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In this paper, the issue of the estimation of wave propagation characteristics in thermal media is dealt with. A formulation, named the Thermal Semi Analytical Finite Element, based on the semi analytical finite element approach coupled with the thermal effect is offered. Temperature variations affect the mechanical properties of the waveguide. The question of dispersion curves and group velocities is studied. This study is expected to be of use in the sensitivity analysis of guided waves for wave propagation in thermal environment. Comparisons between numerical and analytical results are given to show the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
The article presents concept as well as methodological and algorithmic solution for quantitative dynamic prediction of velocity depth model realized using seismic inversion and geostatistical inversion of production data (pressure data). Increasing role of 4D seismic and its share, both in optimization and EOR tasks as well as monitoring and verification of underground gas storages and carbon capture and sequestration reservoirs, has an important impact on the need to construct reliable quantitative reservoir models. They constitute a basis for computational process of feasibility study of 4D seismic, which allow to evaluate legitimacy and profitability of seismic survey on the monitoring and verification level.
The aim of this paper was to analyze theoretical aspects of calculating steady water flow through unsubmerged circular orifices. Theoretical analysis shows that the values of discharge obtained by using formulas intended for small orifices are greater than those calculated using formulas for large orifices. These differences attain a maximum value when the water level reaches the upper edge of the orifice, and decrease when water head increases. It has been proven that the volumetric flow rate for circular unsubmerged orifices can be calculated by formulas for small orifices when the water level above the center of gravity is at least four times as high as the diameter of the orifice.
The article is dealing with the measurement of the tire impurities circulation by the dynamic loading along with the disc. There are made measurements for the various tire velocities on the roadway by the constant inflation pressure in tire and by the tire constant external loading and time service longitudes. In the article is suggested the process of the measurement evaluation by the method of the active factor experiment.
Content available remote Pomiary pola prędkości pod przewodami równomiernej wydajności
Badania doświadczalne prowadzono w laboratorium Wentylacji i Klimatyzacji Katedry Ciepłownictwa Wydziału Budownictwa i Inżynierii Środowiska Politechniki Białostockiej na zbudowanym do tego celu stanowisku. Z pomiarów wynika, że najbardziej zróżnicowany rozkład prędkości występuje w najmniejszej odległości od otworów wypływowych; wraz ze wzrostem odległości od otworu, maleje amplituda wahań prędkości w poszczególnych przekrojach pomiarowych, która zanika w odległości 0,5 m od otworów wypływowych.
Experimental tests were conducted in the Heat Engineering Department in Bialystok Technical University. For this purpose the new research station was built in the Ventilation and Air-Conditioning laboratory. The results show that the most differential velocity section occurs at the shortest distance from the outflow holes. Together with the increase of the distance from the hole the amplitude of velocity oscillations in particular sections decreases to disappear finally at a distance of 0,5 m from outflow holes.
The current research demonstrates the revolving flow of water-based Fe3O4 nanofluid due to the uniform rotation of the disc. This flow of nanofluid is investigated using CFD Module in COMSOL Multiphysics. However, the similarity solution for this flow is also ob-tained after transforming the given equation into a non-dimensional form. In the CFD Module, streamlines and surface plots are compared with the similarity solution for the magnitude of the velocity, radial velocity, tangential velocity, and axial velocity. The results from the direct simulation in the CFD Module and the solution of dimensionless equations represent a similar solution of velocity distribution. The derived results show that increasing the volume concentration of nanoparticles and effective magnetic parameters decrease the velocity distribu-tion in the flow. Results in the CFD Module are important for monitoring the real-time particle tracing in the flow and, on the other hand, the dimensionless solution is also significant for the physical interpretation of the problem. Both methods of solution empower each other and present the physical model without sacrificing the relevant physical phenomena.
This paper investigates the performance of electromagnetic vibration harvesters that can be incorporated in energy harvesting magnetorheological (MR) dampers. The study outlines the structure and operating principles of harvesters and compares results of numerical calculations with measurement data obtained under idle run. Results demonstrate the potential applications of harvesters as velocity sensors. The relationship between electromotive force (emf) and velocity across the devices is established. The discussion section suggests that power generation by harvesters can provide the velocity information by utilising the sensing function applicable to a variety of control algorithms.
Content available remote Theoretical and Experimental Flow Analysis Through the Model Water Turbine Stage
The paper presents theoretical and experimental flow analysis through the model water turbine stage. The direct problem for the two dimensional model is considered. The three dimensional numerical calculations have been carried out by means of FLUENT program. The results were compared with the experimental data for the operational point of maximum efficiency.
The study summarises the results of experimental examination of velocity sensing capability in a prototype of a magnetorheological damper with power generation (MRD). The device has two main components: an electromagnetic power generator and an MR damper. The study outlines the structure of the device with the main focus on the generator part, and provides results of tests performed under the idle run. The discussion of demonstrates the potentials of MRD action as a velocity-sign sensor and presents key issues which need to be addressed to enable its real life applications.
Content available remote Effect of Performance Speed on Trunk Movement Control During the Curl-Up Exercise
Trunk exercise speed has significant effects on neuro-mechanical demands; however, the influence of a variety of exercise speeds on motor control of the trunk displacement remains unknown. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of performance speed on trunk motion control during the curl-up exercise by analyzing the kinematic variance about the sagittal trajectory. Seventeen subjects volunteered to perform curl-ups at different cadences controlled by a metronome. Standard deviation (SD) and range (RG) of shoulder girdle medial-lateral displacement (SGML) and detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA) of SGML were calculated to examine linear variability and long range autocorrelation of medial-lateral upper trunk displacements, respectively. In addition, SD, RG and DFA of centre of pressure medial-lateral displacement (COPML) were performed to analyze the behavior of the motor system while controlling trunk displacement. Although SD and RG of COPML increased as speed increased, the curl-up cadence did not have significant effects on SD and RG of SGML. These results suggest that although high speed curl-ups challenged participants’ ability to carry out medial-lateral adjustments, an increase of performance speed did not modify the linear variability about the sagittal trajectory. Regarding DFA, the scaling exponent α of SGML and COPML was higher for the fastest movements, mainly in long term fluctuations. Therefore, to maintain the target trajectory, participants used different strategies depending on performance speed. This is to say, there were less trajectory changes when participants performed the fastest exercises.
Present paper shows the results of numerical solution Reynolds equation for laminar, steady oil flow in slide plane bearing gap. Lubrication oil is fluid with micropolar structure. Materials engineering and tribology development helps to introduce oils with the compound structure (together with micropolar structure) as a lubricating factors. Properties of oil lubrication as of liquid with micropolar structure in comparison with Newtonian liquid, characterized are in respect of dynamic viscosity additionally dynamic couple viscosity and three dynamic rotation viscosity. Under regard of build structural element of liquid characterized is additionally microinertia coefficient. In modelling properties and structures of micropolar liquid one introduced dimensionless parameter with in terminal chance conversion micropolar liquid to Newtonian liquid. The results shown on diagrams of hydrodynamic pressure, velocity and velocity of microrotation distribution in dimensionless form in dependence on coupling number N2 and characteristic dimensionless length of micropolar fluid Lambda 1. Differences were showed on graphs in the schedule of the longitudinal velocity oils after the height of the gap in the flow of the micropolar and Newtonian liquid. In presented flow, the influence of lubricating fluid inertia force and the external elementary body force field were omitted. Presented calculations are limited to isothermal models of bearing with infinite breadth.
Content available remote Estimation of mean speed and speed standard devation from CFD prediction
Mean velocity field predicted by CFD simulations on the basis of RANS equations differs from the mean (in time) magnitude of the velocity, i.e. the mean speed, existing in rooms and measured by low velocity thermal anemometers with omnidirectional (spherical) sensors. Similarly, velocity standard deviation differs from the standard deviation of the speed. In this paper the discrepancies are identified and discussed. A new method for estimation of mean speed and standard deviation of the speed based on CFD predictions of mean velocity and kinetic turbulence energy is suggested. Uncertainty of mean speed and standard deviation of the speed estimation is determined. A significant improvement can be expected in the determination of the PMV and DR indices by further processing of mean velocity and standard deviation of velocity, as predicted by CFD simulations.
Średnia prędkość będąca wynikiem obliczeń CFD bazujących na równaniach RANS różni się od uśrednionego w czasie modułu wektora prędkości tj. od średniej szybkości, która mierzona jest w pomieszczeniach za pomocą termoanemometrów z czujnikami wielokierunkowymi (sferycznymi). Podobnie, odchylenie standardowe prędkości różni się od odchylenia standardowego szybkości. W artykule różnice te zostały zidentyfikowane i przedyskutowane. Nowa metoda estymacji średniej szybkości i odchylenia standardowego szybkości na podstawie uzyskanej z obliczeń CFD średniej prędkości i energii kinetycznej turbulencji została zaproponowana. Wyznaczona została niepewność takiej estymacji. Można oczekiwać znaczącej poprawy dokładności wyznaczania wskaźników komfortu termicznego PMV i wskaźnika dyskomfortu wywołanego zjawiskiem przeciągu DR z wyników obliczeń CFD.
Present paper shows the results of numerical solution Reynolds equation for laminar, steady oil flow in slide bearing gap. Lubrication oil is fluid with micropolar structure. Materials engineering and tribology development helps to introduce oils with the compound structure (together with micropolar structure) as a lubricating factors. Properties of oil lubrication as of liquid with micropolar structure in comparison with Newtonian liquid, characterized are in respect of dynamic viscosity additionally dynamic couple viscosity and three dynamic rotation viscosity. Under regard of build structural element of liquid characterized is additionally microinertia coefficient. In modelling properties and structures of micropolar liquid one introduced dimensionless parameter with in terminal chance conversion micropolar liquid to Newtonian liquid. The results shown on diagrams of hydrodynamic pressure, velocity and velocity of microrotation distribution in dimensionless form in dependence on coupling number N2 and characteristic dimensionless length of micropolar fluid A1. Differences were showed on graphs in the schedule of the circumferential velocity oils after the height of the gap in the flow of the micropolar and Newtonian liquid. In presented flow, the influence of lubricating fluid inertia force and the external elementary body force field were omitted. Presented calculations are limited to isothermal models of bearing with infinite length.
Background: The purpose of this study was to obtain knowledge on tactics of long distance swimming at the highest women professional level.Material/Methods: Eight swimmers, finalists of 800 m distance of freestyle of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games were examined. The distribution of velocity of swimming for the entire distance based on 50 m segments was analyzed. Partial, halves and quarters velocity, speed indexes and linear and nonlinear regression equations were calculated.Results: It was revealed that better swimmers (placed 1-3) had their distribution of swimming as an ascending line and with very small difference between segmental velocity and that of the entire distance, while the rest of swimmers had a descending velocity line and a higher dispersion of partial values.Conclusions: High performance swimmers have to hold uniform velocity of movement with small dispersion along the entire distance of swimming.
The purpose of this study was to determine the kinematic variables that identify the quality of velocity in soccer players at different competitive levels and playing positions. This study had two independent variables: 1) a competitive level (competitive and non-competitive players); and 2) a playing position, with four levels (central defenders, wide defenders/midfielders, central midfielders and forwards). Forty-two soccer players took part in a 30 m sprint-test, which was measured using a laser sensor-type 1 (LDM301-Jenoptik) at 2000 Hz. Absolute and relative times, average velocities and absolute and relative maximum velocities over 10 m sections were analyzed at 200 Hz with BioLaserSport®. There were no significant differences in average velocity between competitive and non-competitive players; however, the former reached a greater maximum velocity in the 10-20 m section. Average velocity in the 0-10 m section identified specificity among playing positions in competitive players. The forwards were the fastest followed by the central midfielders, the wide defenders/midfielders and the central defenders. No differences were found among the non-competitive players. Average velocity over the 0-10 meter section may be an important indicator when assigning a playing position for competitive players. These results support the use of more accurate systems, such as a laser system, to identify soccer players’ speed qualities (including maximum velocity) during short sprints.
This study examined the relationship between lower body power and repeated as well as single sprint performance in soccer players. The performance of nineteen male soccer players was examined. The first testing session included the countermovement jump (CMJL) and the progressive full squat (FSL), both with external loads. Power in the CMJL and FSL was measured with each load that was lifted. The second session included a protocol of 40-m repeated sprints with a long recovery period (2 min). The number of sprints executed until there was a 3% decrease in performance for the best 40-m sprint time was recorded as a repeated sprint index (RSI). The RSI was moderately associated with power output relative to body mass in the CMJL and FSL (r = 0.53/0.54, p ≤ 0.05). The most and least powerful players (determined by FSL) showed significant differences in the RSI (9.1 ± 4.2 vs. 6.5 ± 1.6) and 10 m sprint time (p [...] 0.01). Repeated and single sprints are associated with relatively lower body power in soccer players.
Performance assessment has become an invaluable component of monitoring participant's development in distinct sports, yet limited and contradictory data are available in trained subjects. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between ball throwing velocity during a 3-step running throw in elite team handball players and selected measures of rate of force development like force, power, velocity, and bar displacement during a concentric only bench press exercise in elite male handball players. Fitteen elite senior male team handball players volunteered to participate. Each volunteer had power and bar velocity measured during a concentric only bench press test with 25, 35, and 45 kg as well as having one-repetition maximum strength determined. Ball throwing velocity was evaluated with a standard 3-step running throw using a radar gun. The results of this study indicated significant associations between ball velocity and time at maximum rate of force development (0, 66; p<0.05) and rate of force development at peak force (0, 56; p<0.05) only with 25kg load. The current research indicated that ball velocity was only median associated with maximum rate of force development with light loads. A training regimen designed to improve ball-throwing velocity in elite male team handball players should emphasize bench press movement using light loads.
Present paper shows the results of numerical solution Reynolds equation for laminar, steady oil flow in slide bearing gap. Lubrication oil is fluid with micropolar structure. Materials engineering and tribology development helps to introduce oils with the compound structure (together with micropolar structure) as a lubricating factors. Properties of oil lubrication as of liquid with micropolar structure in comparison with Newtonian liquid, characterized are in respect of dynamic viscosity additionally dynamic couple viscosity and three dynamic rotation viscosity. Under regard of build structural element of liquid characterized is additionally microinertia coefficient. In modeling properties and structures of micropolar liquid one introduced dimensionless parameter with in terminal chance conversion micropolar liquid to Newtonian liquid. The results shown on diagrams of hydrodynamic pressure, velocity and velocity of microrotation distribution in dimensionless form in dependence on coupling number N2 and characteristic dimensionless length of micropolar fluid Ë1. Differences were showed on graphs in the schedule of the circumferential velocity oils after the height of the gap in the flow of the micropolar and Newtonian liquid. In presented flow, the influence of lubricating fluid inertia force and the external elementary body force field were omit. Presented calculations are limited to isothermal models of bearing with infinite length.
A pontoon bridge, also known as a floating bridge, can be used as for pedestrian and vehicle traffic. The buoyancy of the floating bridge limits the maximum load it can carry. This research included experimental runs to study variations of open channel flow characteristics upstream and downstream a floating bridge. Eighty one runs have been carried out using a flume in a hydraulic laboratory. The experimental run program is classified into two main categories; the first investigates the velocity ratios (vds/vus) downstream and upstream the floating bridge. The second category is concerned with the energy head losses (hL) due to the presence of a floating bridge. The experimental runs are carried out using three pontoon lengths, three flow depths, six submerged depths, and three discharges. The results are analysed and graphically presented to help predict hydraulic parameters. The outcomes have shown that the floating bridge upstream, Froude number and submergence of the pontoon are the dominant parameters that affect the studied flow characteristics.
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