie i eliminowanie lub przynajmniej osłabianie znacząco zwiększa szanse osiągania sukcesu integracyjnego. Celem eksploracji zawartych w tym artykule jest poszukiwanie sposobu trafnego i rzetelnego oceniania lęku młodzieży szkolnej przed wchodzeniem w interakcje z rówieśnikami postrzeganymi jako „inni” ze względu na ich obniżony poziom sprawności intelektualnej. W badaniach zastosowano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego. Na podstawie zabranych danych skonstruowano Skalę Lęku Przed Osobami z Niepełnosprawnością Intelektualną (LONI). Uzyskane składowe lęku przed osobami z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną zostały określone w następujący sposób: (1) lęk przed agresją ze strony osób/uczniów z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną; (2) lęk przed obniżeniem poziomu własnego funkcjonowania psychospołecznego i edukacyjnego; (3) lęk przed naznaczaniem siebie i swojej szkoły ze względu na współbycie z osobą z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną we wspólnej przestrzeni edukacyjnej oraz (4) lęk przed negatywnymi konsekwencjami upowszechniania się edukacji włączającej w odniesieniu do osób z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną. Badania za pomocą Skali LONI pozwalają na uszczegółowienie źródeł zagrożenia postrzeganego ze strony osób z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną w warunkach edukacji szkolnej.
Despite many studies concerning the consequences for education during COVID 19 pandemic, still little is known about the situation of students with mild intellectual disability. This group of children and teenagers due to their cognitive dysfunction has been in a particular difficult situation. The aim of the conducted research was to specify the potential problems of online learning for students with mild intellectual disability. The research involved answering questions from an online questionnaire. The results show that according to the teachers the biggest problems of students with mild intellectual disability are: comprehension and memorisation of the new material and lack of contact with their peers. In relation to these difficulties in online education this group requires some additional suport.
Pomimo wielu badań dotyczących konsekwencji dla edukacji epidemii COVID-19, wciąż niewiele wiadomo o sytuacji uczniów i uczennic z lekką niepełnosprawnością intelektualną. Ta grupa dzieci i młodzieży z racji na swoje deficyty poznawcze znalazła się w szczególnie trudnej sytuacji. Przeprowadzone badania miały na celu określenie ewentualnych problemów osób z lekką niepełnosprawnością intelektualną w nauczaniu zdalnym. Badanie polegało na udzieleniu odpowiedzi na pytania zawarte w ankiecie internetowej. Uzyskane wyniki pokazują, że w opinii nauczycieli największe problemy ujawniają uczniowie i uczennice z lekką niepełnosprawnością intelektualną w zrozumieniu i zapamiętaniu nowego materiału oraz z brakiem kontaktu z rówieśnikami. W związku z trudnościami w edukacji zdalnej tej grupy osób wymagają one dodatkowego wsparcia.
nr 2
There is no doubt that new technologies are the hallmark of modern times. For young people, the digital world is a natural environment for their functioning in everyday life. Smartphones and social media accompany them almost everywhere. Many of them, following their idols, not only like and comment on what others do, but also create their own image online. This often leads them to lose themselves in what they are doing, and when, for some reason, there is no access to a device or SNS, it results in their anxiety and stress. The ongoing pandemic has, in a way, “forced” many of us to have more contact with new technologies. Sitting in front of a computer/smartphone for hours, while studying/working remotely is not without its consequences on physical as well as mental health. There are two increasingly common fears, among the results of the excessive use of smartphones and e.g. social media (mainly used by young people), related to the use of new technologies: nomophobia and FoMO. The former is a kind of separation anxiety related to not having access to a mobile phone. The second one is characterised by people who use social media without restraint, when they cannot check what is happening on their favourite platforms. The aim of this article is to present the characteristics of both phenomena, the means of diagnosis and the results of national and international research showing their scale.
Adverse early experience is generally regarded as a risk factor for both externalizing and internalizing behavioral disorders in humans. It can be modeled in rats by a post-weaning social isolation procedure. Effects of social isolation might possibly be ameliorated by environmental enrichment. In the current study, 24 male Wistar rats were divided post-weaning into four rearing conditions: control, environmental enrichment (EE), social isolation (SI) and a combination of the two experimental conditions; (EE+SI). Two observations of the effects of rearing conditions on the rate of social and object interactions were conducted during the juvenile and post-pubertal stages of development. The SI condition led to a marked increase of social interactions during the juvenile phase, but did not affect object interactions. The EE condition increased the level of social interactions during both the juvenile and post-pubertal measurements. The effects of early rearing conditions on adult exploratory behavior were less clear, with a significant difference between the groups obtained in one of three behavioral tests. Results suggest a general robustness in the development of adult exploratory behavior and anxiety when rats were exposed to early social isolation and provided brief opportunities for social play during the juvenile period. Further studies, aimed at distinguishing play-related protective factors serving against long-term adverse effects of juvenile social isolation, are suggested.
nr 4(26)
Zaprezentowane w artykule wyniki dotychczasowych badań przekonują, że młodzież z lekką niepełnosprawnością doświadcza samotności istotnie częściej aniżeli jej pełnosprawni umysłowo rówieśnicy. Częściej zatem narażona jest ona na negatywne konsekwencje tego stanu rzeczy, bowiem samotność jako fenomen o psychologicznym charakterze wiąże się z wieloma emocjami o ujemnym znaku. Autor artykułu podjął próbę uzyskania odpowiedzi na pytanie o związek między samotnością tejże młodzieży i lękiem. Lęk ujmuje jako względnie stałą dyspozycję do doświadczania obaw i napięć w różnych sytuacjach życiowych, które to dyspozycje stanowią – jak wynika z doniesień naukowych – istotny rys ich osobowości. Badaniami objęto 30 uczniów z orzeczeniami o lekkiej niepełnosprawności intelektualnej oraz ich 30 rówieśników o normalnym rozwoju umysłowym. Zgromadzony materiał empiryczny pozwolił na pozytywną weryfikację założenia o korelacji między różnymi postaciami samotności i lękiem doświadczanym przez młodzież z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną, chociaż jest ona niższa i obejmuje węższy zakres uwzględnionych w badaniach relacji, aniżeli w przypadku uczniów o normalnym rozwoju umysłowym.
The findings of the current research presented in the article show that adolescents with mild intellectual disabilities experience loneliness significantly more frequently than their nondisabled peers. They are therefore more exposed to the negative consequences of this state of affairs since loneliness as a psychological phenomenon involves many negative emotions. The author of the article attempts to find the answer to the question about the relationship between these adolescents’ loneliness and anxiety – a feature as a relatively permanent predisposition to experience fears and tensions in most situations in life – which – according to research reports – is an important trait of their personality. Participants of the study were 30 students with a statement of mild intellectual disabilities and their 30 peers with normal mental development. The empirical material collected allowed a positive verification of the assumption about the correlation between different forms of loneliness and anxiety experienced by adolescents with intellectual disabilities, even though this correlation was lower and referred to a narrower scope of relationships included in the study than in the case of students with normal mental development.
The article presents a characterisation of stress situations and psychological reactions during diving. It describes the fundamental personality dimensions and temperament features, and discusses the results of research into the methods of coping with stress as well as the levels of anxiety in candidates to the position of a professional driver.
nr 3(133)
W artykule są zaprezentowane wyniki badań nad traumą społeczno-kulturową wywołaną przez pandemię koronawirusa. Badania zostały zrealizowane na próbie 650 mieszkańców Krakowa. Do badania wykorzystano sondaż CAWI (Computer-Assisted Web Interview). Pandemia i zjawiska jej towarzyszące wywołały spadek poziomu życia. Dotyczył on wszystkich aspektów życiowego funkcjonowania. Deprywacja potrzeb jest powszechna. Pojawienie się koronawirusa i jego szybkie rozprzestrzenianie sprawiły, że ludzie utracili bezpieczeństwo egzystencjalne. Ich dotychczasowy świat uległ zachwianiu, co wywołało wśród jednostek lęk i niepokój. Wśród dominujących emocji pojawił się niepokój, smutek, złość, wyczerpanie, znudzenie, samotność. Występowanie negatywnych emocji wskazuje, że pandemia mocno wpłynęła na życie psychiczne i emocjonalne respondentów. W odpowiedzi na pojawiającą się traumę społeczność Krakowa najczęściej ujawniała aktywne strategie radzenia sobie. Proces traumatyczny został dopiero uruchomiony i wraz z kolejnymi negatywnymi skutkami ujawniającymi się w postpandemicznej rzeczywistości będzie się on kumulował i destrukcyjnie działał na społeczeństwo.
The article presents the results of research on the socio-cultural trauma induced by the coronavirus pandemic. The research was conducted on a sample of 650 inhabitants of Kraków. The CAWI survey (Computer-Assisted Web Interview) was used in the research. The pandemic and concurrent phenomena resulted in a decrease in living standard. It is related to all the aspects of daily functioning. The rise of coronavirus and its rapid spreading made people lose their existential security. Their current world became uncertain, which resulted in fear and anxiety among individuals. Anxiety, sadness, exhaustion, boredom and loneliness are present among dominant emotions. The presence of negative emotions indicates that the pandemic strongly influenced the emotional and mental lives of the respondents. As a response to the rising trauma, the inhabitants of Kraków mainly applied active strategies of coping with it. It is worth adding that the traumatic process has just been triggered and along with subsequent negative effects, which reveal themselves in the post-pandemic reality, it will accumulate and have a destructive impact on society.
nr 49/2
The article discusses the problem of language anxiety in foreign lan-guage learning. The author presents definitions and typologies anxiety, the biological symptoms of anxiety and their interpretation. A research study, conducted on a group of students of Applied Linguistics is des-cribed. The investigation included if they are afraid of speaking in German classes and during the exam, or if they are afraid of their German teacher. The results of the study show that communication apprehension, test anxiety, social anxiety, final grades, attitude to the teacher, and self-assessment are some of the reasons for language anxiety in the foreign language learning process.
Zaburzenia odżywiania są obecnie olbrzymim problemem. Każdego roku rośnie na całym świecie liczba osób chorych na anoreksję i bulimię. Konsekwencje tych chorób są bardzo grozne dla zdrowia, a nawet życia. Istotne zatem wydaje się ustalenie przyczyn prowadzących do anoreksji i bulimii. Celem badań było ustalenie, czy lęk przed otyłością prowadzi do anoreksji i bulimii. Przebadano 85 kobiet - studentek krakowskich szkół wyższych. Wykorzystano ankietę konstrukcji własnej. Rezultaty wskazują, że silniejszy lęk przed otyłością występuje u studentek Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego. Jest możliwe, że problemy natury psychologicznej mogą prowadzić do anoreksji lub bulimii cześci z badanych studentek. Lęk przed otyłością prowadzi do bulimii i anoreksji.
Eating disorders present a serious problem these days. Every year the number of people suffering from anorexia and bulimia increases and consequences of these diseases may be health or even life threatening. Therefore it seems essential to establish the causes of anorexia and bulimia. The aim of the research was to establish whether anxiety related to putting on weight can lead to bulimia or anorexia. The examination group consisted of 85 females who were students of Cracow universities and colleges. Sabina Czekaj Questionnaire was used.The results show that greater fear of obesity occurs in the students of University of Physical Education. It is plausible that in some cases psychological problems may lead to anorexia and bulimia.
We observed the spontaneous behavior of a laboratory marsupial - the gray short-tailed opossum (Monodelphis domestica) - in the elevated plus-maze (EPM) during six consecutive sessions and compared it with the behavior of Long-Evans rats. During the first exposure to the maze both species spent most of the time in the enclosed arms but opossums showed much higher frequency of entries into the open arms and stayed there longer. On the third and subsequent days opossums reduced their entries into the open arms and spent more time on the central square, where unlike rats they frequently groomed their lower belly and hind legs. During the last sessions they started spending more time in the enclosed arms. It is concluded that probably opossums, like rats show a stable anxiety evoked by open space. However, in the rat anxiety prevails over motivation to explore a new environment, while in the opossum it is initially at equilibrium with curiosity which habituates slower than in the rat. Results are discussed in the context of different ecology of the gray opossum that actively searches and hunts quickly moving insects. Thigmotaxic behavior, while strong in both species, dominates spontaneous behavior of the rat, but not opossum.
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