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The paper presents results from the survey realized on a sample of Polish Internet users (N = 1900) concerning relations between entitlement attitudes and Schwartz`s types of values. Three entitlement attitudes were distinguished: active entitlement, passive entitlement and revengefulness. Active entitlement was positively related to Openness to Change, negatively to Conservative values (ie. Conformity), positively to Self-Enhancement (Hedonism) and negatively to Self-Transcendence values. Passive entitlement was related positively to the two values of Self-Transcendence (Benevolence and Universalism), and contrary to predictions to Self-Direction, and negatively to Power. Revengefulness was related negatively to Self-Transcendence and to Conformity and positively to Self-Enhancement (ie. Power, Hedonism), Openness to Change (Stimulation, Self-Direction), and Security values. Results point to different motivational sources of particular entitlement attitudes related to self versus others interests and to Openness to Change-Conservatism dimension.
In the program of constructing Humanized Humanistic Psychology (HHP) the lack of anthropological basis of Maslov's psychology is criticized, this time in relation to bringing of its valuating process to the so-called natural predispositions. It is a matter of sense of that naturalness and its empirical grounds. Maslov's natural predispositions are confronted with Scheler's inclinations. Under discussion is Maslov-Rogers' empirical basis which is supposed to justify their conception of the valuating process. The importance of A. Kepinski's clinical practice for his conception of decision (choice) according to hierarchic values is pointed out.
Morality is the highest idea and dream: (1) on unconditional (i.e. moral) value of the human life or of his right to live the very human life; (2) on equality of all human beings and (3) on voluntary (liberty) in human creative activity. This idea/dream is being cultivated in real world, which strongly limits this dream in all three points.
The feeling of sense of life is of prime importance for human functioning. It displays different dynamics at different stages of human development. Values form the basis of sense of life. The generation of children and grandparents due to various reasons are susceptible to fluctuations in experienced level of sense of life. Concurrently, both generations may be the source of values to each other and reciprocally endow their lives with sense.
Content available remote The Vision of Man in Ethical Thinking of Wojciech Gasparski
Looking for anthropological foundations of business ethics that has been fruitfully developed by Wojciech Gasparski for years, man as acting subject may be pointed out. The actor must remember, that value of his/her activity depends on his/her efficiency and ethicality. Therefore, an acting man should be endowed both with praxiological and ethical competence (first of all ability to distinguish good and bad, objectivity, integrity, impartiality). Man acts according to practical situations and facts chosen in regard to values. In actions, he/she saves satisfactory facts and opposes non-satisfactory facts. It seems, however, that appeal to values in action is possible only due to proper personal structure of acting subject, necessary for achieving noble goals in efficient way.
This research tested the hypothesis that there are the interconnections between the social intelligence, wisdom, values and the interpersonal personality traits. To examine this possibility, four measures were administered to 44 university students. The data obtained revealed close mutual relations between social intelligence measured by TSIS scale (social information processing, social skills and social awareness) and wisdom-related knowledge. A higher level of wisdom-related knowledge is associated with preference of such values as benevolence, universalism and conformity. This is not the case with social intelligence in which relation to the values is much more diverse. In our data, the interconnections between the interpersonal personality traits and measures of social intelligence and wisdom seem to be less straightforward. Despite this, dominance and extraversion create some kind of a 'background' to the socially intelligent behavior, while the warm relations to the people, without calculation and cold-heartedness, are more significant correlates of wisdom.
The author of the article introduces Hayden White’s, Frank Ankersmit’s, and Jouni-Matti Kuukkanen’s constructivist understanding of history. He contrasts their understandings of history with the traditional understanding, which supposes direct correspondence of historical work to the past. In his presentations of constructivist thought, he points out their emphasis on legitimate possibilities of different methods of construction and ways of presentations, which result in different historical representations of historical events. Differences among historical representations of the past can also be related to the historian’s choice of different constructive methods and also the involvement of his/her preferred moral and political values. These constructivist understandings of history, with the deeper analysis of process writing, incite the historian to deeper ethical self-awareness of his/her work.
Although the complex reasons underlying parents’ decision whether to vaccinate their children have been largely unraveled a socio-cognitive perspective on the representational field of vaccination is missing. This study is a contribution to fill such a gap. A sample of 309 Portuguese mothers with children aged 0-6 years answered a self-administered questionnaire. Results show that psychosocial variables such as the number of children modulate mothers’ representations of vaccination as a matter of freedom of choice and preference for natural immunity, while age of children and having (or not) searched for information influence their confidence in vaccines. Also, results show that representations related to freedom of choice, preference for natural immunity, and conspiracy theories are positively predicted by individualism values and a dependent decision-making style, whereas confidence in vaccines is positively associated with universalism values and a rational decision-making style. We discuss the implications of the socio-cognitive dynamics organizing mothers’ representations about vaccines and vaccination for the understanding of behaviours about vaccines and the development of tailored measures for vaccination promotion.
In the text the author asks a question: Is life the supreme value? That claim is discussed and found wanting. As the main principle of utilitarianism it admits of two incompatible interpretations called here the 'biotic' and the 'hedonic' one, respectively - the former base and common, the latter noble and rare.
Filozofia (Philosophy)
tom 73
nr 9
693 – 706
The paper deals with the fact-value distinction within the context of the value-free ideal of science. Drawing on some views of H. Putnam and J. Searle the author criticizes the dichotomy understanding of the fact-value relationship and argues that a strict distinction between science as a world of facts and morals as a world of values is unsustainable. Abandoning the fact-value dichotomy opens the space for rethinking the value-free ideal and for considering various types of values operating in science and influencing knowledge production. The author also tries to show that the recognition that science is free from neither cognitive nor non-cognitive values does not mean that we have to abandon the principle of objectivity. Instead of considering objectivity as an opposition to valueladeness, we should rather conceive it as connected with the social and communal character of knowledge producing practices.
In this article the author would like to touch a problem of the religion as an element of the adult religious people's life, specifically the element participating in the formation of an individual set of the moral attitudes. The group he is interested in is constituted by the Judaic, Catholic and Protestant worshippers. The main reason which inclined him to undertake the signalled problem is its practical dimension. Personally, he has an irresistible impression that morality is losing more and more of its importance in today's, especially highly developed, societies. Superseding such values as Good and Truth, pleasure, utility and profit increasingly become the leading values. He is certain that we live in the days of something what he would call the crisis of morality; morality in general. Therefore, a clear need both of reflection and action that tends to find the foundation which this fading morality could be rebuilt on and the sources which the principles and the instruments essential for this rebuilding could be derived from. The author's project is a part of the search of these sources and the area he explores is religion. He tries to investigate moral attitudes of the Judaic, Catholic and Protestant worshippers and also to verify whether the religion has an influence on these attitudes, and if it has, is this attitude a possitive one.
In his 1913/1916 publication entitled 'Formalism in Ethics and Non-Formal Ethics of Values', Max Scheler develops the issue of person and value. In 'Ordo amoris' (1916) he presents the missing link in the relation between person and value, and in 'Ressentiment' (1912) he considers the relation in its inverted form. These three works constitute a whole that stresses the functional existence of values and its constitutive role for human identity in its individual and social dimensions. In 'Sources of the Self. The Making of the Modern Identity' (1989), Charles Taylor, going back to the sources of the self, undertakes Scheler's concept of the constitution of identity by values in its individual and social dimensions, giving them new life in the form of values as qualitative differences and their best account articulation. Taylor completes his analysis of values as qualitative differences with hermeneutical encouragement for seeking their sources in a quite theoretical way. Scheler sees the vehicle of values and moral growth in exemplars of the person, which is an another way of thinking about value - not in the terms of an 'eidos', but in the terms of real persons and their non-formal ethics. This paper considers the place of values in this non-formal method.
The article analyses transatlantic relations through the prism of civilisational difference. First, it suggests that the character of the current tensions between the United States and some European countries is primarily civilisational, and only secondarily political, diplomatic, military or economic. It is in this context that the central thesis of the civilisational difference is presented. This difference, it is claimed, springs from the dissimilar relation of the substantial part of Europe and that of America toward the classical and the Christian Great Tradition. The difference is then exemplified by the intersection of politics and economic life as well as the broadly understood issues of church and state, with special emphasis on the concepts of faith, reason, and freedom. The central part of the article analyses the very essence of the civilisational difference, juxtaposing American social and juridical dualism/pluralism and European monism. The difference is presented as the result of the essential continuity between the American tradition and the pre-modern heritage of the West on the one hand and the break with this heritage in the case of the absolutist and post-Enlightenment European tradition on the other. Finally, the article attempts to show how the category of civilisational difference may throw some new light upon current, difficult transatlantic relations. This is done, among other things, by the comparative analysis of selected excerpts from two famous declarations written by European and American intellectuals after September 11th, 2001.
In the paper, which is part of her 1995 book Verbal Hygiene, the author discusses the two major threads — political and educational — of the public debate that swept Britain in the late 1980s and early 1990s. The dispute focused mainly on grammar and language in general; both were given not only political but also moral meaning. According to conservatives, traditional grammar and standard English, supported by traditional teaching in traditional grammar schools, have other qualities as well, qualities that every respectable citizen or decent human being in general should have: discipline, rules, respect for authority, etc. It is in defence of these values that a great crusade was launched at the time, crusade that was grammatical as well as national, political and moral.
The article consists of two chapters. First chapter presents of values from organizational theory perspective, starting with Elton Mayo and Hawthorne effect and Geert Hofstede culture theory. Then we focus on values in Polish literature, studying Cz. Sikorski, L. Zbiegień-Maciąg, Ł. Sułkowski, A. Stachowicz-Stanusch and other. Second chapter includes Management by Values case study in production company basing on Artur Dunal’s research. We try to answer a question – How values affect culture change management. Qualitative analysis includes description of the company, its management system, organi-zational rituals and so far culture change journey. Quantitative analysis comprises research on organizational culture using Cameron – Quinn competing values framework. Summary presents our reflections on journey that Polish business is to done to appreciate managing by values.
Referring to Ingarden's treatise 'What we do not know about values', the author attempts to define the limits of our knowledge about values. We know that values must be founded in reality. They appear in the context of an axiological situation which consists, on the one hand, of human experiences, intentions, and decisions, and, on the other hand, of processes and structures in the world that can either favor the realization of human intentions or oppose them.
The present study provides partial results of the grant project focused on the perception of ideological values and political beliefs of FF PU students in Prešov. This study synthesizes some of the results of similar surveys and probes of youth in Slovakia. The status of citizen in the Slovak Republic, their participation and value orientations are described in theory.
The aim of this article is to show the ideas and threads present in the responsibility philosophy of the 20th century (exemplified with G. Picht, H. Jonas and D. Birnbacher), which are not only fundamental for the balanced development's concept, but - most of all - they are favourable to understanding it as a constant process of building interdisciplinary proposals in this scope. Origin and realization of the sustainable development idea would not be possible without responsibility ethics, which enables - to a higher degree than other ethical systems - to discuss global conditions of human life, currently and in distant future. Responsibility ethics, that also includes the natural environment, opposes the narrowly understood economic growth. Therefore, it draws attention to something more than just the man's interest.
Currently, the issue of conflict is having a great impact on social sciences. This is disclosed in research and publications. In management theory, conflict means a dispute over deficient resources or inconsistency of objectives and values. At the same time, controlling diversity and transforming conflict into cooperation are the main basis of management that helps various organizations survive and develop. Conflicts that make their appearance in the healthcare services are encoded in the scenery of contradictory interests. However, in light of process of the aging of society and problems of healthcare service financing, it should be emphasized that their significance and intensification is increasing. Research on organizations indicates four fields of conflicts-interpersonal, intergroup, inter-organizational, and conflict-tender. A typology of conflicts existing in healthcare service institutions, their roots, consequences, dynamics, and management styles are introduced in this paper. System conditions, large numbers of stakeholders, complexity of structures, relationships in healthcare service organizations, and a severe shortage of resources affect both potential and revealed conflicts in the National Health Service. This is why they are so frequent, complex, sensitive, and difficult to solve.
Współcześnie zagadnienie konfliktu znajduje szeroki oddźwięk w naukach społecznych, o czym świadczą liczne badania czy publikacje. W naukach o zarządzaniu konflikt wiąże się ze sporami dotyczącymi podziału deficytowych zasobów lub sprzeczności celów i wartości. Z kolei panowanie nad różnorodnością i przekształcenie potencjalnego konfliktu we współpracę stanowią istotę zarządzania, pozwalającą różnym organizacjom przetrwać i rozwijać się. Konflikty występujące w opiece zdrowotnej wpisują się w krajobraz sprzecznych interesów, choć należy podkreślić ich rosnące znaczenie i nasilenie wobec potrzeb starzejącego się społeczeństwa oraz problemów finansowania usług medycznych. Badania nad organizacjami wskazują na istnienie czterech obszarów konfliktów: interpersonalny, intergrupowy, interorganizacyjny oraz konflikt-przetarg. W pracy przedstawiono typologię konfliktów występujących w organizacjach opieki zdrowotnej, główne ich przyczyny, skutki, dynamikę i style zarządzania konfliktami. Uwarunkowania systemowe, liczni interesariusze, złożoność struktur i relacji wewnętrznych w organizacjach opieki zdrowotnej, drastyczne niedobory zasobów powodują, że występowanie potencjalnych i ujawnionych konfliktów w opiece zdrowotnej jest tak częste, złożone, drażliwe i trudne do rozwiązania.
Co-creating values performed by customers and oriented at other customers is an interesting managerial concept. Its essence is based on the premise that some customers are beneficiaries of other customer actions. The application possibilities of this concept are huge, however, the development of new skills and assets may be needed. In the paper various approaches to co-creating values are presented and a categorization of these phenomena is proposed.
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