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This contribution attempts to establish an easy-to-apply non-thermal plasma reactor for efficient toluene removal. Derived from the already established knowledge of the so called Dielectric Barrier Discharge (DBD) Stack Reactor a new model reactor was used in this work. The DBD Stack Reactor is a multi-elements reactor but in this work only one stack element was used to investigate the efficiency and efficacy of toluene removal. In case of reliable results the scalability process for industrial application is already well known. Therefore, laboratory experiments were conducted in dry and wet synthetic air with an admixture of 50 ppm toluene. Along with the toluene removal process the electrical behaviour of the discharge configuration was investigated. It was found that the electrical capacitance of the dielectric barrier changes with variations of the operating voltage. This could be due to the changes in the area of the dielectric barrier which is covered with plasma. Additionally, it was found that the power input into the plasma, at a fixed operating voltage, is proportional to the frequency, which is in agreement with the literature. Regarding the decomposition process, the total removal of toluene was achieved at specific input energy densities of 55 J L-1 under dry conditions and 110 J L-1 under wet conditions. The toluene removal was accompanied by the production of nitric acid (dry conditions) and formic acid (wet conditions). The latter suggested a combination of the plasma reactor with a water scrubber as an approach for total removal of pollutant molecules.
In this work, degradation of the anthraquinonic dye Acid Blue 25 by non-thermal plasma at atmospheric pressure with and without photocatalyst is investigated. Titanium dioxide (TiO2) is used as a photocatalyst. The dye degradation by plasma in the presence of TiO2 is investigated as a function of TiO2 concentration, dye concentration and pH. The degradation rate is higher in acidic solutions with pH of 2 to 4.3, especially at pH 2, and decreases to 0.38 mg L-1 min-1 with the increase of pH from 2 to 5.65. A similar effect is observed in basic media, where a higher degradation rate is found at pH = 10.3. The degradation rate increases in the presence of TiO2 compared to the discharge without photocatalysis. The results show that the degradation of the dye increases in the presence of TiO2 until the catalyst load reaches 0.5 g L-1 after which the suppression of AB25 degradation is observed. The results indicate that the tested advanced oxidation processes are very effective for the degradation of AB25 in aqueous solutions.
The presented work gives an overview on simulation and experimental results of the power supply parameters’ influence on DBD discharge uniformity. The proposed study is about the use of quasi-pulsed, power electronic power supply and a saturable inductor in series with the discharge cell [1]. The simulation results are presented with a parallel DBD reactor model with linear critical voltage distribution. A more uniform current waveform is observed, however, due to small reactor capacitances no streamer formation could be verified in calculations. An experimental test stand was prepared with a double dielectric barrier discharge arrangement. The experimental results are presented with regard to the electrical oscilloscope waveforms and ICCD camera imaging. A more homogenous plasma was observed in the case of saturable inductor with saturation current set at the point of discharge formation. Two possible mechanisms are connected with this phenomenon – inductive element current support during discharge and/or current rise-time limitation [1].
Different diagnostic methods can be used to determine electrons and gas temperatures in the gliding arc plasma reactor. The electrons’ temperature has been determined by optical spectroscopy and gas temperature – by thermovision camera. The results of the thermovision diagnostics of the plasma generated by gliding arc for different process gases and their flow rates are presented and discussed in the paper.
Content available remote Technological features of gliding arc discharges plasma
Investigations presented in the paper show that the kind of plasma gas, its composition and flow rate strongly influence operational characteristics of the power supply system and courses of voltage and instantaneous power. On the basis of researches presented in the paper the direction how to design industrial installations of multielectrode gliding arc reactor power systems accordingly to the requirements of the plasma-chemical process can be formulated.
Przedstawione w pracy badania pokazują, że rodzaj, skład i prędkość przepływu gazu istotnie wpływają na charakterystyki pracy oraz przebiegi napięć i mocy reaktora plazmowego ze ślizgającym się wyładowaniem łukowym. Wyniki badań posłużą do projektowania i budowy przemysłowych instalacji wieloelektrodowych reaktorów plazmowych ze ślizgającym się wyładowaniem łukowym, jako technologicznych źródeł plazmy.
Content available remote Non-thermal plasma treatment induces MAPK signaling in human monocytes
The application of non-thermal atmospheric pressure plasma raises a hope for the new wound healing strategies. Next to its antibacterial effect it is known to stimulate skin cells. However, monocytes are also needed for the complex process of a wound healing. This study investigates the impact of plasma on the intracellular signaling events in the primary human monocytes. The proliferative MEK-ERK (MAPK/ERK kinase-extracellular signal-regulated kinase) pathway was activated by short plasma treatment times. In contrast, an induction of the apoptotic JNK (c-Jun N-terminal kinase) cascade as well as activation of caspase 3 were observed after long plasma exposure. These findings indicate that monocytes can be differentially stimulated by plasma treatment and may contribute to the proper wound recovery.
In this study, the catalytic effect of TiO2-ZnO/GAC coupled with non-thermal plasma was investigated on the byproducts distribution of decomposition of chlorinated VOCs in gas streams. The effect of specific input energy, and initial gas composition was examined in a corona discharge reactor energized by a high frequency pulsed power supply. Detected by-products for catalytic NTP at 750 J L-1 included CO, CO2, Cl2, trichloroacetaldehyde, as well as trichlorobenzaldehyde with chloroform feeding, while they were dominated by CO, CO2, and lower abundance of trichlorobenzaldehyde and Cl2 with chlorobenzene introduction. Some of the by-products such as O2, NO, NO2, and COCl2 &enspdisappeared totally over TiO2-ZnO/GAC. Furthermore, the amount of heavy products such as trichlorobenzaldehyde decreased significantly in favor of small molecules such as CO, CO2, and Cl2 with the hybrid process. The selectivity towards COx soared up to 77% over the catalyst at 750 J L-1 and 100 ppm of chlorobenzene.
Plasma needle is a radio-frequency driven atmospheric plasma, generated in a helium-air mixture at the tip of a pointed metal pin. Plasma needle is a non-equilibrium plasma, characterized by a moderate chemical activity. The discharge is small-sized; it consumes little electric power, and it does not cause thermal damage to the surrounding objects. These features make it suitable for local, high-precision surface modification and treatment of living cells and tissues. In this work we characterize the needle discharge: the measurements of electric voltage and power, temperature, radiation and radical fluxes are shown. Furthermore, its applications in treatment of biological samples are discussed.
In this study, the catalytic effect of TiO2-ZnO/GAC coupled with non-thermal plasma was investigated on the byproducts distribution of decomposition of chlorinated VOCs in gas streams. The effect of specific input energy, and initial gas composition was examined in a corona discharge reactor energized by a high frequency pulsed power supply. Detected by-products for catalytic NTP at 750 J L-1 included CO, CO2, Cl2, trichloroacetaldehyde, as well as trichlorobenzaldehyde with chloroform feeding, while they were dominated by CO, CO2, and lower abundance of trichlorobenzaldehyde and Cl2 with chlorobenzene introduction. Some of the by-products such as O3, NO, NO2, and COCl2 disappeared totally over TiO2-ZnO/GAC. Furthermore, the amount of heavy products such as trichlorobenzaldehyde decreased significantly in favor of small molecules such as CO, CO2, and Cl2 with the hybrid process. The selectivity towards COx soared up to 77% over the catalyst at 750 J L-1 and 100 ppm of chlorobenzene.
Content available remote Study of 6 electrodes gliding arc discharge configuration
Experimental results of the I-V characteristics of the 6 electrode gliding arc discharge are presented. As a power system two 3-phase transformers were used instead of sixth-phase transformer. Power and energy in the two-, three- and six electrodes reactor were measured and photographs of the discharge development by high speed camera were detected.
Przedstawiono badania charakterystyk prądowo-napięciowych ślizgającego się wyładowania łukowego w konfiguracji 6 elektrodowej. Jako układ zasilania wykorzystano dwa transformatory trójfazowe. Mierzono moc i energię wyładowania w układzie dwu-, trzy- i sześcioelektrodowym oraz rejestrowano rozwój wyładowania za pomocą szybkiej kamery.
Technologie wykorzystujące nietermiczną plazmę generowaną przy ciśnieniu atmosferycznym za pomocą wyładowań elektrycznych stanowią technicznie i ekonomicznie uzasadnioną alternatywę dla klasycznych metod chemicznych i termicznych, wykorzystywanych w procesach oczyszczania powietrza, wody i mediów stałych, takich jak gleby. Praca zawiera przegląd badań prowadzonych w Instytucie Podstaw Elektrotechniki i Elektrotechnologii Politechniki Lubelskiej w zakresie układów zasilania reaktorów plazmowych, w których wykorzystywane są transformatory o nieliniowych magnetowodach.
Non-thermal plasma based technologies are the reasonable and economically justified alternatives for classical chemical or thermal processes of air, water and soil pollution control. Paper presents researches conducted in the Institute of Electrical Engineering and Electrotechnologies of Lublin University of Technology on the power systems of non-thermal plasma reactors, that are based on nonlinear transformers.
W artykule opisano wykorzystanie plazmy niskotemperaturowej do traktowania powierzchni materiału przeznaczonego do procesu enkapsulacji ogniw fotowoltaicznych w celu zabezpieczenia ich przed degradacją podczas pracy. W pracy opisano wpływ oddziaływania plazmy na właściwości optyczne i powierzchniowe materiału polimerowego. Wyniki pomiarów optycznych wskazują, że modyfikacja plazmowa materiałów poprawia ich transmitancję, co jest efektem pozytywnym w przypadku stosowania ich w technologii ogniw słonecznych.
The plasma treatment of the material surface used in the process of encapsulation of laboratory photovoltaic cell to protect the cells from degradation during their operation. The influence of plasma on the optical and surface properties of materials is described. The results of optical measurements indicate that plasma modification of materials improves their transmittance, which is a positive effect when using materials for photovoltaic purpose.
Content available remote Zastosowania nietermicznej plazmy w biotechnologiach
W pracy dokonano przeglądu środowiskowych i biomedycznych zastosowań nietermicznej plazmy generowanej przy ciśnieniu atmosferycznym. Przedstawiono warunki generacji nietermicznej plazmy oraz wybrane wyniki obróbki gleby z wykorzystaniem ozonu generowanego za pomocą wyładowań barierowych.
Paper presents review of environmental and biomedical applications of non-thermal plasma generated at atmospheric pressure. Conditions of non-thermal plasma generation are given and chosen results of soil sterilization with ozone produced by dielectric barrier discharges are presented.
Content available remote Generation of ozone and nitrogen oxides in positive corona and spark discharges
In this contribution, the results of the measurement of the production of ozone and nitrogen oxides in the air processed by a corona discharge or a spark discharge in a needle-to-plate non-thermal plasma reactor are presented. The results show that the corona discharge generated in the air produces O, and N,O. Their concentrations increased with the increasing residence time. Neither NO nor NO2 were produced in the corona discharge. However, the production of NO and NO2 was observed when the air was processed by the spark discharge. Contrary to the corona discharge, the spark did not produce ozone. The absence of the production of NO and NO2 in the positive corona discharge is in contradiction with many previous results.
Content available remote Urządzenie mikrofalowe do generacji płaszczyzny plazmowej
W niniejszym artykule prezentowane jest nowe urządzenie mikrofalowe pracujące na częstotliwości 2,45 GHz, które służy do wytwarzania płaszczyzny plazmowej. Unikalny kształt generowanej płaszczyzny plazmowej jest bardzo dogodny do obróbki powierzchni, a więc atrakcyjny dla zastosowań w przemyśle. Prezentowany mikrofalowy generator płaszczyzny plazmowej jest urządzeniem wytwarzającym plazmę nietermiczną w argonie pod ciśnieniem atmosferycznym.
In this paper, a new microwave device operated at 2.45 GHz for generation of plasma sheet is presented. The unique shape of generated plasma sheet is very convenient for surface treatment, thus it is attractive for industry. Presented microwave generator of plasma sheet produces non-thermal plasma in argon at atmospheric pressure.
Content available remote Technologie zimnej plazmy. Wytwarzanie, modelowanie, zastosowania
Praca przedstawia przegląd źródeł nietermicznej plazmy generowanej przy ciśnieniu atmosferycznym, główne obszary ich zastosowań, oraz problemy modelowania matematycznego ślizgającego się wyładowania łukowego. Podano wybrane wyniki modelowania. Omówiono zastosowania technologii zimnej plazmy w eko- i bioinżynierii.
The paper presents review of atmospheric pressure low temperature plasma sources, the main areas of their applications and chosen problems of gliding arc discharge modelling. Some modelling results are presented. The applications of cold plasma methods to ecology and bioengineering are discussed.
In recent years, it has been realized that agriculture has become one of the economic sectors with a huge impact on the environment. There-fore, measures have been taken to reduce the negative impact of agricultural production on the environment. The use of biostimulants in agriculture, especially of plant origin, is part of this trend. However, obtaining suitable formulation of biostimulants requires the development of appropriate technologies for their production. Therefore, it was undertaken to investigate the possibility of using gliding arc cold plasma (GA) and low-pressure microwave (MW) discharges to produce water plant extracts with biostimulating potential. An increase in total polyphenol content and antioxidant activity was observed, indicating the high potential of using low-pressure microwave discharge to produce effective plant biostimulants. Also, low-pressure microwave discharge improved the extraction of elements such as Ca, K and Fe.
W ostatnich latach zdano sobie sprawę, że rolnictwo stało się jednym z sektorów gospodarki o ogromnym wpływie na środowisko. W związku z tym podjęto działania mające na celu zmniejszenie negatywnego wpływu produkcji rolnej na środowisko. Wykorzystanie biostymulatorów w rolnictwie, zwłaszcza pochodzenia roślinnego, jest częścią tego trendu. Uzyskanie odpowiedniej formulacji biostymulatorów wymaga jednak opracowania odpowiednich technologii ich produkcji. W związku z tym podjęto się zbadania możliwości wykorzystania zimnej plazmy (GA) i niskociśnieniowych wyładowań mikrofalowych (MW) do produkcji wodnych ekstraktów roślinnych o potencjale biostymulującym. Zaobserwowano wzrost całkowitej zawartości polifenoli i aktywności przeciwutleniającej, co wskazuje na wysoki potencjał wykorzystania niskociśnieniowych wyładowań mikrofalowych do produkcji skutecznych biostymulatorów roślinnych. Ponadto, niskociśnieniowe wyładowanie mikrofalowe poprawiło ekstrakcję pierwiastków takich jak Ca, K i Fe.
W artykule przedstawiono zmodyfikowaną metodę sterowania przetwornicą rezonansową w topologii pełnego mostka, pozwalającą na zminimalizowanie tętnień napięcia wyjściowego w przypadku pracy impulsowej przy zachowaniu odpowiedniej amplitudy głównych impulsów wyjściowych. Zastosowanie tej metody w impulsowych zasilaczach wysokiego napięcia współpracujących z komorami wyładowczymi pozwala na znaczące zredukowanie poziomu niepożądanych drgań napięcia wyjściowego, a co za tym idzie poprawy sprawności urządzenia, oraz powstania możliwości liniowej regulacji mocy dostarczanej do komory.
The article presents a modified method of controlling the resonant full bridge topology inverter. This method allows to minimize the output voltage ripple following the main pulse and maintain proper amplitude of the main output pulses. The use of this method in impulse high voltage power supplies cooperating with the discharge chambers can reduce level of unwanted oscillation of the output voltage. This way of control improve the device efficiency and gives possibility of linear regulation of power supplied to the chamber.
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